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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING-, FEBRUARY 6, 1929. Orange Streaks Battle Bears In Court Feature FEBRUARY 7, 1929. OHS NEWS Stan Spencer ‘28 The manly part Is to do with might and main what you can do. —Emerson. REGARDING PHOTOS G. W. Tripp, the oldest photog¬rapher in Ogden, both in age and years of service, lias entered a pro¬test against the announcement made Tuesday evening in O. H. S. Notes regarding pictures for the year book, lie declares that he and other photographers are entitled to a hare of the public school pho-tographic work—that it should not be awarded to one studio. Mr. Tripp has on hand copies of past year books in which his work ap¬pears. During the war Mr. Tripp turned over to the United States government five new high-grade lenses to be used in the air service; had two sons in the fighting forces and volunteered himself to serve as a telegrapher in the signal corps. In answer, a statement was made at high school offices today that no student is bound to patronize any one studio—that pictures of uniform size and clear quality are acceptable from any source. Stu-dents. therefore are advised that they are free to use any studio they desire but should see that pictures arp made promptly and of the right size, ro that they can be read¬ily mounted on artists' board and decorated before shipment to the engraver. PLAY TOMORROW The big treat for basketball fans comes tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock, when Ogden meets Bear River in the 0. H. S. gymnasium. Your student body ticket will ad¬mit you, but if they admit anyone else they're no longer yours, ac¬cording to the latest bulletin. Don't forget, if we win this game we'll hold the top step all by our¬selves. Let's make our motto "Championship or Bust." and let's fill the gym so full that it'll cave in and necessitate the building of a new high school! CRAVE GOOD CONDUCT The conduct in our assemblies to date has not been what students of high school age are capable of ehowing. We act like a collection of wild animals instead of respect¬able human beings. All methods and means have been attempted to maintain order, but we continue to show little or no respect for the fine entertainment that people have to sacrifice their time to give us. Council has given President Cory full power to ask anyone creatIng a disturbance in assembly to politely remove himself to 218 and stay there. If this method fails to bring results, the final measure ivill be taken, and assemblies will be a thing of the past. 4n excellent assembly is being irranged for tomorrow afternoon ind the least we can do is show yur appreciation by listening to it. f you have anything to say, say It when announcements are called for, if not, please keep still so those who want to hear can. The assemblies are yours, stu¬dents. Respect them as a privilege. TYPEWRITING AWARDS The following students in Mr. Farnsworth's classes have won awards given by the various type¬writer companies: Advanced—Allyce Wright, Smith bronze pin, silver pin and gold pin; Royal, silver pin; Underwood, sil¬ver pin; Remington, silver pin. Ruth Richey, Underwood, silver pin. June Passey, Underwood, sil¬ver pin. Lucille Pullum, Reming¬ton,, silver pfn; L. C. Smith, bronze pin. Virginia Keating, Remington, silver pin. Helen Hupke, Remington, silver pin. Beginning—Ida Mae McGregor, L. C. Smith, bronze and silver pins; Royal, silver pin; Underwood, sil¬ver pin; Remington, silver pin. Venna Hokanson, Remington, sil¬ver pin; Underwood, bronze pin. Ruby De Haan, Remington, silver pin. Jessie Taggart, Remington, silver pin. Norma Arden, Reming¬ton, silver pin. Fifteen certificates of proficiency were awarded to students. COUNCIL After council had been called to order by President Corry, the iriinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Phi Lambda Tau was granted permission to hold a party on Feb¬ruary 15. Miss Emmett of the club com¬mittee read for council's approval a number of quarterly reports sub-mitted by various clubs. On mo¬tion of Mr. Jackson, Miss Emmett's report was accepted. The committee appointed to con¬fer with the superintendent on the question of having dances after basketball games, submitted a report that Mr. Hopkins agrees with Mr. Merrill against the plan. President Corry suggested to council the advisability of obtain¬ing better order in the assemblies After some discussion, it was moyrd and seconded to appoint Mr Corry as council's representative. authorizing him to oust anyone who creates a disturbance in the assemblies. The motion was car¬ried. Council then adjourned. —Jeannette Morrell, Secy. TYPEWRITING AWARDS Awards won during the month of January: Remington—Certificates, Lucile Bunot, Peggy Roy, Beth Peck, Earl Dudwan, Ann Proudfit, Whelma Grose. Silver pin, Alfred Larsen, Charles Watkins, Wyona Goddard, Myrtle Roghaar. Gold pin, Helen Higginbotham. Jeweled gold pin, Edith Cross. L. C. Smith—Certificate, Kathryn Cooley. Bronze pin, Cora Rosevear, Dora Payne. Silver pin. Helen Higginbotham, Margaret Durrant. Royal—Certificate, Bernice Ma¬lan. Silver pin, Dora Payne, Al¬fred Larsen. Gold pin, Afton Edge- ley, Edith Spencer. Underwood — Certificate, Sam Rubin, Kathryn Cooley. Bronze pin, Alfred Larsen, Earl Stephens, Myrle Peck, Alice Koldewyn. Gold pin, Edith Spencer. —Ethel W. Franke. FEBRUARY 7, 1929. Tigers Expect Fast Cage Battle Friday Orange Streaks Will Per¬form On O. H. S. Basket Court OGDEN and Bear River hoopsters open the second round schedule in the Ogden division cage race Friday night at the Tiger gym¬nasium. The contest is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock sharp. Ogden is deadlocked with Davis for the leadership of the circuit with three victories and one defeat. Bear River rests in third place with two victories and two defeats. The Tigers