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Show You Make the Vows aa BEN VOLUME LOMOND HIGH SCHOOL OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 National Status During the last two weeks, the major activity of Ben Lomond’s Student Council has been the review and modification of the 1966-67 student activity budget. Mr. Scott Wangsgard, financial manager of Ben Lomond’s student funds, has been working with the executive council and student council to work out the details of the budget. Besides the $8,250 collected from student activity fees ($5.00 each), the budget is supported by money taken in at football and basketball games, plays, and other admissions. At the request of the student council, the entire budget is listed below. ~The Ski Clan has been offered charter affiliation in the United States Ski Association. In a special meeting held Wednesday, Ski Clan President Brad Hunter told members that membership in the association would entitle individual mem- | bers to free ski passes at Park | City, Sun Valley, Jackson Hole,| Brighton, Solitude,’ and many other areas, as well as discounts at restaurants and stores in Og. | den and Salt Lake City. This | includes a ten percent discount | é on one purchase at Buehler- Champion Bingham, Perkins, Ltd. and Alpine Sports Shoppe. ~ Besides the individual bene- Brown, fits, national affiliation for the _ club would allow it to send delegates to the national convention to be held at Sun Valley}. Idaho, early next beard-growers Jeff Braithwaite, to¢ th e oie? ee. tensor iets of Ben. Lomond the absence Boyle. She has taken a leave of absence due to an illness. The extent of her illness will determine _ the length of time she will _ spend away from school. Mrs. Boyle has been teachBe 3 ing English and Reading at Ben f Lomond for fourteen years. She enjoys her teaching, and it is as _. desire to return to school soon as possible. Mr. Agee is presently stand- ing in for Mrs. Boyle. B.L. Alumnus Reports Election _ Most of the people around the country spent election night _ - glued to the T.V., waiting for the returns to come in. Not so for a Columbia stu- _ _ Steve Taylor was an election _ district reporter for the Nation- _ dent from Ogden. al’ Broadcasting tion night. Company elec- «He provided NBC with ponaits from one of the crucial elec- tion districts in New York City. Steve graduated and Don from Ben Lomond in 1964 and served as _ Senior Class president. with his Athletic Activity Budget Football Basketball Track Baseball Wrestling Swimming 1966-67 $3600.00 1500.00 900.00 800.00 400.00 400.00 Golf Belliston. 150.00 Tennis Payrolls 200.00 750.00 TOTAL Other $8700.00 Activities Dances $ 300.00 Clansman Speech and None Debate s inclu abstract crea- tion done in shades of red. He received for his efforts a $7.00 shirt from Perkins Ltd. Tying for ‘thickest’ were Glen Brown and Dennis Powell. Mustaches matching the beards’ were reminiscent of some of the more formidable mountain-men of the 1800's. Get Busy Seniors: If pare. Christmas Open | House Coming The Ben Lomond Girls’ Association led by Margo Stagge, Lynn Mattson, and Jeanine Pier, has begun preparing for one of its biggest events of the year, the Christmas Open House. The decoration committee this year, who will decorate around the theme “Stocking Stuffers,” is being directed by Linda Miera and Pat Stewart. you ready for is the time to pre- you act now, your chances are good for acceptance at the college of your choice. Recently, Peters of the outlined the Mr. center you must take to inacceptance ”? Last and least was Don Belliston, booby prize winner with some nine whiskers measuring each a_ well-groomed _threeeighths inch. Runner-up in this Now Are college? Now Sporting a combination of |an elongated goatee and even counseling more elongated sideburns was steps which Jeff Braithwaite, who came up with the title for “most origi- sure your a local or nal. her Dennis Powell, Glen Tittensor, Five Ruskins, all boys, won event was Randy Dryer. awards in the Boys’ Associaee Glen, Dennis, Jeff and Don tion’s annual Beard Growing| received gift certificates donatContest. The — contest, : which ed by Buehler-Bingham, Wayne _ | lasted five weeks, drew entrants arses, both sex- C. vy ileos, ane Fred M. cae cept the project, and a deadline for joining has been set for November 30. To be eligible, Ski Clan membership ($1.00) is mandatory. A ‘““USSA” patch is available for an additional 50 cents. Although the clan officers recognize the expense factor, they pointed out that a sina trip to Park City pays for ‘High School regret of Mrs. Margaret (L. to R.) Dale Five Win Beard Awards all three The s are year. The of eos NUMBER 3 18, 1966 Student Budget Appoved Ski Clan Offered @ e it at either out-of-state college. He stressed that in order to win a scholarship, you must register immediately for the December ACT or College Board Examination, whichever your college Colleges is required generally scholarships on scores, school high intensity of become increasingly often tor. In addition award a basis courses. but demic by choice. of test grades, and Need has important, it is not a major to general scholarships, you facacacan earn a scholarship through athletics, music, or some other special talent. To become well-informed on Gerri Goddard, general chaircollege’ situation, you man of the Open House, assist- your ed by Nancy Swanson, have should browse through the cataboth been working diligently logs and other helpful informatoward the December first tion available in the counseling event. center. If a problem comes up, Any girl who would like to make an appointment with your be on a committee may get in counselor; he is ready and cap|touch with any of the G. A. able to help you. Most import|Association officers, Gerri Goddard, or any of the Home Eco- ant, act now! Your future depends upon it. nomic teachers. me OTe, Treasurer’s Salary General Fund 150.00 500.00 1100.00 $4025.00 TOTAL Boys' Association To Sponsor | Date Bureau Joins Thanksgiving Dance “Turkey Trot” is the theme for the Thanksgiving Dance, to be held Wednesday, November 23, 8:30 to 11:00 p.m. Boys’ Association officers Doug Kump, president, Jimmy Slater, vice president, and Bruce Van Dyke, secretary, are currently hard at work preparing 111 Couples “The Date Bureau is headed for an all-time high this year. The first two and a half weeks | that it was in operation, 111 couples were brought together and 222 individual dates of were provided. Some the statistics of the Date Bufor the traditional event. An in- reau are as follows: forty-three novation for the Thanksgiving boys and fifty-eight girls are Dance this year will be a “fast” |,registered. Sixty-three per cent band. Dates will be optional and of the boys registered have readmission will be by student ceived at least one date, and body card or 50 cents. fifty-five per cent of the girls “Quality duds” are an abso- registered have received. at lute must. Ties and sport coats least one date. or sweaters for the boys, corMr. Richards would like to responding dress for the girls. inform the students registered with the Date Bureau, that it is possible to add more names, at any time, to those already Cadet Brad Bingham of Com- listed on your registration card. pany A has been chosen as Ca- You may also cut names from det of the Month. He was chos- your list at any time, or withen October 19, by a military draw completely from the Date board. Bureau. To be nominated for this When two people receive honor, a cadet must have. an word that they have been “A” average. Bingham, because matched up by the bureau, they of his accomplishment, won an should contact each other withevening of entertainment for in twenty-four hours to set the two at the Utah Noodle Parlor time of the first date. and the Egyptian Theatre. November 2, Ben Lomond’s Mr. Richards also stated that, ROTC was honored with the “A student should not write an presence of General Easter- individual’s name on his regisbrook, deputy commanding gen- tration card unless he really deeral of the Sixth Army. The sires a date with that individupurpose of his visit was to in- al, and unless he really intends : spect the facilities and talk to go through with it, in case with Dr. Drechsel and Dr. T. O. he is matched up by the buSmith. reau.” R.O.T.C. _ |