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Show Bin exact and very interesting model for this scene has been constructed in miniature by the stage manager, Bert Wappler. This replica may bo viewed in the muric room. Sec it and get a con¬ception of what your ticket to the opera offers you. MARCH 26, 1929. Ogden High School News The ruin of most men dates from taome Idle moment.—George S. Hillard. AFTERMATH The Classicalia—the best ever, absolutely. TOURNAMENTS The tennis tournament will be under way in two or three weeks tad track nnd field athletics will itoon be going full swing. The Carver-Johnson dirty cords contest vat Huch a Buccess that its promoters are now puzzling on other ideas that will go over big in "spring competition." Don't be sur¬prised if Carver-Jackson, Inc., comes out with the announcement that they will sponsor a marble, hop-scotch, pie-eating, tree-plant¬ing or what-have-you contest. O'NEILL ORATOR The O. H. S. class roll of 1924 snvs: "John O'Neill, known as Johnnie," hobby, oratory; ambi¬tion, to be a Webster; destination, soap box." True to form, Johnnie has followed his outlined course ex¬cept that Instead of being soap¬box orator, he will be the class orator of Notre Dame in June this year. While at high, John, was president of Forum, winner in Rich and S. A. R. oratorical contests, yearbook editor and a member of the debating team. COMPETITION The club leading in the ticket competition was I-Wannan-O, with six tickets per capita. This gives them a total of one hundred and forty points. The remaining clubs are placed as follows: A. D. M., five tickets per capita; Ham And threo tickets wer capita; Zeta Phi Zi, irec tickets per capita; Phi Lamb<b Tau, Home Economics club and We 13 with two tickets per capita. MUSIC IN THE AIR Have you noticed the bits of phi¬losophy upon the board in the music room? Mr. Peterson con¬trasts his merry music with wise sayings. Today one could read the hoard that "if words are compre¬hended, thoughts are understood." Wo suggest that in order to bene¬fit by this wisdom you all take music and Improve your lives as' well as your lungs. OUR HALL OF FAME We nominate to our hall of fame: Marvel Kenney, because she is nhe because of popular vote; be¬cause she has never seen the Catskill mountains but she's seen them kill mice; because she loves black eyes and therefore is partial to sheiks and prizefighters. Ruth Roberts: Because she says that she would rather read "Who's He and Vat's He Got" than "Who's Who and What's What"; because she discovered that the best time to catch soft water is when it is ' raining hard; because she never Will tell what she left in California; because she needs some enrounigement while Bill is in with the mumps. John McCrumm: Because he says that the prohibitionists can't pre¬vent tho street cars from getting full; because he declares that blushes have to creep over girl'a faces—if they 'ran they would kick up too much dust; because he has never said, "My, what a smart boy am I"! because he is really clever (not sarcasm). MARCH 27, 1929 Ogden High School News Know prudent, cautious self- control is wisdom's root.—Robert Burns. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL Now and again one hears a word concerning the proposed site of the , new high school, or one reads an editorial stressing the importance of a new high school, or one sees, as one did quite recently, a won¬derfully drawn prospectus of what the new high school should repre¬sent. But after all, logic insists that what one hears or reads or sees does not build. It takes action for that, immediate action if it will benefit any of my generation. Too often cautious school and city officials are given to tabling matters that require a little planning, a little ingenuity for ultimate suc¬cess, and use as their plea "funds." Yes, we need funds, but surely Og-den city is willing to place herself in debt just far enough to quiet the voices, the many, many voices, that insistently demand "a new high school—a new high school." Personally, as a close observer of the old high school, its inconve¬niences and failings, I have much to say in condemnation, although it has contributed its memories to my life and it has given me con¬tact with some of the most inspir¬ing people in the world, but these are the redeeming features, com¬mon to every place. Now I do ob¬ject, and strongly, to the ineffi¬cient laboratories, to the necessity of having the boys drill in the girls' gym room which also acts at times as an assembly hall, and to the small rooms, which are becoming increasingly small in comparison to the greater number of students who enroll each year. Yet I feel quite sure that no amount of talking or harping on the subject of a new high school is going to benefit anyone or ever become more than a nice com¬fortable dream in which everybody can take part and which will cost nothing to contemplate, unless someone starts to dig a hole on the proposed site. —Most Anyone. FAY DOING NICELY Fay Hopkins, Thompson scholar¬ship winner of last year, now a freshman at the Universiy of Cali¬fornia, Berkeley, is the recipient of a $50 cash award in the form of an Edward Frank Kraft prize for distinguished scholarship in her freshman year at the university. Fay was valedictorian and editor of the quarterly last year. Leave it to Ogden. Keep it up, Fay. CROSS COUNTRY RUN The annual cross country run, sponsored by the merchants of Og¬den city, will take place April 15. If you intend to enter this two and a half mile race, now is the time to start developing those lung and legs. Last year, Blaine Carruth of Og¬den High, covered the ground in 12 minutes 11 seconds; and if you think he walked, you're crazy. This strenuous jog is the survival of the fittest. Ogden High will enter a dozen or more runners in the event this year. Jim Hoggan, second place winner last year, Delbert Jones and Darold London are serious con¬tenders. Jake Olish is good, too. SLEEPING SICKNESS W'hat's the matter, clubs? Did you overdo yourselves in prepara¬tion for the Classicalia? How would it feel to get a report in now and then, or are you perfectly sat¬isfied that everyone knows vrhat you are doing? Your would-be re¬porters