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Show MAY 19, 1929. MISS BLANCHE HEED and Miss Ruth Falck, who will appear on the program at the commencement exercises of the Ogden High school on Friday morning. Miss Falck, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Falck, will play a piano solo, and Miss Heed will sing. Link Tiffany Link Tiffany "Life is one great commercial mart where we see what we desire and pay the price asked for it. We have to give up just about equal value for all we get. Ease, enjoy¬ment and self indulgence are prices asked for the best of life. If you do little or give up little you wil. gain little. If you do less than your best or, like one in the parable, do nothing and let your talent be unused you will lose what you al¬ready have. Many a high school boy or girl has lost their power of thought and even, their knowledge simplv because they thought they were educated and need not study more. They paid no more in time and concentration and they se¬cured no added reward. "Above all your character will he the determining factor of your lasting success and joy. The stand¬ards of honesty, purity, sacrifice and faithful reverence never lose their place and power. Your lives will be different from your fore¬bears but the elements of charac¬ter will be tfie same. The deep riches and lasting joys of life are changeless as the stars." MAY 21, 1929 EXCELLENT EXHIBIT The annual exhibit of the high school surpassed those of other years by far. Every exhibit show¬ed serious planning and was well arranged. The assembly in the aft¬ernoon was highly entertaining and the dress revue in the evening was presented to the largest crowds that ever packed the bymnasium. The year's work is done and the exhibits proved that it has not been in vain. AWARD DAY THURSDAY The annual award day of the Og¬den high school will be this Thurs¬day. The award assembly will be in the afternoon at 12:45, Presi¬dent Corry, presiding. At this time all awards won dur¬ing the year will be formally pre¬sented before the student body. Parents and friends are especially invited to be in attendance. STELLAE ELECTS At the farewell meeting of the year held at Maxine Fox's last Thursday, Stellae took in the full quota of new members and elected the officers for next fall. Hugh Ford was elected president with Horace Nebecker, vice president, and Beth Peck, secretary. The new members to don the cap of goat- hood are Beth Peck, Marjorie An¬derson, Derald Stone, Wendell Shurtleff, Les Mayer and Ted Mattson. Goodbye and good luck. SHIRTS OFF The big senior-junior shirt rush was scheduled to go off today, and when a thing is scheduled to go off at the high school it usually does. The shirts wrent off today. Anyone who did or who didn't know they were not supposed to wear their Sunday shirt to an informal affair like this were victims of the avalanche of rushers. It would be hard to judge the winners of the con¬test as no one was slighted, and everyone was given the opportuni¬ty of feeling nonchalant without a shirt. The ragman would have been in paradise if he had happened to step in at the right time (any¬time). Unless something radical happens I this marks the end of senior-junior ! what-have-yous for 1929. It’s been a grand old year. REED SCHOLARSHIPS Reed college offers to members of high school graduating classes the following free scholarships to qualified applicants for admission in September, 1929: A.—A scholarship in the amount of $25 0 from the Harry W. Hogue memorial fund. B.—Five scholarships for gradu¬ates of high schools outside of Ore¬gon, in the amount of $250, cover¬ing tuition and fees for one year. Successful candidates will ,in addi¬tion, receive their railroad fare from their home to Portland. Awards will be made by the Reed college faculty on the basis of: 1. High school record. 2. Testimony of those well ac¬quainted with the applicant. 3. Evidence of need for finan¬cial assistance in undertaking a college course. 4. Written work suggested by Reed college. Full instructions will be sent up¬on receipt of application. Letters of application should be mailed by July 1. Address: The Registrar, Reed College, Portland, Ore. HIGH SCHOOL SONG Here is a copy of the song the seniors are learning to sing this Thursday morning at commence¬ment. The words were written by George E. Eaton, a former high school principal of high school and now one of the state's leading edu¬cators: Through life_with its seasons of pleasure and pam 'r Be they spent in the cottage or hall, There are none that are fraught with such comfort and joy As the hours that our school days recall. All hail alma mater, thou guide of our youth, Who hath moulded our spir¬its to thine; We cherish thee now as thou cherished us then, ind invoke on thee blessings divine. Join hands, once again, in fra¬ternity's bond; Everlasting that kinship shall be, First, we pledge to the weal of the land that we love May she never lack hearts brave and free. Then, here's to fair knowledge, bright symbol of power. And may never foul ignor¬ance rule; May the God of our fathers forever protect Ourselves and the Ogden MAY 23, 1929 EIGHT NAMED BY O.H.S.FOR FINE WORK OF SCHOOL YEAR Honors Conferred During Closing Assembly In