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Show FOUNDERS DAY PTA Council to Tour - District Facilities A. half century of education and, its relationship with the PTA wall be emphasized at a srecial PTA | Founders’. Day observance Monday night sponsored by the , Weber Council PTA. The Weber School District’s edu- -. — | | ~~ cational television studios and team ' teaching facilities will be explained : S to members of the council and local ' PTA units as well as school of- > ficials and guests. : ' The observance will include a tour of four of the district’s schools | which are equipped with the newest | teaching devices. Jack Evertsen, president of the council, said the event will begin with a business session at 7 p.m. in the Weber High School auditorjum. A special feature of the business session will be a panel discussion covering the advances in education during the past 50 years. The panel will be composed of John Reese, Anthony Russell, Mrs. Margaret Berlin, Erwin Higley and In Use at Senior "High Eight new, t flexible & classrooms | Architect Keith W. Wilcox nial . OVER WEBER'S é designed for the modern team that novel features of the design) by the Weber- School | teaching concept. pioneered by the | approved Board includes. folding soundproof) »+ Weber School District are HOW: in School districts throughout the partitions which are made of leaded) feature a demonstration on teaching | farbic. and sealed-in lead at floor =| learnmachines and programmed ested in the Weber Distriet pro- — and ceiling. ee ing2. Eset 000 ‘nda: Sia grams of teaching by means of | Concrete teaching centers ‘sepa- noe The final stop will be at the Mar- < me ‘Space for 240 children in the flex- rate two large rooms, each of mechanical assists such as which Lon Hills Elementary: School where } ible classrooms arid 75 places for can be divided into two or i machines and profour) = team teaching will be discussed. _ girls in the new home economics classrooms as required. gramming texts. The cenLight refreshments will be served E = section of the new buildidng. Study ters will have audi-eletronic Visitors here this week to Weaids) afterward. alcoves provide 30 extra spaces. . pes Bonne ile and— W. ist to be used by the teaching team. The PTA was founded Feb. Ale : = Wabhiquist Junior High had been. Educators throughout the United™ | 1897, by two women with a profound built for 650 pupils but enrollment States have shown intereset in the. = ; desire to bridge the gap between | » passed the 900 mark in the fall Weber District building program? the school and home. semester, Principal Spencer Wyatt which emphasizes flexible class-) Alice McLellan Birney and > said. rooms such as the new Wahlquist Phoebe Apperson Hearst called The addition was badly needed addition, and send administrators| e 7 their first meeting in Washington, » to eliminate the overcrowding that to Utah to inspect such facilities. D. C., with 2,000 persons attend-» forced the school gymnasium and Dr. T. H. Bell, superintendent ing.. Today the organization has a cafeteria to double as classroom of the district, said that the prog-)= @ way. School Disha ds = membership of several million par- 9 = space. | been able to build flexible classress in flexibility has been extreme-— ; ents and teachers. P oe Bids were “opened _ May 9, 1961, ly rapid, going from simple partii| rooms designed for the modern F with construction started soon after tions to separate areas of a class-)» —methods of study at about the. a - by the Campion Construction Co., room to the same cost as for conventional entire new additions x and the addition was completed by classrooms, the visitors were and buildings now being f Soe con-) ee ce the end of 1961. - told. Clee 7 a tour of the round Sraped North Park School in Roy. The third stop at Bonneville vtigh 1 ‘School in Washington Terrace will J TEACHER AIDS” Charles Hislop, school and PTA) ~ workers, with Dr. William Boren,) — administrative assistant in the dis- | trict, serving as moderator. Slides of schools constructed in al past era will be an added attrac- be a tion. The session will then adjourn and |. To Address | the audience will travel to the tele-| ©, vision studio at the school where |= \.an explanation of the facilities F will be presented. School buses will be available to| 2 continue the tour of buildings 1 inf ue district. re pi “High a be at Wahl-Ba quist unior sa ool : ior Adie hefore cameras when spel-| =~ = Cialists from Chicago, Ill., came toe — Ogden this week to make a film): > record of flexible classrooms in the) - utilize a teaching team approach to) = _ - + _ teachers, set up a “team situation for The the soundproof partitions were) Recently he discussed the con-| - cepts of merit pay, team and auto- | : mated teaching and flexible class-|~ ~~ rooms with administrators from the Fifth District at Idaho State College. = Dents were wales g pneered-by. the carried out at t [ f closed to separate four classrooms, addition nat. ~~ two of these four-room areas facing one another across a doubleee stage on which electronic teach-— ing centers can be placed. > About 40 individual study alcoves) ejare part of the $321,000 addition). © which allows individual students to/=3. ' advance through their studies at > various levels if desirable. ' > Mr. Wyatt hopes to put the flex-— = sible classrooms, among the mostpe modern in America, into full-time = use when school convenes after thes © holidays. Soon afterward, a film will be '+made by the manufacturer of thee "partitions showing them in action= - with students receiving. the benefith ;of the most advanced thinking in@ = | education today, Mr. Wyatt said. — = “You know team teaching ori-b 9 OLD TIME DESKS where members of a Founder’s Day will sit to discuss schools of a by-gone era are dusted off by Jack Evertsen and Dee Shupe (left to right). Mr. Evertsen is president of the Weber Council PTA, sponsors of the meeting. Mr. Shupe is superintendent of paleee and Lends ue the Weber School Disaath _ginated in Utah,” he said, “andj 3 |; Wahlquist Junior High was juste about the first school to traing= *-\teachers for this » tive approach.” new and effec- = _superintend- = thes xible| ah en Die e newly : com pet e Wahlquist Junior Hig Administrators '= and classroam.idea_whi teaching) photographers. trators at Soda Springs on Feb. 2.7 ’ | education. s Mrs. Mercy Ledingharn, Bob Col| vin, Mac Ence and,Bruce Griffin | Because the Weber School Dis‘trict “seems to have answers to? — some important educational prob- | lems,’’ Assistant Superintendent La-| Verd John has been invited to speak > to eastern Idaho school adminis- - ee ~~ = new addition being completed. Bee Principal Spencer Wyatt said that) Se films were shot and recordings) — jmade for use by a national con~~ tractor’s sales force as an example/ » of the use of special partitions top panel | ‘Idaho Group Ww tere i were also. f ae aN inter- - ested in the merit pay program at ee _ Weber, and some. seemed surprised) - that the district had no trouble ob-| -/ taining teachers. Mr. John told them the merit pro-|~ | gram was on a voluntary basis and) that teachers were not penalized : jin any way if they did not desire | — ~ * pay concept. Two persons judge the teacher on) technique and methods according to *| the “seven conditions of learning,’ not on subject matter which is re-) = = vealed through a national test, Mr. _ Jchn. said. “We are glad to pass on lessons 7 we have learned since the incep- ae - \tion of these various programs,” | : the Weber District official Satu. = |