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Show R oy. to Win :| pi Title | A > gasper. ydtgnden Roy and (3 > South, with Roy claiming. the|5 battle: 40 to 37, gave the Weber|0 County junior high basketball fans on of their top games of = 15181040 season Friday. In the day’s second clash, Wahl-|- Coach Wayne Cottle’s Wahiquist "Eagles to first spot in the? © league with a 50 to 37 victory over| = a A a = Ping > Roy ‘iced contest) = = a 39 to 38, South Spartan’s defeated Valley, s deadly little duel was set dur.) the first half in the South-7y meeting as the session was) 11-11 at the first canto, and keh Po 50 to 39, in the day’s ee : "== still knotted 21-21 at the inter} ao “they edged to their shaky three-|~ with 10, led the Red. jtories and no defeats. oe > The battle was of the see-sawi) > \variety and Wahlquist was forced == - Ss - skins to the triumph. - Scott= Mickey’s 12 points was high forr ‘South. ts topped © |to come from behind to offset ani= | © 18-23 deficit at the intermission. | Wahlquist’s rangy and speedy|i= | \basketeers were led to the tri-/ = | umph by the fine shooting of Andy >a.” » Ackerman and Rick Favero. Ack‘jerman dunked 11 and Favero; "scored 10 points. None of the Roy players was able to break : Re _\into the double figures. ok ae digi Kirk Johansen’s 14 ; Wahlquist’s scoring parade. Andy; - Ackerman added 13, and Ricks 'Favero made 12 points for they "Eagles Ed Avtvuletio’ s 16 shadowed alll » efforts at the hoop as the Valley) face led a good team in - east > scrap. The season .was Clean Slate | iIn County be Ebest : showing of the Dane ‘The scores: Burley Archuletta Roylance - Shaw 1 55 6 3 The their Eagles of Wahlquist kept’? -Creamer added 11 points. record unspotted Friday as \@ upended a stubborn crew || jthey Stoker 0000 Willard’ 0 0 0 Of} )from South, 45 to 34, ina Weber Box Cheer teidee e | Voss, |} Connie Wahlquist Pant gold. Ware Mortensen and NaLani You ( Stevens Schiffman Miss Pat Berger is faculty advisor Bel John Kap Buhler Koga Totals eae : P pane Coach Clark Puifer clea red his § ‘bench as he sent 15 players into§ E the gvame, which was well on the| == Redskins’ side at the close of the © i first canto, 9-0. | Roy was in front 24-11 at the § GTF scores: : oieuintana Junior High School are Juli Diane | County junior high school bas- js ketball game. leaders. Roy’s Redskins made a return§ ‘to the victor’s ranks with a 61) a / to 39 win over the Valley Bull-@ )) dogs in the day's second league ae. 'Groberg — G. Larson | Mickey 532128 » Aldrich 4 ie 8 : Burley - Archuletta4 Clawson s Creamer: 46 ‘Schiffman collected 18 for =| Redskins. | But the day’s highest a) w as achieved by a Valley i-tas Ed Archuletta potted 21 : - : The Spartans of South oe ee with Wahlquist, but ended with an [ya |= 7 Kirk , Johansen_. of scored 16 tallies to lead = 13: 7 45 He et ie 4 LA W'S 0 0 3 3 2 2 20-000 G z 0 2 1 2 3 Aldrich Bowden Owens Leishman Johansen Mickey Darley HAAAKO - "| VALLEY > GTF . Stevens . Orrock Steed — . Kelstrom Burley Archuletta 2 . Doman ey wil Saute tk Stoker tal ] 32 0 0. 0 0 0 0 | ae between Roy andii = Wahlquist has met and defeated @ = of its opponents in the === = = Gary Stokes-coached quint is dan- ) 7 "|gerous any time. South’s mark is} 1-3. Roy, with a 3-1 mark for sec-j) > |ing away from the home court in © the Friday contest, and this factor adds a bit of extra hope to ae |the Spartans, quist on tthe following week, jaa. = ae » | Should Roy win Friday the4 "|Redskins could knot the ‘league standing with a victory over Wahl- | : oe on ss 7 oreo be Ee ap-—ee | ,,ond spot in the loop, will be play- a 1 2 is 8 65 2 _ Clawson 3 2:0 * Creamer 0 4 2 to ‘|all three 0” Totals CORWONOA—-ws 1 5 Chambers 0 0 oe 0 7 0 4 0 0 f 1 2 0 0 0 0 =. ; j|current season, while. Valley still| ao : > |awaits its first victory. RY oe || Valley has a record of four defeats and no wins. ee. || Although South’s Spartans can = boast of a single win, they have py... | J had some close battles and the p= the : -S0UE TFP 4 0 0 | 0 5 1 0 LSS ee ee eS WAHLQUIST ale set- (= South, the Weber County. junior e high league’s second basketball >” battle scheduled for Friday. 3 add- whipped scores: with no and lead to five victories, The week’s real contest feepears ee Mena The dae. wins dogs Friday, and should rate bet- (3 =| South’s scoring was headed by | "Azer Aldrich, who strings for 15 points. four | |backs, takes on the Valley Bull- a ahlquist | the romp ‘to the rim, and Rick Favero ,ed 13 for Wahlquist. _ of © iter than a 50-50 chance to stretch § Piits oe )\to a slow start in their contest impressive fourth quarteras they jp made 13 points while Wahlquist >| was nettting seven. ao string | output} player points.| got off : | Wahlquist’s » Pee 4 intermission. Jack Bell of Roy Swished the =| cords for 19 markers to head the| ©) scoring onslaught, and Robert come ° -* ) all through its encounter with Valley, and was on top 28-15 at js the half. Azer Aldrich’s 16 points) =” » |was high for South. Ed Archulettale “imade 12 for Valley, and teammate | H Cremer 3 5 -Clawson 20 0 46 : afeffarson 16) 3p TPOSONNNODBOWNO—-O-O4 7 o FHOOCNHKRO—WOSOCOO, aes ONG eh ] 0 PPE South enjoyed substantial mar-— "Sins | 1 0 0 2F oo) = 0 1 2 0 y 0 20 Bese 0 0 G TE 7 62 1:0 1 | O-“SONNO=ON=——00 JOOR. Chambers 412 Favero ~ 74 B FP 3 13 Ackerman 02°C; ene 0 O Celler. iB OC Oes ~ eG 5 11 #0 0 VALLE || | @ WAHLQUIST. cae en-— The season ended for the four- |= 31-29. The Redskins claimed the 2 ontest in the final quarter as\” ischiffman, second 1 gagement. © school county loop Friday, with) || Roy in second spot, with a 4-2)733 record. South placed third, withh= |'a mark of 2-4, and Valley last, | d with an 0-6 standing, — = Wahlquist’s victory gaia tie dt : -- coach Cottle’s crew to achievel a) --a coveted spotless record for the - season, with a record of six vic- i: ue ission. South’s Spartans picked. up ab Jead in the third, and reached “the end of that quarter in front,- ~ . P oint victory, . = Brent Kap, with 13, and Richard|- a withp@ Roy,)= WodAOU< in much closer than the fans expect-ed. league Friday triumph over MOAN Bulldogs sijunior high a one-point HhWOD '\Valley’s won the 1963 basketball © championship of the Weber County |=” ANN clung oaNOCOCOND pe cust ii Feb. s : ‘Totals is 28 W 39% : | ae, |