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Show 1S, 19%) Y ANUAeY FRIOAy — “ ” the Northeast PRIVILEGED OO ARE across EEACHERS MOn te s Stretching area assumed F a A A AA Tiel Os ™ a Aa Oe ud Al- valid on 9th Street. was for ae > JANUARY NEW SCOTS brankin, was it 13, 1967 School Audrey are School, we have a quic unfortunate School. Karen Baird, a brodie from sunny Stockton, Californis Gaylene Chapman, a brankin, is Ben Lomond student, he returnec after attending Carbon High Price, Utah. Even if Gerry a to have attended Ogden High are confident that she will recovery. Burgess, Roy High is fresh Although a former wast week School in Trickett, a brodie. Also from a nearby school is Lisa Green, a brodie, from Hailing from Bonneville High Judy McQuary, a brankin, and Also, a regular feature in the HIGHLANDE and LOWLANDER newspapers will introduce the new students to the old students. During the last few weeks, several new students have enrolled at Ben Lomond to begin the new year among the ranks of the "fighting, friendly, Scots." Ag part of a new program to welcome these and other new students to our school, the student body officers and faculty adminstration will post the names and photographs of all new students on the main bulletin board at the front office. BEN LOMOND HIGH SCHOCL end of the building is a vast asphalt "parking lot." Webster defines a "parking lot" as''"an area where vehicles are stored, Or otherwise assembled." Judging from the absence of an appreciated number of cars being parked in our parki ng lot, it appears that Ben Lomond Scots have anOther definition. The manner in which Students park their automobiles here at Ben Lomon d is quite chaotic. The whole scene was climaxed last week when teachers revol ted in an effort to make Some stude nts stop Parking in the faculty parking area. In the past, an angry Mr. Campb ell or Felix Was enough to scare Students away from that area, but Students drivi ng new or Otherwise expensive cars recen more desirous of the safety of tly became the faculty lot. The quest ion of why the feachers shoul d have exclu sive rights to that area was also heard on campus. this parking" On Decemb er 23. app roximately ten students received tick ets for supposed illegal though |