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Show "ROY CAPTURES TITLE. oe — Wahlauist Is Secoad | In Basketball Loop The four-school Weber “County / with a record of 1 win and five deJunior High basketball season feats. The county basketball league was : ended last week | with a new chal supervised by Glen Miller of the = : pion enthroned. county school administration. That would be Coach Clark Put. South, hungry for at least one! - fer’s Roy Redskins, of course, who triumph on its record, pulled itself ‘Friday tacked up their sixth together in the climatic game to ‘straight triumph to close out a earn a final victory last week. good season without a single deMembers of Roy’s 1962 cham-| fifeat. — pionship basketball team are RobNot many teams enjoy the un- ert Atkinson, Dave Chambers, Barblemished record. Roy claimed the ry Eldredge, Al Warden, Dave” coveted crown in competition with Kite, Steve Rawlings, Vernon Wil-~ an able league. And it was con- lis, Blake Hazen, Clinton Passey, oe sistent team work that earned the Jeff Shulz, Brent Kap, Richard | Schiffman, Jack Bell, Ronnie Koga, Don McCloy, Steve AMeNS; and Gene Buhler. 5 oe a be eS by — ; FINAL and Coach Cage Seg The Roy Redskins of Coach Clark _ Puffer’s realized the dream of all "| basketball teams Friday when.they) = L 4 5 Gary Stokes’ Spartans ended-in last spot, | Sc in County league junior high the Weber with a spotless record of six wins and no} defeats. — Ae cael ‘The fir ~ Wahlquist i a of Coach. Wa ane » Cottie’s, with Roy taking the ses3 : sion. 0 In ARIE 2 8 the league’s RRR Ss 4 other game,|- South’s Spartans notched their first ‘victory of the season, winning over’ Valley’s Bulldogs, 49 to 40, to add| Pct.p a bright spot to an otherwise jyear at the hoop. 0 Crow- won the pennant With = Robert Atkinson, dull |” Barry | "Eldredge and Al Warden drilling | the webs for twin figures, the Red- | ) skins got in front early and con- tinued to widen the count as the "session progressed. -. - Atkinson and Eldredge both’ scored 15 points, with Warden added 10 to. head the romp to the rim for) a ™ Wahl quist Ends Successful e § gained the final and eagerly wanted victory sans the services of David Chambers, a usual starter, who was sidelined with a back injury. “The South win was aided greatly Season earlier agtions. Wahl- | baskets quist started the season off with a loss and ended with a off with | Coach Ralph Crowton’s Bulldogs | led through the first half, and were on top 21-17 at the intermission, but South ended with a strong fourth >for the nine-point victory. The as | Coach Cottle’ 's comment. to lead the pointmaking. Sherm Bailey and Ed Archeleta) ) ‘each collected eight for the losers. © score: WAHLQUIST GTF Powell 4 321 Favero 1 0 illis chiffman ulz popes ad -.- Ackinson Johansen e@eee... Jones Galverson 0 2 1 laredge EAee _ Rawlings ell NWNRONNONOD The 1 Qos 40. Wahlquist beat South 4125 February. 9, at Wahlquist for the last game of the season. The members of the basket- | “ball squad are: Myron Powell, iRicky Favero, Kirk Johansen, - Richard Jones, David Edwards, ‘Tom Geilman, Earl McFarland,’ Keith Orton, Terry Hancock, | Brett Costley, John Olson, and. | Gregg German. “Jowell, Johansen, and Orton "pretty well carried the games,” i Valley a 3@ jwas again beaten by Roy 52- | Jim Harrop swished 16 points for | | azen °S » next game was held January 19 | Sat South. Wahlquist won the "game by a score of 30-23. The Eagles edged Valley at Wahl— quist 36-24 to make up for | - (their loss earlier. February 2, "*Roy won over Wahlquist : 7 39-44; the game was played at | Roy. February 6, Wahlquist all” i 42-29. o ~< of the Totals “152693 Totals 1520 1040) Pos score a a took the game-| COMNOWO-WONnn Fwith 12. Valley for 16 points to lead SPOSSOGSCROH Ona ao = gael moge8ei? ary of the sea- bombed > crew. > Valley at Wahlquist on Janu- spies started He efforts at the hoop for the session. Jerry Campbell added 12 markers for South, and Tom Agricola pumped in eight for the Gary Stokes’ COMOOMOR0CO—==@| victory. The season his first-and only game ',son. An igjury kept him out of the; SOOO tournament. \by Milt Jeason, who was playing _ WW OCWO-ONOVON basketball ~ —~ARO—-NOOOC NS > ~Wahlquist placed second in \the Weber County Junior High | | @4NROO-O-O © PeNNDO—hOONY mark, South a STANDINGS ton, claimed third spot, with a 2-4 > ) im?) 16 Jenson ae |