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Show MUSIC NOTES. O. H. S. orchestra has been in¬vited to give a program to the stu¬dents of the Polk school. They will play several numbers, then demonstrate the tone quality and range, the appearance and the mechanism of each instrument. The Two-O club has been invited to sing at the Eighteenth ward next Tuesday. AUNT JANE. Dear Aunt Jane: I should like to know if our par¬ents may come to Ogden High school's dances. Dear K: Surely, parents may come. The high school student body extends the most cordial" welcome to par-ents at any and all times. Further¬more, the parents are our guests at our dances and are admitted free of charge. Aunt Jane FEBRUARY 1, 1929. I had six nonest serving men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When, And How and Where and Who. —Rudyard Kipling. BEAT BOX ELDER At 8 o'clock tonight the Orange Streaks will trot out on the Weber gym floor to line up against the Purple and White artists from the hive of the Bees. From the time "Slim" ties up with Fishburn at center until the final bark of the .38, you'll be wit¬nessing a typical Box Elder-Ogden court scene. Don't let anybody keep you away from your student body tick¬et will seat you on the front row, if you Come early enough. TRAFFIC TIPS In passing up and down stairs— second to third floor—-enter the stairway next to the wall. Boys will please not go through the gymnasium during the day. Keep to the right. Beware of Crutchettes. COUNCIL A regular council meeting was called to order by President Corry. We Thirteen and I-Wrannan-0 were granted permission to hold parties Friday and Saturday, respectively. A report was brought to council's attention that the faculty meetings have been postponed indefinitely. On motion of Mr. Bramwell, there¬fore, council decided to relieve of all responsibility the committee ap¬pointed to confer with the faculty. Mr. Allison, "in behalf of the O. H. S. Notes, asked that $5 be do¬nated to the notes staff for the purpose of sending letters of in¬quiry to the parents of O. H. S. stu¬dents. The staff wishes to find out the attitude of parents toward high school clubs. A motion was passed to the effect that the money be appropriated. After some discussion it was moved and seconded to allow the social committee to call on Mr. Hopkins and ask permission to hold dances after the games with Bear River and Box Elder, played here. The motion was carried. Council then adjourned. —Jeannette Morrell, Secy. PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST Mr. Smith has received notice from the American Chemical so¬ciety of its prize essay contest. There are to be six state first prizes and six national first prizes. One need not take chemistry to be eligible. The six subjects are as follows: Relation of chemistry to health and disease; relation of chemistry to the enrichment of life; relation of chemistry to agriculture or to forestry; relation of chemistry to national defense; relation of chem¬istry to the home; relation of chemistry to the development of an industry or a resource of the United States. Karl Hopkins won first prize last year and Harold H. Holmes won honorable mention. Harold is en¬tering again this year. DICTION COURSE OPEN "Whar ya goin', Bill?" "Ta a show." "What 'un?" "Arpheain." "Kin I go?” 'Shore. Come "long." No, the above dialog is not a new language. It's just the way the average person pronounces his (or her) words. Of course, we do it without thinking, but that is one of the evils of carelessness. Cor¬rect diction will correct this evil If you wish, you may join a class in music, where drills on correct diction are part of the curriculum. You'll find such a course very worthwhile. JOIE FRANCAIS Once more the lucky 12 of the "Jolly Frenchmen's" club gather¬ed on our happy hunting ground in room 308. After the regular business meet¬ing we participated in a lively dis¬cussion by 12 peppy girls. Really, our president is finding it difficult to keep the girls from voicing their brilliant ideas at once. Aside from this little difficulty we are getting along beautifully and the longer you remain in O. H. S. the more you hear of-—Joie Francais. TWO O CLUB The Two O club will holds its initiation this week. A fine ritual has been worked out for them. This will be fun for the old mem¬bers only. The new members are: Bill Reader, Walter Richards, Delbert Jones, Paul Blair, Keola Murphy, William Daniger, Arnold Garr, George Fowles, Clark Olsen, An¬gus Ossmen, Bert Moore and Liddie Teuscher, our accompanist. The music classes will hold a party in the near future. This will no doubt be a success, because everything the music department starts it finishes. This is our mot¬to. The opera will start the early part of next week. All classes are nearly filled up, so all wanting to be in the opera will have to hurry and see Mr. Pet¬erson about entering one of his classes during