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Show ding: playwright, Mr. Hyde and our—crash-bang-assembly! Have you heard about the game the 15th? We’re out to win, but whether we win or lose, the Lambdas are out to win the treasure. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1929. Bears Oppose Tigers in Headline Game Tonight Kapplemen Expect Colorful Contest Walker Machine Expects To Triumph Over Ogden In Main League Flareup; Harbertson To Start As Running Mate For Greave; Weber Plays At Box Elder By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor DETERMINED to wage a winning battle the Bear River basketball quint, coached by Leo Walker, will come out of Garland tonight to play the Ogden High school "Orange Streaks" in the Tiger gymnasium. Tossed about in two storms in which they were the losers the Bears are ready to take on the Ogdenites in a game that may equal all others in speed and fight. — Tonight's flareup is scheduled- for 7:30 o'clock sharp. The Bears will depend entirely upon their ability to bring the ball to the short shot position with a definite method of attack which, when hitting a peak, is hard to cope with by the best defensive system that any team can employ. However, the Ogdenites may al¬so be prepared to begin a long- range shooting fracas if the op-portunity presents itself. FORWARDS NAMED Coach Dixon Kapple will start Harbertson and Greaves at the for¬ward positions against the Bears. Harbertson has shown splendid ability this week in practice and should twinkle tonight. He is a fine running mate for the consist¬ent Greaves. "Slim" Hales, leading scorer of the division, will be watched dur¬ing the entire four periods of play, yet the elongated center is down to carry the attack for the Tigers. Hales is the outstanding per¬former of the division and his cap¬ers tonight will mean a lot in Og¬den's championship hopes, Ogden boasts two of the finest guards of the division in Stone and Chambers. These men will get a tough assignment, however, in en¬deavoring to stop the forwards of the Walkerites. SEEK VICTORY A triumph tonight will place Og¬den at the top of the Ogden divi¬sion with four victories and one de¬feat. On the other hand a defeat will put the Tigers in a deadlock with Bear River for second place. Coach Leo Walker has studied the Tiger offensive considerably of late, and is prepared to initiate a defense that will puzzle the locals. Cropley and Harris are sched¬uled to share the starring act for the visitors. In a recent game -with Weber the Bears demonstrat¬ed splendid all-around team play. They will depend on this sort of play tonight to turn back the Or¬ange Streaks. Ogden and Bear River clash in the headline battle. This contest undoubtedly will be played before a capacity crowd at the Tiger gym. Dick Thorne, Weber mentor, takes his Warriors to Brigham City tonight for a league engagement with the Bees. The two teams are tied for fourth place in the per¬centage column and the victorious five tonight will still be in position to win the league flag. BEES FAVORED Box Elder won over Weber re¬cently, 32 to 27, on the Weber court and will rule heavy favorites tonight. The defeated five will be out of the running. Chandler, McEntyre and Rich¬ardson are looked upon as the big threats for the locals while Fish¬burn and Steffen should perform well for the Bees. Contests on the slate tonight in¬itiate the play in the second half of the pennant race. Miss Margaret Ellingson, honorary colonel of Ogden high school R. O. T. C., which is giving cadet hop Thursday; Tigers Take Lead in Ogden Division Court Race FEBRUARY 9, 1929. Orange Streaks Win Over Rival Machine Bears Put Up Scrap For Two Periods, But Fall Be¬fore Fast Passing Attack in Closing Quarters; Hales Tops Scorers; Ogdenites Show Improved Form. By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor. OGDEN High school courtiers top the teams in the Ogden division basketball race today as the result of the triumph last night of the "Orange Streaks" over the Bear River five, 43 to 22, in the Tiger gymnasium. The Dixon Kapple outfit has four victories .and one defeat recorded in the scramble for the 1929 gonfalon. Pressed in the first two periods of play by the Leo Walker athletes, the Tigers came back with a spurt in the third and fourth periods that swept the visitors completely off their feet. At the close of the opening pe¬riod Ogden held a 5-to-3 advan¬tage. When the teams left the floor at half time the count was 19 to 13 for the Tigers. It was a different Tiger machine that trotted on the floor in the third period. They offered a fast breaking offense and chased the score up to 36 to 16 at the close of this period. ALTERNATE PASSING "Slim" Hales continually tipped the ball to his guards and a well-pianned offense did the rest. The Tigers alternated short passing with long passing in this period with fine results. They seldom shot from long range, a feature which attracted attention of critics and visiting coaches. In the final period Coach Kapple rushed in five reserve players, and while they failed to score as regu-larly as the first string, still they outscored the Bears in the last quarter. At one stage of the came the Tigers had six players dashing up and down the court. This was quickly remedied, however, and Bear River was awarded a free throw on this error. Kapple's first five dished out the best brand of ball oE the 1929 seasorf against the Bear. Every member of the first squad Hales, Harbertson, Stone, Chambers and Greaves carried out their assignments to the letter. HALES STARS Hales again hogged the majority ,of the honors. The elongated cen¬ter tossed in seven baskets to in¬crease his scoring lead in the divi¬sion, played a whale of a floor game, and teamed with splendid results with his mates. The majority of the Tiger plays are built around Hales, and in or¬der to be carried out, must find < Hales in jig shape and form. Hales was all over the court. His r all-around play was brilliant. Greaves gave another marvelous exhibition of all-around team play. The co-leader of the Tigers is im-proving with each contest. lie is now down as one of the leading ball rustlers of the loop. Harbertson, running mate for Greaves, also tVvinlcled. His drib¬bling and passing made a number of Tiger buckets possible. His team play was superb. The Tiger guards, Chambers and Stone, each played brilliant ball. The two seasoned players were in the thick of the fray at all times and incidentally took a big part in the scoring capers. Chambers scored four baskets and Stone counted three. RESERVES SHINE Mayer, Pantone and Wattis, re¬serves, all showed to fine advantage during their short perform. Cropley and Harris, as had tort expected, carried the entire attack for the visitors. Cropley led hii athletes in scoring with seven points and was the outstanding performer in dribbling, passing and intercepting passes for the Leo Walker quint. Harris, a midget forward, play¬ed a nice floor game but was htld to a single basket by the Ogden guards. Holt at center, although outclass ed by Hales, yas in the game at all times and gave a nice exhibition. Ogden leads Davis by a full gara now in the race for the division flag. The Tigers play Weber on the Warrior court next Friday while Davis journeys to Bear River for a melee with the Bears. Ogden also has remaining: samei with Davis and Box Elder before the 1929 season closes. The Box Elder game will be played at Brig¬ham City. |