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Show TRIBUNE, JANUARY 20, OGDEN.—Under the auspices of the girls' association of the Ogden high school, a large dancing party will be given at the Berthana hall Friday evening. The officers of the culb are Miss Lorna Crockett, presi-dent; Miss Lyzena Payne, vice presi¬dent, and Miss Rebecca Ririe, secre¬tary. The committee in charge of the dance include, general arrange¬ments, Miss Alice Emmett; decora¬tions, Miss Ruth Kraines, Miss Louise Emmett and Miss Alta Byrnes; pro¬gram, Miss Marjorie Faris, Miss Lau¬ra Danvers and Miss Charlene Scowcroft; refreshments, Miss Georgia Hopkins, Miss Mary Kern and Miss Frances Purrington; tickets, Miss Ruth Roberts, Miss Ada Sailor, Miss Helen Doxey, Miss Marion Allison, Miss Jeabette Morrell, Miss Eliza¬beth Nye and Miss Lois Chambers; publicity, Miss Eleanor Stevens, Miss Madaline Malan, Miss Katie Rhodes and Miss Bernice Malan; grand march, Miss Blanche Heed, assisted by Mrs. Samuel Blackham, sponsor for the association. About 500 are expected. Miss Margaret Ellingson will en¬tertain at a supper, following the girls' association dance at the Berthana, Friday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Ellingson, 1148 Twenty-fourth street. Members of the S. S. J. club will en¬tertain their young men friends at dinner, preceding the dance in the English room of the Hotel Bigelow. The hostesses will be Miss Georgia Hopkins, Miss Louise Emmett, Miss Margaret Ellingson, Miss Virginia Rose, Miss Audrey Clark, Miss Re¬becca Ririe, Miss Ruth Kraines, Miss Ruth Roberts, Miss Lyzena Payne and Miss Mary Kern. JANUARY 21, 1928 OHS NEWS Stan Spencer ‘28 GIRLS' ACCOLADE The girls' accolade, to be held Friday, promises to be a great suc¬cess. The girls of our school are going to show up the previous dances, by all reports, and anyone who attends will be amply repaid. Have you noticed the gentlemanly and polite ways the boys are stroll¬ing through the halls? TOUGH LUCK Weber 27, Ogden 26. There it is in a nutshel. It was anybody's game and luck favored Weber in the last half minute. It was just the kind of a game you would ex¬pect to see when these two teams meet; and there was not an idle moment. Congratulations, Weber; our hats are off to you, and we'll come back at you harder than ever when we meet again! I-WANNON-O Meeting was held at the home of Keith Corry on our regular meet¬ing night. Our new member, Don Chambers, was welcomed into the club. It was decided to have a party in connection with the "wel-come brother." Plans for our Salt Lake party and the visit to the oil refinery were discussed. We were invited to visit the plant and so we are going to have an educational j and very enjoyable trip. We then i adjourned to have fine refresh¬ments that were prepared by Mrs. Corry. Did you notice that both of Mr. Colton's appointees to West Point are Wannan O's? There is no doubt about Gordon's and Charles' merits. Both of this year's basket¬ball captains are members of the club, and we claim the school's most handsome man. Ask Kent. It was also proven that Keith is not the world's champion record juggler. —O. J. JOIE FRANCAIS We, the girls of Joie Francais, want you to meet our two newmembers, Dorothy Stitzer and Min¬nie Favero. After many papers containing in¬teresting material concerning the two Frenchmen, Musset and Mo-liere, were submitted to the club, a ipec.Vfl meeting was called, in which the papers were read. The decision was very close, but Rafter careful consideration papers submitted by two juniors were judged to be the best and most careful planned work. Congratulations, girls, and we sincerely hope that you will enjoy being members of our club. —Joie Francais. HAM-AND Ham-And convened in their laboratory at 7:30 o'clock. Some important business was discussed and as a result the club promises Ogden High school a surprise by at least Tuesday. The plans for Ham- And radio show are fast coming to a close and it will not be long be¬fore fame comes to Ogden via ra¬dio. Mr. Shatz announced that he has worked a ham in New York state and has his card to prove it. "WE 13" We finally got a quorum to have a meeting Thursday, when Howard fihally came straggling in to the meeting. Sickness has sorely af¬flicted "We Thirteen" lately. Three had the mumps for two weeks, Dietz developed a game leg the other day and this, together with the mental strain on the rest of us dur¬ing exams, has surely made it hard to hold meetings. But when we do get started nothing on earth can stop us. We've a strange mixture in the junior club and it always comes out at meetings. Beecher, and Hod, have terrible time agreeing with each other at times. Grant has a hard lot of it because he is parliamentarian, and must there¬fore always rise to a point of order when anything is discussed. Wre had better order last meeting because the gavel committee finally report¬ed and now we have a gavel that is being lustily wielded by Henry. Claude's essay on "Moedrn Types of Airplanes," was read and much enjoyed. Also we elected two new pledges. Chuck Hetzel and Rader Deegan. Now we're full, thirteen strong! Saturday we held our ini¬tiation. How's this for a menu: Raw oysters, casteroil, Sal Hepatica garnished with raw eggs and vine¬gar, and for desert, more castoroil. Lot's of luck, pledges! SECOND SEMESTER We are at the top of the hill and are now starting down grade to commencement time. A rather un¬usual thing happened today. We began the second semester without worry or flurry. A few