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Show SCO)| fa KY — | NWoV ic : dev} ae | 4, AL ; , will tennis, compete and golf teams in one of the sea- tournaments, son's biggest Invitational. BYU the is extremely important because it previews some of the top individual athletes in the state. in past years, Ben Lomond has | placed high in several divisions. The track team under Coach Hislop will go en masse to the tournament, while Coaches Dinsdale and Bal ley will send three and four men, respectively, to the tennis and golf. divisions, TENNIS, GOLF SLOW START. got soiF off to slow starts both last week when they lost their initial league matches. In tennis action, the Scots dropped two close matches to Clearfield and Box Elder. Against Clearfield, Larry Bond and Bi11 Marsden won the first doubles match and Paul Sabin and Mel Shimizu took second doubles, but the Scots lost all three sade matches to bow 3-2, Against Box Elder,’ only Bond aries Marsden won, although Chuck Pomeroy fought a tough the Bees* Scot singles Zundel, match against who took second in region last year. The golf picture wasn't any bright- er as Box Elder downed the Scots 8-2 at Brigham City. Scot Fishburn was the only point-getter for the plaid, although for Brent a fine Glissmeyer ‘shot a 42 round. er game was last girls coe in the state to be recognized|tonic of a panel discussion to|tions of asanya career, for outstanding achievement ca-in|he held Thursday after school (nursing e+ Hebe) quite a tNacieers twirled a tight t e and a home ru Warriors, ar rercnae: Glade Wimme | binsiladl ‘OpelrroRég Forni Cone Ct se Pere a ed back teams ae inv hee 9 ae and to down If not, the plaque is. Teplaced by a ‘certificate. Officers of the club are’Cindie Ercanbrack,. Diane Yo Diana Jones, Glenda. Jeanne Russell with Mrs, F lis Gillins ‘as the advisor. . CLIMAXED ELECTIONS sca The big news on the. oval _ this year is the performan $ OF Johnney Diaz, John,a junior, the has been track all burning has been Danny House in th long jump. 20'6'' this The annual Junior ‘Prom ‘climaxed election week faetlyities season i in the sprints. i; One of the big surpri Danny year, has ; leat an amazi mark, In the distances, Roger _ Burnett has been ‘almost un- ir beatable, mile especially in t run, fc Tod Parker have done, out _ standing jobs in the high | and pole vault. — The one thing missing depth, If the Scotties get more performance out the upcoming sophomores should be hard to beat. at- Ben Lomond High” with the announcement new student officers. Finalists for the four body offices were Randy and Larry MacDonald, ae Dave Sneddon and : of the student) : Drake | ™% presi-| , La ae TANDSOME Ann| immer, vice president, Manful and Alma Fowler, secreSchwinn and enhistorian. ea Kathy Alford, Candidates for the Boys’ Association offices were Scot Mick- Finally, Doug Cottle side jump week program and one member working as a cadet teacher one period a day throughout the yea If a FTA chapter wins, the award for three consecutive years, it may keep the plaque. Bonnevill Weber, projects related to teaching reers. The chapter received . the traveling award at the state meeting in Salt Lake City and received a handsome plaque which has been placed in the| school trophy case. This is the first time such an| Fe honor has been given to a FTA) ' chapter. PROJECTS LISTED Projects which brought Ben Lomond .members the honor were: a combination of more than 100 hours spent. aiding teachers such as correcting papers, preparation of pictures and counting aids for the Weber Training School, assisting the PTA at back-to-school program, conducting an education So far, the Scots have split their league encounters, They lost to Roy in the opener, but then bounce 7 Fi doMiSus oboe bad ( and room. Miss Ben Lomond’s Future Teach- ter Buss, head. of ~ geology ine, resent s - recrul Mulligan Col-| Kitty Weber State f America chapter has the department at nurses. from BYU . student |four expedition. the lead will Nowe, cai hes he hes of aa the ques- — answer and attend “Student nursing will be the|to STouP| 6 in bat, f years, ie fineawet a into a well-balanced uni: 3 tennis et the Held in Provo, this tourny The Brett. Moulding’ s heavy aeeeiupee.. | IACY Receive Honors for Projects a Bén Lomond, led by some gr ot On April 28th and 29th, the track, Ib Ben Lomond Future Teachers ponent SNARES ! RERL a ‘ elson id Doug Cottle, president, J. eRe vice p mert a tary. Bs Cree ii and Dave EmParry, secre- Morgen ian: ait Pinaliste for positions in the Girls’ Association were Kathy is. can of| they ant Tnsia Fh qUaWUIDAOS ; Pota~ de teeta ate j0 jueurredep ay} t Ty ose ‘uerysiysey 3{UUO a i ns)| mo jo je uo yoyo a1Nye104 ; 30s eAey Aeur yey} Aepo} ere eM|! yeigpees @ oR A eR a PLAQUE won by Ben ane ‘Teachers of America chapteri Collins, chapter historian, to Jim Stith, student body president, for display in the school trophy case. |