Auditorium TWO SERIES STARTED Jewelry, Trophy And Other Special Tokens Are Received Outstanding students of Ogden high school were honored at the annual award day assembly in the school auditorium this afternoon. Keith Corry, president of the stu¬dent body, presided. SELECTED BY VOTE Eight students were named for their unusual service, scholarship and loyalty. These students were selected by preferential vote, first of school council, secondly of the faculty council. Gaining this distinction were: Keith Corry, Lorna Crockett, Rex Greaves, Dorothy Wallace, Charles Dunn, Tillman Johnson, Kent Bramwell and Henry Jordan. Rex Greaves, outstanding ath¬lete at the school, was presented with a gold watch, given annually by J. U. Eldredge, Jr., and A. L. Glasmann, publishers of The Stand¬ard-Examiner. The presentation was made by A1 Warden, sports editor. Warren Wattis was presented with a silver loving cup in recog¬nition of his tennis performance in class competition. George Eccles, the donor, made the presentation. A gold pin was presented to Miss Liddy Teuscher by Mrs. Blanche Mclvey as a result of her victory recently in the Lewis oratorical contest. The Harvard club of Utah award, a book, was presented to Thomas Buchall by Lawrence Clayton. Miss Fay Anderson received a national chemistry award, a $20 gold piece. E. G. Smith made the presentation. The Weber County Fish and Game Protective association awards of cash, $5, $2, $1, and $1 were made by Willis Smith to Vir¬ginia rionnold, Henry Jordan, Jo¬seph Fujimori and Gerrard Klomp. The first of a series of medals for the outstanding student in mu¬sic in the city schools was pre¬sented by the donor, Mark Robin¬son, supervisor of music, to Harold Felt. Mr. Felt plays the violin and is also a singer. GOLD PINS GAINED John E. Carver, Jr., manager of athletics; Jim Francis, captain of football; Rex Greaves and Don Chambers, captains of basketball, and Dan Stewart, winner of the pole vault in recent state meet were presented with gold pins by the Rotary club. President Leslie S. Hodgson made the presentations. This is to be an annua) feature. The award assembly today was the closing assembly of the 1928- 2 9 school year. MAY 23, 1929 O. H. S. NEWS "Best wishes from the class of 1929 to the class of 1930. You've been good little friends. May we always be." COMMENCEMENT AT TEN If you received a ticket inviting you to attend the seventy-seventh annual graduating exercises of the Ogden high school remember that promptly at 10 o'clock the pro¬gram begins. Seniors are request¬ed to be on the stage and in their chairs not later than a Quarter to ten. The senior reception, forfJB niors, teachers, and parents, onfl will begin in the Berthana at After the graduating exerclaaiH ddnts are asked to return to scmH and receive their year books ^H report cards. ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE , The war department that Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Cunningham, commanding of at Ogden high has been grant H two months' leave of abmH beginning June 15. Colonel Cunningham will spend his leave oH ranch in Sheridan, Wyo. GUY'S TREAT Albert Guy showed his a iuaoryI class that he had a heart of gH by making his annual award yepl terday. He gave each member H his class, forty to be exact, & aH ton of ice cream. That's our of a cool stunt, Ab. RICHARD THE LION-HEARTED Richard Anderson, better knbiH as Dick, who spends part of tm time at high school, but most ofjfl with Gladys, is now a f;il!-fiedpflofficer of the law. We wooJH if he'll pinch himself forll armed driving. SISTERS PART Girls' meeting was called to order by Vice President Payne. After a piano solo by Edna Nelson, the minutes of the meeting were read and appro Blanche Heed sang "Redskin," 99 companied by Guinevere Hess. Mr. Stewart gave us an interesting afifl enlightening talk on our new pfl ture, "Breath of Morning." Charlene Scowcroft gave us a very pleqgH ing selection on the piano. oS next year's officers, Ada, Guinevere and Shirley, each gave us alltH speech, as also did this year's H ficers and Mrs. Blackham. The lovely, sentimental speeches! Mrs. Irwin and Lorna caused teai to flow, for we will indeed mlfa our big-sister seniors next year. The juniors wish them luck and. happiness on their onward- jotij neys, and we hope they will thiifc- of us as often as w will think of them. AWARDS IN BOOKKEEPING Gold pins were awatded to thol completing a two yeas course: H Hetzler Ashby, Clyde Buehler, Coral Crabtree, Vesta Jensen, Wallace M. Johnson, Harold Lundy, Myrle Peck, Junior Porter. William Schmalz, Hessel Stowe, LeGrande Stewart, Ernest Tarran, Abe Verham, Charles Watkins. SILVER PINS Silver pins to those completing! the first year with high marks: Gordon Seaman, Venna Hokanson, Wilma Shaw, Leltoy Poulson. Mona Forsha, Lucille Van Dyke. Evelyn Upton, Nell Levendahl, Charles Ward. Mildred Higgs, Martha Gay, June Passey, Leon Manning, Herbert Stewart, Anna Proudfit, Ardith Ashby, Sarah De Young; Ruth Richey, Ben Crandall, Abe Gordon, Earl Stephens, Dorsel Slater, Enoch Thorne, Standford Whitaker. Bronse pins went to the following: Harold Stephens, Barr Carruth, Della Jackson, Martin Graff, Harold Clifton, Oakley McCarthy. MR. ABPLANALP, Instructor. |