the day. EXULTATION AT SCHOOL The news that Ogden is to have a brand new high school has been received with extreme joy by students and teachers. We shall be walking on air until that fond dream is realized. Many of us may not be here to enjoy the new build¬ing, but we are mighty happy to know that our successors shall not suffer the inconveniences and dis¬comfort we have. Tigers To Play Bees Weber Meets Davis Victories For Bees and Warriors Would Place All Teams In Deadlock; Close Competition Is Promis¬ed; Tigers Anxious For Court Decision. By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor. TWO sensational basketball games are scheduled for Ogden court lovers tonight. Weber entertains Davis on her home court in one of the feature attractions while Ogden and Box Elder, rivals of old, tangle at the Weber gymnasium in the other event. The Weber-Davis flareup will get under way at 7:30 p. m. sharp in the Weber County High school gymnasium. Og¬den and Box Elder take the court at 8 p. m. sharp in their opening dish of court competi¬tion for the 1929 season. There is a pos¬sibility of all of the teams of the division being deadlocked after tonight's sched¬uled games. A. victory for Weber over Davis and a triumph for Box Elder over the strong Tiger ma¬chine would place the five quints of the division on equal terms. The play tonight, incidentally, closes the first half of the schedule for all of the teams. SURPRISE VICTORY Ogden came through with a sur¬prise triumph last week at Davis ta jump into a deadlock with the Jack Croft machine for the leadership of the Ogden division. Coach Dixon Kapple expects to use a new combination in the Box Elder event tonight. Read, a flashy forward, will start the game as the running mate of Greaves. Read will replace Harbertson, who is also a capable performer, and a color¬ful floor performer. Hales, the elongated pivot man, will again jump at center for the "Orange Streaks." Chambers and Stone are slated to perform on the guard line. Coach Earl Ferguson undoubt¬edly will start Valentine and Earl at forwards, with Fishburn at cen¬ter and Cheney and Stephens at the guard positions. Kapple is gunning for a victory over the Bees. A triumph over the Brigham five will stamp the locals as one of the favorites to "Win the 19 29 championship. The Bees, on the other hand, ex¬pect to down the colorful local five. They were defeated last week at Bear River by a single point and are prepared for an even greater struggle against the Tigers. SHARES INTEREST The Weber-Davis affair shares local interest with the Ogden-Box Elder contest. Coach Dick Thorne at the Red and Black lair has been working his men overtime this week in the hope of downing the Davis quint. A verdict in favor of Weber will place the Warriors back in the running for the division flag, while a defeat will practically eliminate all hope. Thorne is expected to start Chandler and McEntyre at for¬wards, Hunter at the pivot job, and Barker and Richardson on the guard line. A1 Warden and Norman Watkins have been named to handle the Og¬den-Box Elder contest. Malcolm Watson and E. Cullimore will offi¬ciate in the Weber-Davis affair. The Ogden division standing fol¬lows: Won. Lost. Pct. Ogden 2 1 .667 Davis 2 1 .667 Bear River 2 2 . 500 Weber 1 2 .333 Box Elder 1 2 .333 Ogden Keeps Pace With Rival Team Kapplemen Lead Throughout, But Are Forced to Limit in Final Periods of Play; Hales Stands Out as Star; Fishburn Twinkles for Bess. By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor. OGDEN HIGH courtiers downed the colorful Box Elder five before a packed house at the Weber gymnasium last night, 31 to 21, in one of the fastest contests played on a local court in years. The Tigers obtained an early lead, but twice found their ever-ready rivals within four points of deadlocking the score. The victory gives Ogden joint- ownership of the first position in the Ogden division race, for the time being, at least, with Davis. Friday's affair was more than a court battle. It was a marvelous scholastic affair. Two bands were on hand, rooters from each school made their presence known, and the two combinations gave the contest the touch necessary to make it a regular attraction. A spirit of school sportsmanship was also dished out by the students of the two institutions. This alone was worth traveling miles to witness. COLOR GALORE This dash of color had its effect on the players. With such a mar¬velous background the athletes of the two schools gave their all in an effort to win. Late in the third period the Bees trailed on the short end of a 21 to 17 score. In the fourth quarter at one stage the count was 25 to 21 tor the Orange Streaks. From this point to the final whistle the Tigers held the Bees scoreless and added six points themselves to put the game in the win column. Ogden held a 9 to 3 edge at the end of the first quarter and led at the half, 15 to 6. Earl Ferguson's