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Show nd Bonneville defeated Clearfield has clinched mont (Thursday); Tabiona at division titles at least a tie for the Division Uintah (Thursday); Union at and automatic state tournament One crown with a 7-0 record and Duchesne (Thursday); Moab at berths in Region One,sthe spot- is expected to lock up the title Monticello; Notre Dame at East Friday when they travel) to Carbon; Green River at San Juan. Viewmont. Davis, still clinging to hopes Region Seven—Manti at North And a wide-open bat e2 it is in of a possible playoff berth hosts Sanpete; Wasatch Academy at a strong Bountiful team and will both divisions of Region One, Gunnison; Emery at Wayne; wih a half-dozen teams still in once again be the underdog. North Sevier at Richfield; PanOther Region Two action finds guitch at Piute; Valley at Bryce, the running for the Round. Robin Tournament on March 3-4 to Highland at East and South at Valley. determine the remaining clubs West. Region Eight— Enterprise at Morgan High faces the su- Cedar City (Wednesday); Beathat will enter the State Class preme test this Friday in the ver at Delta; Millard at Para-| “A” classic. In the Division One chase, Summit Division of Region wan; Hurricane at Enterprise; | Bear River and.Box Elder are Five. The Trojans, leading the Dixie at Kanab; Milford at Bealocked in a second-place tie be- division with an 8-1 record, goes ver (Saturday); Kanab at Hurhind Sky View, both with 4-5 rec- against Wasateh on the Wasps’ ricane (Saturday). ords, and the improving Logan floor, and a Morgan loss, couCurrent prep league standings Grizzlies are. a notch behind pled with a North Summit vic- are as follows: tory over South Rich, would at 3-6 REGION ONE as Division One then throw the race into a threeSCOTS MOVE UP W L Pet. way tie among Morgan, Wasatch *Sky: View. <5 aa ee 9 0 1.000 Down in Division Two, Ben and North Summit. Box Elder... oes See 4 5 .444 Bear -River::,..... is ae 4 5 444 Lomond.has moved up into secLogan. :: o3.. <.: dae a 3 6 .333 ALL TIED UP ond place behind Bonneville with Division Two Meanwhile, down in the Jor- *Bonneville:.....:. 3. 43 8 2 .800| a 6-5 record, Weber is next in Ben: Lomond: .... 4.0. vax 6 5 .545 line at 5-6, Ogden follows at 4-6, dan Division of Region Five, |, Ober es os a. eee 5 6 +,455 4 6 . 400 and with just two games re- St. Joseph and Grantsville are pocen 74 belle 6 ca i gas. Sk ye 1 9 . 100 now locked in a tie for first|* maining,’a real scramble for "eClinched state be positions is in the making. Ben place with 7-1 records. St. JoREGION TWO Division One Lomond and Weber have just seph is expected to hurdle USD *Clearfield: .oos¢45 see 7 0 1.000 one contest left, so it is possible easily at home, while Grants- Bountiful ~:..;... ©; emeton 4 3 .571 I . c. ss ca 1 6 . 143 that the Tigers could come from ville is at home against tough Went... ee eee ts 6 143 the outside to make it to the Tintic, the third place team at Division Two West aS. eee 6 1 .857 7-2. tourney. BST SS. iia cies «ee 4 3 . 571 Other Jordan action has St.|§ South: This week’s Region One sched.. 83. 723.3 aee 3 4 .429 =... :.. .2gekee 2. 5 286 | ule finds division champ Bonne- Francis at St. Mark’s with Dug- Highland *Clinched for title. ville going across town to meet way drawing a bye. REGION THREE Division. One This Friday’s prep schedule Weber; Ogden is at Roy, Box Olympus ......%.. ome > 2 714 Elder travels to Bear River, Lo- is as follows: ranite: ....065 6. ce 5 2 714 Region One — Bonneville até Granger. ......... ogee 4 3 .571 gan is at Sky View and Ben YPIUS © soci. a's ee 4 3 571 Weber; Ogden at Roy; Box EI-|¢Skyline... Lomond draws a bye. 5.3.5... 