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Show 68 ANNUAL CATALOGUE WEBER COLLEGE 69 Sophomore Year A. W. S. Business 1, 2 5 5 Business 11 (elective) 5 Business 12 or Economics 6 5 Business 17 5 Business 54-56 3 3 3 Business 64-66 2 2 2 Business 68, 69 2 2 Economics 5 or Business 13 5 15 17 17 Accounting and Salesmanship Freshman Year A. W. S. Business 11 5 Business 16, 17 5 5 Business 71 5 Business 73 3 Economics 1, 2 3 3 Economics 4 or 6 5 Electives 3 5 Orientation 1 2 Philosophy 50 3 Physical Education 40, 1 2 1 1 17 17 17 Sophomore Year A. W. S. Bacteriology 50 3 Business 1, 2, 3 5 5 5 Business 12, 13 5 5 Business 61-63 2 2 2 Economics 5 5 Electives 3 English 11 (elective) 2 Pyschology 3 3 15 15 17 All courses numbered 50 and above are Terminal. Permission to deviate from the above curricula may be granted by the Dean of Instruction. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Business Guy Harold Hurst Owen Morrell Clark Lucy Denning Neva Cook Thatcher Allred It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in Business complete Business 1 and 2; Economics 1, 2, 3, 4, and five hours from one of the following courses: Economics 4, 5, 6; Business 11, 12, 13. 1. Elementary Accounting. A study of the fundamental principles underlying accounting procedure: opening and closing entries, trial balances, and statements. The balance sheet method of approach is used; accounts peculiar to single proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations are studied. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Hurst la. Accounting for Engineers. A study of the principles underlying accounting methods. Especially designed for engineers. Two quarter hours. Spring. Hurst 2. Elementary Accounting. A continuation of Accounting 1. Five quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Hurst 3. Intermediate Accounting. A course in accounting theory and a consideration of practical problems dealing with individual proprietor ships, partnerships, and corporations. Prerequisite: Business 2. Five quarter hours. Spring. Hurst 4. Intermediate Accounting. A continuation of Accounting 3. Five quarter hours. (May not be given 1937-1938) Hurst 5. Intermediate Accounting. A continuation of Accounting 4. Five quarter hours. (May not be given 1937-1938) Hurst 11. Commercial Law-Contracts. A course in the nature and sources of law, the business man's relation to the law and the public, and the making of contracts. Five quarter hours. Winter. Hurst 12. Salesmanship. A practical treatment of salesmanship with emphasis on the psychological aspect. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Hurst 13. Marketing. A detailed study of the principles and costs involved in the marketing of economic goods. Special consideration is given the marketing of agricultural products. Five quarter hours. Spring. Clark |