look for a four-period battle in their Friday contest. This has been the reason for overtime preparation by Coach Dixon Kapple. The Tiger gymnasium is expect¬ed to be jammed for the first game of the second half of the sched¬ule. Bear River, from all reports, will Invade Ogden determined to upset the locals. A triumph for the Kapplemen , will give the "Orange Streaks" first place of the time being at least while a defeat will place Ogden and Bear River in a tie for third place. Hales, Greaves, Harbertson, Chambers and Stone are expected to start the game for Ogden. Leo Walker has built his offense around Harris and Cropley and these men will bear watching in the Friday contest. Dick Thorne's Weber high hoopsters will invade Box Elder. The 1 Warriors hope to avenge the re¬cent 82 to 27 defeat handed out by the Bees. Thorne will take his entire squad to Brigham for this contest. The winning five will jump into fourth place in the league race. STUDENT PICKS TEAM Eddie Vacheresse, star end on the West Virginia football team ast fall, is coach of the boxing team at his institution now. He is still in school. FEBRUARY 8, 1929. When a building is about to fall down all the mice desert it.—Pliny. NEW O. H. S. NOT NEEDED These are reasons why the city of Ogden does not need a new high school: It would Inconvenience the stu¬dents. They wouldn't have any spots on the wall where the plaster had fallen, or a cartoon of our dear teachers to occupy their minds while the teacher was lecturing. The greatest disadvantage would be that the radiators would be placed in the wall and the students, having no place to park or make dates between classes or at noon hour, would have no excuse for being tardy. They would have to have their lessons well prepared, for they would never know when their parents would step into the room with some distinguished vis¬itor just as the teacher called upon him to recite. The poor students would have to study so hard that there would be no danger of many nervous breakdowns. Last, but not least, it would in¬convenience the teacher. The teacher, not having to worry about the noise breaking her ear drums every time she opened the hall door, or about the ceiling falling every time a boy sneezed, would have to take Anti-Fat to keep her slim, graceful figure. TIGERS-BEARS TONIGHT At 7:30 o'clock tonight the whis¬tle will send the Orange and Black Tigers and the Red and White Bears Into 40 minutes of hectic basket work. At 10 o'clock we'll know wheth¬er or not Ogden is leading the di¬vision in the race for the region one flag. Arrangements are being made to accommodate a packed house with¬out endangering the line of the fans or players. Come early and avoid the rush. It won't be long j now! Tigers, eat 'em up! HOP IN 13 DAYS Just 13 more days until "the greatest military spectacle" of the year. Get your dates—and get them immediately because the days and belles are going fast. Everyone is invited to attend whether he is a cadet or not. Parents, this dance ' is for you as well as your sons and daughters. Attend It and see the kind of dances that Ogden High school sponsors. It will take place on February 21. Remember, no cadet will be admitted without uniform. Let's go! TAU ETA NAU On Thursday, Tau Eta Nau held its party at the home of Sabra Wright, and talk about the parties! We surely had one. Lucille Van Dyke was initiated into the club. Lucille didn't know for sure whether we were going to let her go home. We invited three special guests to our party. They were Josephine Gale, Athleen Budge and Marion Allison. We had a very nice time playing games and listening to KSL spread its entertaining arts over the uni-verse. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Wright, after which we ad¬journed. —Mona Forsha. ONE-ACT PLAYS Four one-act plays have been chosen for presentation. In this number is a clever comedy, "Coral Beads," by Elizabeth Yates; "Bar¬gains in Cathay," by Rachel Field, author of many excellent plays; "Thursday Evening," by Christo¬pher Morley, a picture of newly- weds and mothers-in-law; "Little Tin Banks," a comedy in slang, by Ruth Zuppann, Ogden High's playwright. Watch for the date. I-WANNAN-O Meeting commenced at the home of Charles Dunn Wednesday eve¬ning at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Sampson gave a report on the social com¬mittee relative to our party. In case you haven't heard, it might be well to state that we had part of our initiation last Saturday night. We met at Mr. Sampson's for lunch and later enjoyed a danc¬ing party. Judging from all in¬formation available, everyone had a fine evening. Continuing, the meeting was turned into a commit¬tee of the whole for a discussion of current topics, social, scientific, scholastic, or what have you. The discussion of Steinmetz given by Mr. Reeder two weeks before was continued by Mr. Sampson. The meeting was then adjourned. —Os Jackson. ZETA PHI XI The meeting was promptly call¬ed to order at 3:20 o'clock. It was, indeed, a startling fact that every¬one was on timie—even early! Business of the day was talked over in honorable fashion, and it was decided upon that Marjorie Faris shall be general chairman | of the assembly that is to be spon¬sored by our club. It will be the best one yet, so watch for it! Junior members were very much discussed. We have not yet decided upon a lucky one, but we are sure to do some hard thinking during the week, Better be on your best behavior, junior girls! Meeting then adjourned. —A. E. PHI LAMBDA TAU The Phi Lambda Tau's have add¬ed another achievement to their long list. Our latest addition is that of removing obstacles, the ob¬stacle being the piano. Ask Charles how we successfully over¬came this one. We had one of the busiest meet¬ings of the school year. Besides hearing a musical number by Francis Foster, and weeping with Verla Raty, we discussed our bud- |