2 5 . 286 . ee T 6 . 143 Weber, of course rast win in der at Bear River; Logan at Kearns... 0... Division Two order to keep it’s seeding posi- Sky View; Ben Lomond, bye. illerest os. ee a 6 1 .857 Region Two — Bountiful at Judge i tion in the Round Robin. A WeMemorial ........ 5 2 .714 Murray ous. ee ee 4 3 .57 ber loss and an Ogden victory Davis; Clearfield at Viewmont; o0el€ hic... a eee 2 5 . 286 over Roy would give the Tigers Highland at East; South atlas;Bingham =: .u... eeeee 2 § . 286 J ordan oF 33 a 2 5 . 286 a 5-6 record against Weber’s 5-7, West. REGION FOUR : Region Three — Kearns at an van Ogden victory over Ben Divisine One 2 .800 Lomond the following week Granger; Granite at Olympus; B.Y.. High ©. 29. 8 Fork ......... 7 3 . 700 would then jump the Orange Cyprus at Skyline; Jordan at/oAmerican FEM occ vanes eee 7 3 . 700 ehi oo... a 8 .200 and Black up to 6-6 and would Murray; Tooele at Bingham;}|! Pleasant Grove ......... 0 10 .000 Hillcrest at Judge Memorial. — then tie them with Ben Lomond Division Two 0. 5 9 - 4900 Region Four—Orem at Lehi; APfOVO.™.... for second Place. Spanish Fork ....g@7. me. ZS -700 American Fork at Pleasant|¢37. arpon . ..s.iu Gee 5 500 KEY. CLASH ia ae 4 6 .400 Grove; B.Y. High at Spanish Springville... Up north, the Box Elder-Bear Fork; Provo at Payson; Car- Payson: oo eae 1 9 .100 *Clinched a a River clash’if Tremonton will bon at Springville. GION FIVE of course break tie between Secure Division Hit agh 2 pik A oo cia cee 8 888 CRUCIAL GAMES the.pair. Se e week furNorth Summit®.......0. 2 777 ther: in > le, powerful Region Five—Morgan at Wa- Wasatch: . 40's. 3a ees 7 2 ath 5 & .500 Sky ‘View Sees in against Bear satch; South Rich at North South. Rich; oa. 25 South: Summit? 2: . 24 as 4 5 444 River while Box Elder hosts Lo- Summit; South Summit at North North~ Rich ag." 3 es 2 8.35 200 Park City 2, 3eie Ge fe TE oS .100 - gan, so again it appears: as if Rich; Tintic at Grantsville; St. Division se the playoff seedings will go Francis at St. Mark’s; USD at St, Joseph's. Jordan a0, k «oe 7 1 .875 Grantsvilles ses... .. ees 7 1 .875 right dows to the wire. St. Joseph. ae 7 2 977 Down in Region Two, un-| Region Six—Manila at Alta- OfMINTIC.Stentsaie a sg 4 5 444 View inched ee MOGI sip once AS Mark’ ccyiacg ss 1 7 tah Deaf School ...... 0 9 REGION SIX Northern Division NUIMBR sce oC Ps oe 8 0 DUCHENNE ss 6 BOR orks 6c ok ed 6 PADIONG = 5 acre 3 WANNA oo och are cee. 1 AlOMORE © (22 PSS 0 ers Division WED: 6. stein bees 5 East. Carbon, 3.66656403 4 Monticello... .0.4...5; 4 San SUA: oie ko ee 3 fNotre Dame ........... 2 Green SRiver ei f5 Feb a 0 *Clinched e for title. REGION. SEVEN Sanpete Division oon Sanpete ........5, 5 Manty .o oe. cca ke: 5 sunita abe es Ree 2 Wasatch Academy ...... 1 MAD ee 5G eee 1 Sevier Division | +Eme ik 4 RN Saree 6 RICNTIONG 5 a ec gees 4 Wevns SOVIM, Ses ey cree 3 udaiioe ena es 2 South Sevier 25.55 4 Garfield Bivision | *Panguitch Wa 'g Maree % PSCArenhe 5p ee ae 5 Bryce Valley ........... 4 mee ine wd sees ae eo 1 Boe ao *Clinched ae tne eae ee 0 tie for title REGION EIGHT Northern Division DATONG: Ce ae Se 5 PMORG 0 eet es 4 PaLOWEl ss oye. Series 2 Beaver Coo i ee 2 Rs ei os Se ee 1 Southern. Division Hufricaneé «= 2555 wes 4 Cedar City. 5 sce con 4 es Bnterpris€ RQNAD. . Foo. eS 3. ee Fede: 444 13 — 000 1.000 2 2 .750 .750 5 7 8 , O75. .125 .000 1 2 2 3 4 6 .833 666 666 .500 og - .000 1 1 3 4 7 .833 .833 .400 .200 . 166 0 2 4 4 6 +» 1.000 666 .429 | .333| .143 0 z = 5 1.000 714 .571 .166 6 .000 0 2 4 4 4 1.000 .666 soos .333 .200 1 2 . 800 666 | 3 3 . 500 0 5 +3 500| .600 |