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Show < Science Fair Prizes, Be Cash Awards on Hand ~ ! ‘ The awards are “rolling in” for varying denominations. | potential winners Weber Regional - slated for Weber of the Science State ‘Friday and Saturday. Ninth All entrants will Es receive cer- - Cash totaling $185 been| | donated by area firms has and serv-| _ NEWSPAPER AWARDS The Ogden Standar ; ner ice clubs. Scientific volumes from | Will award cups to all d-Exami first place jthe Science Fair International,|Winmers and to runners| trips and pins and certificates of UP. Schools ofplaques winning students ! achi h will receive ihe totale Oe ae at similar awards ae ae studenttes-, : Ba Fair tificates of achievement for their entries, College : | ) = | The two top winners will be. All isent, exhibits will be set up it all expenses paid, to the the auto mechanics shops at We- = Fair International at Al- ber College, on the northeastern| |side of the campus . No one other= oe BeMeNane, ea eae “Science ee co pete scientists jdozen | honors ) from foreign with50 other states countries for —o a _ AWARDS je : RESTR than students and the judges will fs tyro:a 42 permitted and inside until 7:30 |) top/P-™- Friday. Winners will be an- |= nounced Saturday afternoon. s The exhibits will be open to the| ICTED public from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Friday | This award is restricted to sen-|and from 10 a.m. until about 2 ‘ior high students, Similarly some | p.m. Saturday. No admission is - senior high student will be award- charged. _, ed a two-week Navy cruise, either! The regional fair is sponsored a -0n a shore station or a ship atjeach Sea. That trip will not be a vaca- lege, year by Weber State Colthe -Utah Academy of Arts, - tion-type cruise, but will be in-| Letters and Sciences and the Ogtended to further the student’s/|den Standard-Examiner. - knowledge - | WEBER that won Science HIGH senior Erna Fryer displays exhibit her a top award Fair Saturday in the and Weber in some area of science} Regional Contestants are winners of fairs | held in junior Another senior may be Utah's schools in North and senior high Davis, Weber, # winner selected to attend the a trip to the Science Fair International in New Mexico next month. - Morgan, Western Electronics show and con- counties. se = = oT Win Th ree Top Prizes: Fair International at Albu- In the junior high section | LAWS” ae national fair were Stephen Ander- ae of Physics e The 2 3 Weber be similarly honored. On Friday ae County Commission i i A © has donated $50; Ogden First Fed- | | a ee i eral Savings and Loan Associa_ tion, $20: First Security Bank, 5 - $10; Commercial Security Bank, § $10; Elks Lodge, $10; Marquardt, $50; Ogden Lions Club * $10, , and the Tanner Memorial Clinic, Lay-© ton, $25. — - 5 2Day Fair | WILL GET GOLD PINs junior highs and silver: pins will| be awarded second place win- | | The Ninth Annual Regional|” ' )Science Fair opens Friday at We) : - ber State College, with the largest + number of entries in history. The cash will be divided in sey) Saas Scientific projects and written)” eral categories, with awards ef ‘reports from 147 boys and girls] oe as be alles and senior high schools) /_ ae ~ : jin Ogden City, Weber County and \North Davis County have been entered. , | Entries total 99 from junior ee " Jhigh schools and 36 from senior | Oo ae highs, with six oral reports en-|7 = ee ~ ___-'‘tered’ from each of the two gen-|7 ~ © jeral divisions. The figures were given : at 7 at meeting of the fair committee \the college Wednesday evening. : = F 5 Milk. a THIRD PLACE took second and received $5, and) Noella Wallington of Bonneville | third was won by Patty Williams, > won $5 for a third place in applie Ogden, with “Fluoridation | "Physical science with ‘Phenakis-d|Mt. Benefits.”” She received $5. » toscope,”’ and John Higdon took} In science reporting, first placep » third in