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Show Mrs. J. W. Ellingson. Mayor and Mrs. Frank Francis. Commissioner and Mrs. Harman W. Peery. Commissioner and Mrs. Fred E. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Becker. FEBRUARY 17, 1929. CADET HOP TO FEATURE CRACK COMPANY DRILL The younger set is showing much interest in the annual Cadet Hop of the Ogden High school, which will be given on Thursday evening in the Berthana hall. At 9:30 o'clock the crack com¬pany will give the silent manual accompanied by the school band. Colonel Lloyd Keller is general chairman and is assisted by Colonel Margaret Ellingson, Captain Keith Major, Gordon Van Buren, Major Verna Crockett. Captain Elliott Sampson, Captain Dorothy Wallace; decorations committee, Lt.-Col. Richard Ballard, chairman; Lt.-Col. Louise Jay, Lt. Charles Dunn, Captain Huber Earle, Captain Jeanette Morrell; publicity, Lieut. Jack Norback, Captain Hessel Stowe, Captain Mildred Purdy, Captain Oswell Jackson, Captain Louise Emmett; refreshments, Major Kenneth Johnson, Major Virginia Rose, Captain John Carver and Captain Elizabeth Nye; program, sponsors in charge. Patrons and patronesses are: Colonel and Mrs. Thomas H. Cunningham, Supt. And Mrs. W. Karl Hopkins, Principal and Mrs. A. M. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Foulger, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Ellingson, Mayor and Mrs. Frank Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Harman Peery, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Gustav L. Becker. Orange Streaks Gain Verdict Over Weber Dixon Kapple's Charges Play Championship Ball On Warrior Court; Stone and Van Kampen Stand Out as Stars; Ogdenites Offer Polished Brand of Ball. By AL WARDEN OGDEN High .school courtiers uncorked a sensational brand of ball last night on tlie Weber High school gymnasium court fo down their city rivals, Weber, 42 to 21, in a game that attracted a capacity crowd. The Tigers doubled the count on the Dick Thorne machine in a contest that was col¬orful, thrilling and interesting from the first to final whistle. The triumph gives Ogden a commanding lead in the Ogden division race as a result of the defeat of Davis at the hands of Bear River. STRENGTH GALORE Ogden gave every appearance of championship strength last night. They piled up an early lead with a marvelous passing attack, offset two styles of defense offered by the Weberites and won as they pleased. In the final stages of the battle Coach Dick Thorne ordered his men to switch from the five-man defense to the old-time cover method, or man or man style. This change failed to hamper the work of the Tigers. The Orange Streaks undoubtedly Uncorked the greatest brand of ball they have offered this season. Ev¬ery man, including the reserves, carried out his assignment to the letter, while Dick Kapple grinned on the side lines. Tlie victory last night evens the count in the city race inasmuch as Weber came frbm behind in the first game with a last minute rally to win 27 to 28. This leaves the "city championship" deadlocked i for 1929. Two athletes stood out in brilance in the closing Ogden-Weber game of 1929. Each team trotted out a star, and each team today hag a right to be proud of the ca¬pers of their respective aces. CLASSY PERFORMERS Doxey Stone, midget guard, was a regular whirlwind for Ogden. His dribbling was wonderful. The Ti¬ger guard gave as sweet an ex¬hibition of handling the ball via the dribble route as one would care to witness in any class of com- petition. Three times lie zig-zag- ged down the court, sped by the Weber guards, and tossed in two pointers. His work on defense was just as colorful. "Rudy" Van Kampen was the Weber sensation. Donning the ab¬breviated togs for the first time as a regular, Van Kampen demonstrated a world of ability. He was j a wow on the guard line and count- cd four baskets and a free throw j to lead his mates in scoring. Three of the four baskets made ' by the latest Weber sensation were from beyond the center of the ; court. He has an uncanny eye. Van Kampen and Stone hogged the majority of the glory, yet | there were plenty of other stars on the floor. "Slim" Hales played his usual star game at center. He scored 11 points and won high point hon¬ors. Slim was ejected from the ' game in the fourth period on per¬sonal fouls. Chambers, Greaves and Harbert¬son also came through with fine performances. Harbertson's ball rustling was a big factor in the all- around play of the Orange Streaks. Read, a reserve forward, and Wattis peformed for just a few minutes for the Tigers, but gave splendid accounts of themselves. FEBRUARY 16, 1929. Tigers Take Lead In Ogden Division Court Race FEBRUARY 17, 1929. Four Games Booked In Ogden Loop This Week Barker and Hunter shared honors with Van Kampen as the elite of the Weber machine. TAKE EARLY LEAD Ogden got away to a command¬ing lead in the first quarter and was never headed. The count was 16 to 7. In the early part of the second period Weber flashed for a brief time and came within four points of deadlocking the score. This rally, however, was short lived. At the half Ogden led 22 to 12. They increased this advantage in the third and fourth periods to win going away. Dick Thorne's aggregation, in Befeat, battled the Orange Streaks to the final gun. The Weberites gave their every effort in an at¬tempt to stop the league leaders, but bowed before a superior ma¬chine. The Tigers offered a super brand of ball to square matters with their ever-ready rivals. From the