athletes came back in the final period of play to battle the Ogdenites on almost equal terms. They were outscored only one point in the last two quarters and played a much smart¬er brand of ball. HALES SPARKLES The all-around work of "Slim" Hales was the outstanding feature of the Tiger attack. The elongated center was in the majority of the plays and covered himself with glory. His floor work in particu¬lar played a mean factor in Ogden's triumph. Hales, incidentally, led all of the scorers, with 13 points. Read opened the game as the running mate for Greaves at for¬ward for Ogden, but was relieved early in the second period by Har¬bertson. Harbertson came through in splendid style. He caged four buckets and teamed with his mates with nice results. Rex Greaves played the best game of his career. The co-leader of the Tigers was all over the court and added nine points to the total as his portion of the scoring for good measure. Ogden's two guards, Stone and Chambers, were especially effective against the Bae forwards. They held the visiting forwards to four baskets. These men, time and again took the ball as it bounded off the blackboard and immediate¬ly sent the play into Box Elder ter¬ritory. For the Brigham City aggrega¬tion the work of Fishburn was pol¬ished and sensational. The husky center was the key of his team's plays and dished out a mighty sweet brand of ball. He tied with Earl for high point honors on his squad. Earl, a reserve, although in the game only a portion of the time, gave a splendid demonstration. He scored three times from the field. FINE GUARD Steffen played a whale of a game on the guard line. The grid player extraordinary, is a marvel¬ous dribbler, and his efforts many times gave the Box Elder forwards a chance to break through the Tiger defense to score. The contest was a typical Ogden- Box Elder affair. The huge crowd was kept in a continual uproar by the speedy play of two quints. Players of both squads traveled at top speed throughout the four hectic quarters of com¬petition. The box score follows. OGDEN G.T.F.P. 1 , . 0 0 0 0 Read, rf . 4 0 0 S Harbertson, rf * t 1 9 Greaves, If . . g g g 13 j Hales, c . . . 0 0 0 Chambers, rg . 1 1 Stone, lg 13 8 5 31 Totals BOX ELDER G. T. F. P. Valentine, rf . . Peterson, rf . . g 2 1 , Earl, If . * 1 T Fishburn, c J 2 , , Cheney, rg . Kupfer, rg Totals Referee, Watkins; umpire, Warden. FEBRUARY 5,1929 When your feet get tired of walking just rememlier what a nice free ride the rest of you is getting.—Barrie Conner. BEAR RIVER AGAIN The last time we played Bear; River we beat them 28 to 22. Now the River is coming to Ogden, and we're ready to beat them, again. This game will be played in the O. H. S. gym floor Friday night at 7:3 0 o'clock. If we beat the Red and White cagers we'll be sitting at the top of the league. A defeat would send us into a miserable tie with Bear River for second. Al¬though Ogden has twice since been to the state tournament in Salt Lake, it has not won a division ti¬tle since 1924. This looks like an Ogden year, and if we can hurdle four more obstacles, Gus Becker's loving cup is going to occupy the most conspicuous corner in our trophy case. Bear River is the first of these obstacles, so altogether gang) let's beat, battle, bust, bat¬ter Bear River. RINGS AND PINS ARRIVE The first shipment from the fac¬tory of Ogden high school rings and pins has arrived and the possessors are proudly shining them in the eyes of jealous onlookers. They are very attractive and everyone is well pleased with them. If you failed to order the first time you may do so now and receive your order by about March 1. FACTS ABOUT PICTURES The following are the facts con¬cerning the pictures for the year book. They must taken immediately. 1. Price, one dozen pictures. $3.75; includes one free cut and four sittings. Extra cuts, 25 cents each. 2. Each student must have a sperate cut for each activity, such as senior, class clubs, junior class, debating, etc. 3. If student does not want pic¬tures but only cuts, the price is which includes one cut, with four sittings. 4. All pictures must be taken at Link-Tiffany studio. 5. Club presidents may see editor or business manager for price of club page. 6. All pictures must be taken immediately, the year book cannot wait. Please have your pictures taken this week, or you will be disappointed. C. G. DUNN, Annual Editor D. A. R.—DEBATE—S. A. R. Instead of using your voice to yell and create disturbances in the hall or trying to convince your teachers that you deserve a highe mark than you received, save yoir voice and brains for the events when everybody is willing to listen to you. The first of these events will be the tryouts for the state debating team. Anyone in the school is eligible. The tryouts will be held Monday, February 11, in Miss Irvine's room. The constructive speech will be eight minutes and the refutation three minutes, Don't forget. |