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Show THE HAMILTON CLUB THE HAMILTON CLUB MENU Classicalia, berthana, March 22, 1929 Cake $.10 Silver Devils’ Food Pie $.10 Apple Raisin Pineapple Berry Ice Cream $.10 A la mode service $.10 extra Please pay cashier WE THANK YOU Special Pie A La Mode $.20 have are—Grace, Ed Smith, Dave Wangsgaard, "Slim" Hales, Coach Kapple and Les Mayer. Carver, are you responsible for all this? STELLAE Stellae met at Noblitt's Tuesday night at 7 o'clock and according to the timekeeper, left the house at 10:30 o'clock. During the business meeting a very acceptable report was given by the assembly committee and Rex Lorna and Kent were elected as the Classicalia committee. Then the program began. Miss Majorie Perrins played for us and her fingers performed such tricks upon the keys that even Ed Smith said it couldn't be done. Dee Jackson read a theme on astronomy to us which was his own composition. Our most esteemed f chemistry instructor, Edwin Smith, then gave a most interesting talk on Heidelberg and his visit in Germany. His scrap book was the most intertaining we had ever seen. After we had eaten everything in sight, we left with the house still in a fairly good condition. —Audrey Clark. ASSEMBLY We had our usually—or shall we say unusually?—fine assembly this afternoon. Tomorrow, of course, we get out for Washington's birth¬day. This assembly pepped us up for the Cadet hop and our vaca¬tion. Yet, it was reverential, too. Mrs. Angus Warner Bowen, who comes to us once every year, was the soloist. We always enjoy her visits, and wait anxiously for her next. Then, Attorney Arthur Woolley talked to us on "Mounments of" Peace." He inspired us all and made us think more seriously about our duty to the future. We wish we could hear him more often. Our home talent, Arthur Felt, accom¬panied by Frances Foster, played for us. Oh, yes—Weber college announced her tournament. MARCH 10, 1929. WILL COMPETE FOR QUEEN OF CLASSICALIA The Ogden High school Classicalia, the annual carnival dance of the local high school, will be ha at the Berthana Friday evening March 22. The motif for this gala extravaganza is spring. Student delegates met in convention Thursday afternoon and elected fifteen girls from whose number the students in a series of elimination elections will select the Classicalia queen and her court. On Friday the fifteen girls were presented to the assembled student body. Judging from the enthusiasm with which these girls were received, one is assured that the spirit of the Classicalia at Ogden High school is as rampant as in previous years. The girls presented, and the one who will compete for the coveted honor of Classicalia queen, are as follows: Lorna Crockett, Margaret Ellingson, Louise Emmett, Blanche Heed, Louise Jay, Marvel Kenney, Margaret Lowe, Jeanette Morrell, Lyzena Payne, Mildred Purdy, Rebecca Ririe, Virginia Rose, Verna Taylor, Evelyn Van Dyke and Dorothy Wallace. MARCH 11, 1929. Ogden High School News The group of four one-act plays presented by the dramatic art classes of Ogden High, under fH direction of Miss Dorthy Irvine, at Central Junior High, Friday night, gave a packed house if money's worth and then some, was a real treat. The plays well chosen and the draniatljH demonstrated that they had bfl putting time and practice into thA parts. The curtain-raiser, "Little Tin Banks," a play written by Ruth Zuppann, High's playwright, wJ very cleverly enacted. It was ai original comedy and brought much laughter from the audience. "Coral Beads," with but thrw characters, was also well received, and "Bargains in Cathay" ifll claimed by many as their favorite, "Thursday Evening" ended tjM program with a lot of spice an laughter. After the play the casts and thraH directors staged a party at Keeley's. CANDIDATES AND BOOTHS The delegating committees met for an hour or so in the gym last week to choose the candidates will contest for Queen of Heart« The following fifteen comprise the- first ballot, seven of these CnS scheduled to be eliminated in to¬day's balloting: Lorna Crockett, Margaret Elling¬son, Louise Emmett, Louise Jay, Margaret Lowe, Jeanette Morrell, Blanche Heed, Lyzena Payne, Mar¬vel Kenney, Mildred Puroy, Rebec¬ca Ririe, Virginia Rose, Verna Taylor, Dorothy Wallace and Evelyn Van Dyke. Colonel Bell auctioned the booths for the Classicalia in Friday's assembly. Home Economics got the soda water booth for the highest bid, I-Wannan-O and We 13 com¬bined to take the second bid, and they chose candy. Zeta Phi XI gained the noise makers and serpentine booth, Phi Lamba Tau, hats and balloons, Girls' asociation, game of skill, Gamma Kappa, side show, Stellae, fortune telling, and Hamilton club, the eats. The total bids amount to $1305 and the bidding clubs will receive a free page in the year book. EMMETT OR JAY? The person who dropped this tribute in the mail box neglected to give the last name of the girl to |