basic physical with “A! and $10 went to Betsy Anne Moler & : - System for Satellite Auxiliary | and second to Steven Gwilliam, © _ Power.” He was awarded $5. | who was awarded $5. Senior winners in earth scie Each first place winner will re-) Fences were Howard Collette of ceive a trophy cup from the OgBonneville with “Weather Obser= | den Standard-Examiner at a vation,” $10; Paul Wheeler of Bon-| school award assembly later in? neville, “Lightning and the Nitrothe year. Second place winners 2 gen Cycle,” and Steven Hales of | will get plaques , all with names |= e Bec a “Air Mass Interac-|inseribed and the area in which & @ tions,” $5, they competed. Their schools will | In science reporting, first place! - , and Gold pins will go to all first ~ place winners in both senior and || - Wing Flight,” entered by j= “Fuel Cell,” in biological sei John Lyksett, South and won $10; High, = ence. , with “How Good Is Junior Your ¢ “Handbook hers. ed on an Os cilliscope,”’ $5, a “Principal of | : Pevevlle, | by Algae” and Steve EARTH SCIENCE ‘Smith of Ben Lomond with his In earth science first went to) - demonstration of “Gas Laws.” Gloria Manning of Wahlquist, | He was also second place win- with “Coal,” $5; second to Netina her in basic physical science and Langston, South, ‘Reaction of Soil qwon the book, ‘Handbook of on Plants,” $5, and third to James Chemistry” and $10. Roy, “Geology of Oil,” $5.3 Bruce Erickson of Weber High Reed, In | Was 5 named alternate for the Navy Bartlet biological ience, St . = , entere|d} crulse and awarded $5 for his: “Sound t, Bonneville and Ear,” < | oe of json of Clearfield High with “<Air|WH0 ereceivedas $5. Regeneration f= Another may receive a one-vol- ‘ume Johnson, Mt. Ogden, with “A Sim- Lo Physical science with “Plasma ple Rocket,” $5. j Engines’ Sang : and Miss; Fryer in bio- | In applied physical science first | / logical science with “Neurology.’’ | was James Lewis, “Processing | = ae = Young Campbell’s entry was also) Coal Gas,” $10; second, Cynthiabe | -# 10 applied physical science, €n- Murphy , Wahlquist, with “Sound b = 4 tieled “Project Delta-H.”’ Display “GAS Daggett | the Regional Fair. A complete 20- : World Book Encyclopedia |; will be awarded to another senior | Chemistry,” valued near $15, the fair, first place in basic physiaj sciences was awarded Douglas /Pohl, with “Tracking Atomic Par- |) ticles,” $10; second to Diane Buck, | Named alternates to the inter-|'ay, and * high winner. © took a two-week cruise offered by Wahliquis t, with “The Eye and the = the Navy. : ._,|Camera,” $5, and third, to Dean Young Wescott won in applied - Summit Cow "volume Saturday. _ | went to Leota Murakami, who re- | Named to compete in the Sci-/ceived 15 volumes. jduerque, N. M., in May were} |Thayne Wescott of Bonneville! © High and Erna Fryer of Weber | » High. Scott Campbell, Bonneville, Francisco’s Palace, Aug. 20-23. Fifty Mentor science books will ‘be distributed to both juniors |F and seniors taking top places at |e - Three Weber County School Dis- , was awarded Mary Ann Crookston | ~ trict high school seniors ve of Bonneville who received 25 Soff with the top awards at Weber Regional Science Fair the . on Mentor science books. Second ee "ence vention at San - 7 In Local Science Fair » 'as utilized by the Navy. Also o approved was a list of 43 prospective judges from industry, | business, medicine and educa- j |tional fields. The regional fair will in two sections of the auto me-| chanics shops at the college,in ‘the northeastern corner of the -, campus. re - | The young scientists - up their displays Friday afternoon | — will set} | with judging expected to be com-| 7 ~ =} pleted by 7 p.m. Results will be i announced Saturday | near noon.) The general public is invited to attend from 7:30 Friday to 10 and again on Saturday from 10 a.m.) : “\to about 12:30 p.m. Awards for the winners of the! fair are covered istory on page 2D. in a related : |