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Show W- Day ° “W-Day and all a good the was held uay “4 of the boys had time. Here are winners: 7th grade 100 year dash: nent, 880 yd. dash: - 220 yd. dash: Dennis licBride| Gary Lyle 440 yd. dash: Way- iiller Scott Hadleyp- tiile run: Tom inarkos Shot Put: Jay Price Discus: Jay BASEBALL TEAM The Wahlquist baseball team has now completed| their season for 1963:° | Price Broad jump: Gary Jayment High jump: Blaine Bingham Pole Vault: Scott Jenkins 880 Relay: Team they ended up with one win and two defeats. Be- low are the name of the > members: Craig Chambers, Joe Halverson, Albert Lewis, Andy Ackerman, Eddie’ Grimm, Krik Johansen, Rod of Blaine Berinett 8th f= 100 Grade yd.dash: Terry 880 yd. dash: 440 yd. run: uark run: Terry Findley Bailey Dennis Groberg Shot put: David anderson Discus: Terry Bailey Broad Jump: High dump: Steve Jorgenson Ron Child Pole Wauit: 680 Relay: Team Kerr 440 Relay: Team Bailey 9th 40: 220 yd. Terry of Terry Moyes, run: ¥d.erun: run: Joe Jim Rick Halverson Vault: Evans, Don Fucker, This is a! when Lewis Favero Joe Broad Jump: Joe High Jump: alan Robin Randy "Loud Shirt Dennis Charlton of spec: everybody wears and loud The dance was held i three different part and there were gifts given to a couple Halverson Parkinson O yd. relay: Team Albert Lewis y and Tie a very shirt Halverson Kent Oyler Mile Run: Alan Parkinson Shot Put: Davis Schultz Discus: poee Wayment, Knight. Grade 100 yd.dash: p O-yd. of : Mike Favero, Dennis Charlton, Gordon England, Scott Davies, Warren Ware, Terry Bailey, Randy Chambers, Ronald Jhiting Bob run: Rick David Shupe coved. tile Garner, Bailey ae each gradev loudest shi r Wins Team Girls Our ! Good going team team is this agian, it d di the e second won the time ¢ ounty Cha let's So, a HES we 5 be really proud of ou girls. are Here members the of RaNae White, ae. team: Mary Ann WangsBarker, Dorothy gun,s Cra nie Con d. sar Cone weeoeh Buckway, Beverly Kay DeVires, mona Carol Zuech, Ra Olga Quintana, Rhees, Pats ‘Jennifer Haun, Bingsy Pat , ti en Vinc , phy Mur a Cynthi ham, Claudia Susan Clausse, Kevon Costly, Carnahan, Linda Voss, and Lurlene Linda ee WestergarGe |