changed classes and school went on just as if it were any ordinary school day. JANUARY 22, 1929. OHS NEWS Stan Spencer ‘28 We may all possess wisdom if we are willing to be persuaded that the experience of others is as useful as our own. Why give to old age alone the privilege of wisdom? --Yoritomo, the Japanese philosopher. PLAY DAVIS FRIDAY Ogden Tigers will play Davis High in Kaysville, Friday night, January 25, in the new Davis gymnasium. This game promises to be a thriller throughout and another of those games you can’t afford to miss. One feature that will be missing in this game will be the “coop.” Davis has built a large modern gym to replace the “two by four" court of bygone years and now all the schools in the di¬vision but us have excellent courts to practice and play on. The game is scheduled to be played early to enable the stu¬dents to return in time for the Ac¬colade. Therefore, nothing should keep us from filling our side of the house to capacity. Speaking of spirit—we surely had it in full dress at the Weber game! See you at Davis, gang! WAKE UP, CLUBS! If the clubs of Ogden High would quit telling the world how much life they have and how pep¬py and snappy they are and would get their club reports in on time, we might believe a word or two of their "declarations of enthus¬iasm." All club reports are due In the box the forenoon of the day after the club meeting. Get that? If you wait any longer it appears in the news as history and is too dry to be of interest. If your club re¬porters are dead, please revive them or appoint a new one. You must wake up! Yes, Sweethearts. Don't gasp, it's only the name of the comic opera to be presented by the stu¬dents of O. H. S. in the near fu¬ture, in a local theatre. Rather indefinite as to plans, the music department is not at all hazy concerning its choice. This opera is one of the famous Victor Herbert's success. There arc 15 leading characters, besides a chorus. Princess Sylvia, the leading character, is going to be in a coveted place among aspiring opera singers. Prince Franz, too, will help many students to break the tenth commandment. The first act is set in a court¬yard of the "White Geese." Act two is in the majestic royal hunt¬ing lodge a year later. The cos¬tumes are astoundingly beautiful. More anon. There will be a new class organ¬ized in music during the 8:40 o'clock period. This will deal es¬pecially in opera work. Everyone that has any talent at all is urged to take part in it as the opera this year is bigger and greater than ever before. SEMESTER UNDER WAY The second semester began Tuesday and we are looking ahead to the Wonderful things it holds in store for us. In the line of social activities there remains the cream of the year's dances; the girls' Accolade, the cadet hop, the Classicalia, the junior prom and the senior recep¬tion. The basketball season has just begun, and track and tennis are also scheduled for busy seasons. The opera promises to be the same high class affair it has been in the past. We will be electing our queen and next year's student body offi¬cers before we know it, and the year book and commencement will 1 take us with our hands in our pockets. FAMOUS BROTHERS Did it ever occur to you that Ogden High is gifted with famous brothers? Scanning the list we find that Hugh and Les Mayer, the sarge's kids, held down first string positions on the football team, and Hugh is next year's captain and Les a member of this year's basketball squad. Next in line come Kent and Dee Bram¬well, with Kent a yell leader, coun¬cil member, first "looey," opera and stage star. You'd naturally think that was enough for one fam¬ily, but along comes Dee and helps himself to one of the yell posi-tions and a membership in the "We 13" club. LeGrande and Herb Steward have also made quite a hit. Herb is a junior council mem¬ber and another ''We Thirteener." The Drake brothers, Blaine and Earl, are in this year's graduating class. Earl is a baseball star and Blaine is High's sculptor-artist. He drew the attractive cover for the Christmas Classicum. The McCrailey twins, Bob and, Don, are among the popular juniors and the Deegan boys, Frank and Raedor, are members of Gamma Kappa and "We 13," respectively. And wait a minute, folks, wait a min¬ute, we almost forgot the last but not least part of this. Dave and Ernie. AUNT JANE Dear Aunt Jane: Does the girl call for her part¬ner or not? Does she open the door, check the coats, etc.? Is the Accolade a vice versa of all conventions? —Accolader. Dear Accolader: If the girl wishes she may call for her dance guest, open the doors, etc. If not, it is not nec¬essary. The Accolade is really "vice versa," for the girls find it fun to turn rules of etiquette topsy turvy for one night. —Aunt Jane. NEED OF THE HOUR Members of the board of educa¬tion in an informal discussion of school affairs the other evening seemed to be in their thought that the need of the hour — the need that has been upon their minds for several years past—is a new high school. The situation has become al¬most intolerable, yet they hardly know what steps to take to bring about this much needed improve¬ment in the school system. Let us hope that they will take some action very soon. JANUARY 23, 1929. "I reflect what you live. I send back what you give." STANDARD-EXAMINER'S PRO¬GRAM. The Standard-Examiner's pro¬gram calls for a new high school on or before 1935. As we under¬stand it, this does not mean that we shall wait until 1935 for the new building, but that we shall build