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Show FOR JUNIOR HIGHS a 0000 to Take | Part Festival: 1 | | me | An estimated 1,000 or more ‘stu | - Participating will, a > hapa dents from Weber County Schools Sroups from each of the four county | will Participate ‘Thursday in the tenth annual junior high school. junior high schools: Roy, Wahlquist, choral festival sponsored by Weber South and Valley, and also aes : College. : ear River. The day-long demonstrations avill Ogden School District conducts be held at Moench auditorium, low- its own choral. festiva l. er campus, beginnin ig at 9 a.m: Mr. Hanson said an- adjudicator oe Glenn L. Hanson, assistant profes. will | discuss the performances with sor of music at Weber, is festival | teache rs of the schools and others, director. | but there will be no attempt to rate i, the groups as to first, second andy = / SO forth. - “The purpose of this festival is to enable students and their music directors and other teachers to observe and listen to the work of groups of other schools of similar | age,” he said. “We want to try tol / 4) pace each other on the road to ex-} | cellence,”’ ae and ‘oihets are welcom e "| to atten College Announces Superior Winners | eS In Junior High School Music Event — pie of students were rated. . Maughan : superior in the Junior High School Louise and Harline, | Music Festival sponsored by Weber Delpha the activity which drew| Louanna Schmidt: ' Batenbureg; and ‘Alma Ensembles: Bruce Hut, Marvin Marline, Lowstedt, Frank Andrews and Scott Bingham and Sherry. ve Batenburg.g. arid Maribeth Taylor, oe Canal 'Cellege music department. Stephens; | K. Earl Erickson, director of in- | Jana Blair, | strumental music for the College, | Allan Cook. ‘eae Carolyn Blakemore Marshall....Co and | immy | Gien..Wade. es Ann Jackson, Rona Gaylene Cardwell, as d oS more than 150 instrumentalists from | Lee Wilcox, Denice Bradshaw, Na-|| panes Ogden and Weber County schools, | dine Hadley and Ester Williamsen; || oars Allan Mike Cook, Raowies. Vie Jensen, DixonAllen. Lar- |= Several schools enrolled large kin... Vecxen numbers of students, while others Thair Phillips, Bill Wise ‘and Ralph were represented by less than aj Butler; dozen. This is reflected in the plac- | Malone, ; | ings Marcia Nicholson, Patti (= Joy Chapple, Lark White- Boe head and Jana Blair. Roy Junior High: Soloists: below. a Fae | Students were judged as soloists. Petterson, Kathy Larson, Michael § Hand in groups. Those placing | Nelson, Duet: Richard Russell and & | superior follow: Junior Central | Susan Kershaw 4 eS i: Pade Highland Harriet : High: Ma Dee Bambrough. Quartet: Mike Nel- Soloists: | $0") ats Lyon, Larry Palmer and |] = Barbara Stewand Barbar Koga. High: South Junior ennie ie B tewart aibara Beware all and -ert Hepner, David Hancock, Marie (=he Junior High: Soloist, ee Tom Hodges and Richard Johnson. avidson. Mound Fort Junior High: Solo- v yaehietan Junior High: Solosists: Dave Sonnett and Brent Ko- ists: Alma Hut and Dennis Taylor. | foed. | Quartets: Meike Ogden Junior High: Solo- Lowstedt, > ists: Allan. Cook, Douglas Smith, » Lamar Wright, Vern Adams, Ricky ae Cook, a‘ 28 Bruce Griffin, Nanci DeBates, Marvin Alma Hat and Scott Van , Z Jeff Stokes, = Mike Casey, Mike Knowles, Jim /Starley, Dixon Larkin and Rayf Squires. Duet: Marcia Nicholson and = "Elaine Wilson. Trios: Ruth Herbert, * Julie Larkin and Lynda Whitney: © ond Allan Cook, Calvin Ross andpe™ ‘Ray Squires. Quartets: Richard *Cook, Dean Johnson, Mary Ann Brown and Allan Cook; Larry Barlow, Ruth Ann Thorne, Margaret aie NE FINAL TUNE-UP | | Rosell Moyes, Edith Larsen and Dan Williams (left to right) find it easy to eae ' ize for W ‘unior.High.School’s instrumental concert to be held Thursday at | . 1:30: 2 m. in the school ane Featured will be the cadet see string orchestra © i |