are sticken with writer's cramps or a lack of expression. No kidding. You're dead. Come out of it. We all like to sleep, but there's plenty of time for that aft¬er you get your weekly reports in. Wake up, sleeping beauties! We know it's spring! WEBER HIGH READY Coach Dick Thorne at Weber High has issued his call for track and baseball candidates. Thorne says that if any three schools in the Weber division are in favor of entering a baseball league we can have one, and the winning team of the three schools will compete with schools in Salt Lake for state hon¬ors. Put Ogden High down, Thorne. Now how about it, Davis? ORATORY CONTEST The Ogden district contcst Of the national oratorical contest will take place in Central Junior tonight at 8 o'clock. The following schools will participate: Weber High, Box Elder High, Bear River High, Logan High, Da¬vis High and Ogden High. The winner of this contest will represent the district in the state contest in April. The public is invited to hear the ' orators tonight. MARCH 30, 1929 Two Utah Districts Name Oratorical Champions Two representatives to the state finals in the National Oratorical contest have been named. They are, left, Miss Lucy Rigby, Davis county high school, Kaysville, and right, Ford Fisher, Wasatch high school, Heber. Center is Albert M. Merrill, chairman of the Ogden district. MARCH 29, 1929 Boys with marbles, Girls jumping rope— Welcome, spring! OUR HIGH SCHOOL Recently Dame Rumor said we'd probably have a new high school in 1935. Wouldn't that be keen? I wonder, though, what they'll do with this one. Probably five or ten years hence the log of the school will be: "Vacant. Years ago young folks tramped the halls, laughing, talk¬ing, singing—perhaps weeping— usually gay. Such is youth. Ju¬niors, bewilderingly watching and wating for their initiation, event¬ually growing into high and mighty seniors. Red heads, blondes, bruneta (gentlemen have lost their preference) decorating the halls. Colonels, captains, lieutenants, all rigged up in boots and belts, mak-ing dates with their sponsors. Gay club costumes are to be seen any time. The student body is alert, and boosts athletic and social events. The educational values ob¬tained here are insuperable through the influence of our famous teach¬ers. Although the students' motto is not always 'Be prepared,' the students learn and are prepared for the future. Scholarships are given to those meriting them. Friend-ships thrive here to continue in later years steadfast, symbolic of 'high school days.' Capable men and women are sent out ready to undertake our nation's handling." And then they say we need a new high school. The slogan may be, "A new high school in 1935," iut the moral should be "Although nvironment influences the mind, t is the spirit that gives life." MAURINE ISRAELSON. GIRLS INTERVIEWED Mr. Bowman of The Standard- Examiner brought his camera and encil up to school Wednesday to ollect a few this's and that's conerning what the high school girls ire doing in the manual training lepartment under Mr. Connell. We'll let Bill tell you his observaions. QUESTIONNAIRES ANSWERED Some of the club questionnaires have been returned and the result is as follows: Have you ever come in contact with a school club? Yes, 19; No. 6, Were you favorably impressed? Yes, 16; no, 3. Are you opposed to school clubs? Yes, 5; no, 20. Do you think that parties given by a school club are in any way demoralizing to the school? Yes, i; no, 24. Do you think that regular dues are necessary for the existence of a school club? Yes, 15; no, 10. Those parents who are opposed to school clubs give as their rea¬sons that the clubs take time which should be given over to study of school lessons, and that the clubs with which they were in contact did not fully uphold the pur¬pose of their organization. The parents have stated that under proper supervision the parties given by school clubs should be in no way demoralizing to the school. The question of regular dues brought much comment as to whether a club could exist without any treasury. It was stated that a club whose purpose was to study science should have no need for a treasury unless it was to buy equipment. By "the number of questionnaires that were not re¬turned it can be ascertained that a good many of the parents are not interested in what is being done by their children in school and it could hardly be said that these parents were opposed to school clubs. COLORED ETCHINGS The Girls' association is spon¬soring an exhibit of colored etch¬ings by Hilma Mole, a graduate of Ogden High school and an artist of noteworthy ability,. Miss Mole was graduated from Ogden High school in 1920. After studying for a short time at Weber college, she attended the Univer¬sity of Utah, where she studied art under J. F. Harwood. She was graduated from the university in 1927 and spent three months in Paris, where she studied at the Jabian academy. Miss Mole works In oils and water colors and does colored etch¬ings. These etchings are a devel¬opment of the ordinary black and white etching, which is made by drawing the sketch on a copper plate with acid. The impression is 1 then obtained by inking the plate, wiping the surface, and placing the plate on a press which resembles a clothes wringer. The resulting print is an original etching. The colored etching employs some of the various forms of etch¬ing in connection with a line such as aquitint. The plate is inked wiht the colors to be used, and the plate is manipulated to produce the desired effect. The impression obtained is much like the ordinary black and white etching, but has THE UTAH CHRONICLE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 29. 1929 High School Day Plans Maturing Committee Starts Work, Various Contests Feature Day Plans are already being made for the High School Day to be held in May, according to an announce-ment made yesterday by Doug. Wood. A committee composed of I four prominent students are now working on plans which will make the visitors from the high schools enjoy their day more thoroughly. Setting aside one day of the year as a visiting day for graduation seniors from all the state high schools has become a traditional |