viewpoint of the spectator the contest was brim full of thrills and excit¬ing moments. Despite the score it was a typical Weber-Ogden contest , with fine sportsmanship jammed in with polished playing. Tigers Face Davis In Headline Event Four Teams Have Chance to Win Post in State Joust at Salt Lake; Bees Play at Kaysville Tuesday; - Weber Journeys to Bear River for Game By AL WARDEN Standard-Examiner Sports Editor. BASKETBALL teams of the Ogden division of the Utah state high school circuit will start down the home stretch this week. Four games are carded for tlie basketball followers of this section of the state. Two games are booked for Tues¬day and the others will be played Friday. Jack Croft's Davis warriors, holders of second place in the league standing, entertain the Box Elder five at Kaysville in one of the headline games of the week. The Bees bowed before the Davis five at Brigham City recently and hope to avenge this defeat. Davis fell before the Bear River athletes last Friday, 41 to 29, in one of the upsets of the season. IN TWO GAMES The Kaysville athletes get two tough assignments this week. Be¬sides meeting Box Elder they are carded for action against the Og¬den Tigers, league leaders here Friday night. Ogden will have a big advantage in playing this contest on her home court. The Tigers recently down¬ed the Davis five at Kaysville and members of the "Orange Streak" squad are now out to make it two in a row over Davis. This game is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. sharp and promises to at¬tract a record-breaking crowd. A victory for Ogden will cinch the title for the Ogden division for 1929 and will insure the Tigers of a post in the state joust which opens at Salt Lake early in March. SHOW ABILITY Kapple's athletes were impres¬sive last Friday night in their 42 to 21 decision over the Weber ath¬letes. The entire machine, includ¬ing the reserves, worked in splen¬did unison. Dick Thorne takes his Weberites to Bear River Tuesday for a league battle with the Bears. The Ogden-ites suffered a defeat here recent¬ly at the hands of the Leo Walker machine. Thorne's athletes are now out to even the count. Van Kampen, new sensation of the Weber camp, is sure to start the game at a guard position. He is the outstanding performer of the Warrior machine. Bear River and Box Elder clash Friday night in the other league game of the week. This contest is scheduled for Friday night at Brigham City. Earl Ferguson's athletes still have a fighting chance to gain a place in the state series despite their present position in the per¬centage column. Closing games for the Ogden sector are scheduled for March 1. Ogden plays at Box Elder on that date and Weber closes her cam¬paign with Davis. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. To be honest, as the world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.—Shakespeare. CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Friday night Ogden and Davis will be fighting in the O. H. S. gym in a game that means everything 1 to both schools. If we win, O. H. S. will have her first Ogden divi¬sion championship since 1924. A defeat would make things mighty hard to gain the trophy. Davis won the title last season and she's bringing up a colorful team to force history to repeat itself; but she's going to meet a tough snag the minute she steps into the Tiger's cage. Hair and fur are , sure to fly—get there early and re¬serve your bleacher space—student bodys admit you. WEDDING BELLS The eve of Washington's birthday will be long remembered in the heart of one of our teachers here at high. Ralph has been dropped by the arrow of Cupid and tomorrow night he'll be singing "I Do" in high C. Many happy returns of the day, Mr. Peterson. Here comes the bride—tra la la la! IMPORTANT Will all contestants for the D. A. R. oratorical contest please meet in Miss Irvine's room, 305, Monday, February 2 5, at 3:15 o'clock. Im¬portant, imperative. Be there. MRS. KOHLER BACK Mrs. Edith Kohler Wheeler, teacher at high school last year, I is now substituting for Miss Evans, who was called to Lehi by the illness and death of her mother. GRADS DEBATE FOR WEBER Ogden High is being well repre¬sented in everything at Weber col¬lege. The latest news is that five of the six Weber debaters who are traveling to other sections of the country on debating tours are O. H. S. grads. Winifred MacConnell, '27, and Virginia Nicholas, '28, are going to California; George Wil¬liams, student body president, and Frank Rose, both '27s, will travel to Chicago, while Jim Neil, 27, with Dave Kennedy, will visit Vancouver. TOMORROW NIGHT At 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night, the Cadet Hop will begin. At 9:30 o'clock the crack company is sched-uled to open the eyes of all in at¬tendance with a splendid exhibition of physical drill to music. Tomoroav is your last chance to date the lucky girl and see a salesman about your ticket.' CONGRESS Forum had a big treat Monday night. Congress debated with them. It was a no-decision affair, and was given merely so that both teams would be better prepared to meet West High in a debate next Wednesday. Judge Gideon and Mr. Johnson were there and gave us some very helpful criticisms, Forum thinks they walked all over us, and we hate to disillusion them but the two men gave their personal opinion of the question, and as it agreed with the side Forum upheld, Forum thinks it's curtains for us when we meet them in a few weeks. Wednesday is the big debate and Congress, has the flow- |