it at the very earliest date possible. The program calls for a number of necessary things so that it is Ogden's duty to begin some of the projects now. As Ogden's most pressing need at this time is an adequate high school plant, we suggest that all citizens unite in a definite and de¬termined effort to secure this much needed improvement in 192 9- 3 0. Come on citizens, let's go! Surely we have lagged behind long enough. GAME AT SEVEN. The game Friday will commence promptly at 7 o'clock. It will be all over by 8 o'clock and the Acco¬lade doesn't start until 9 o'clock, so there you are; an unusual op¬portunity to make a big two-in-one night of it. There will be plenty of cars going down, and it's your own fault if you stay at home. The start we made at Bear River was symbolic of the old spirit and the Davisites will have to step lively to surpass O. H. S. in the art of yelling and team-backing. Girls, here's your chance, treat the boys to a real big night. Friday at 7 o'clock in Kaysville—everybody. TWO DAYS LEFT. Just two days left. What for? The Accolade, of couise. There should be more Accolades, then the fellows would get in the habit of being polite. The girls are going to wear their formal dresses but there'll be no flowers or tuxedos for the boys. BUSY ROOM. The student body room will take on new life during the second sem¬ester. The first period, 8:40 o'clock in the morning will be the official assembling period for the news. If you want your articles to be given special attention, this is the time to make it known. Send in any ideas that you develop them. You are welcome at any time to express your opinion as to what and what not the news should contain. ELEANOR IS HATLESS. Lost—between "Dad" Beeson's room and the gym—one navy blue hat. If someone wants a souvenir of Eleanor, please don't pick on her hat until the weather clears up a bit, anyway. OUR TEACHERS. Leonard Robins, English teacher, graduated from the University of Utah with a B. S. degree. Mr. Rob¬ins taught six years in Davis and Summit counties. He has been teaching the how and whv of Eng¬lish to TiisT pupils in Ogden High school for seven years. Mr. Robins took a trip, around the world dur¬ing the years of 1915-19. He visit¬ed Hawaiian islands, Sanvan Island, Australia, Africa, and sev¬eral other continents. He is the newly-elected advisor “We 13.” JOB SEEKERS. Many requests for persons to fill positions are received at the of¬fice, and Mrs. Irwin annonuces that any of our alumni desirous of a position or a better position may obtain same by leaving their names and phone numbers with Mr. Mer¬rill or Mrs. Irwin. They will be notified when such opportunities are opened. PALETTE AND CHISEL. Palette and Chisel met Monday with their new advisor, Miss Evans. A program for the com¬ing year was arranged, and it was decided to have a representative man from the men in his line speak about once a month, thus giving them an opportunity to get an idea of sculptor and art paint¬ings and other subjects in which the club is interested. FORUM. At the Forum meeting Monday night an election of officers for the second semester was attempt¬ed. The procedure of this election was an uproarious as a Democratic convention. George Fowles was elected president on the thirteenth ballot. We are glad to have you for our leader, George. We next undertook to elect a vice president, but on the fifth ballot the meeting was adjourned, leaving the contestants in a dead¬lock—T. J. PLAYWRIGHT. Among the talents of many high' school students, was found a bud¬ding playwright. To make a long story short, Ruth Zuppann, a member of the Dramatic Art class, has written a one-act comedy in slanguage; "Little Tin Banks," which has been cast and will be used as a drill play in the drama class. Ruth is a member of both the Quarterly and the O. H. S. News staffs. CONGRESS. Well, congress certainly has started the second semester with a whoopee! First we elected officers. Rebecca Ririe was re-elected pros-; ident; Ruth Roberts was re-elected vice president, Jesse McKinley was elected secretary to succeed Kathryn Thomas; and Ruth Kraines was elected reporter to succeed Ruth Falck. With these officers we' expect to show Forum up. We settled the important question .of when and what we would debate West High. The question decided upon was: Resolved, that the policy of criminal judges in giving the ; indeterminate sentence should be condemned. Our president gave us a talk on how to down Forum in the annual flare-up so, look out Forum!—R. K. MORE ART. Art, art and more art. Students seem to enjoy working for Le Conte. A beautiful batik on silk has been made by Lucille Pullum. It now hangs in an honored place above Mr. Stewart's desk. There is also an eagle designed, cast and painted by La Franz Stephens. Jack Mackin also finished a very colorful Spanish girl plaque. To use Mr. Stewart's expression, "We're simply snowed under with cartoons." Apparently the cartoon¬ists enjoy their work. There ap-pears to be an interior decorator among the students. Bert Wappler has designed several clever house sketches. Blaine Drake has done President-elect Hoover the honor of sketching his face for the art class. A number of very clever sketches have been made by Ruth Jensen, whose work has been ex-ceptionally good this year. HAMILTON CLUB. To the students of Ogden High may we please announce our ar¬rival. The H. C. club was reorganized Monday, January 14, for the express purpose of furthering the interest of the students in history. |