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Show From this point you may act as your own guide, reading a poem here, a story there and then an essay as you will. We are sure you will not be satisfied until you have rend the entire Issue. You will put It down with the thought: "That surely Is a very well-written inagailne. Tt reflects credit upon our boys and girls and our school. We are happy to have them express thmiM'lves In such a creditable form.” SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, 1929. Orange Streaks Win Division Gonfalon Tigers Win Right to Compete in State Series With Neat Triumph Over Box Elder; Trail Bees at Half; Harbertson and Hales Lead Attack. DIXON KAPPLE’S Ogden High school hoopsters are wearing feu broad smiles today. They came through with a 37 to 26 Hjbtory over the Pox Elder Bees at Brigham City last night to nplnch the Ogden division title for 1929. A defeat would have n in a deadlock with Bear River and Davis. Box Elder held a 14 to 13 adat the rest period, but a attack and some uncanny shooting gave the Tigers a lead early in the third period, which they maintained j to the final gun. "Slim" Hales and Jack Har¬bertson were the outstanding stars tor Ogden. Hales counted six buck¬ets and scored four times from the foul line. His floor work was colorful, also. Harbertson was a human whirl¬wind. He was all over the court and played a wow of a ame. He tossed in five bas- Chambers played a sensational game on the guard line for the Kapplemen. Fishburn and Steffen were the outstanding players for the Earl Ferguson machine. Th victory last nigj ot only given Ogden the division ag but it also gives the Tiger lie G. L. Becker trophy, as divl champs. Ogden will prepare next week for tho rtate meot to be held at Salt March 13, H 15, and 16. Scoie: f OGDEN G. T. F. P. Grieves, rf 1 l i 3 Harbertson .If 5 2 0 10 Hales. c 6 6 4 13 Chambers rg 4 1 0 8 lg 0 0 0 0 Totals 16 10 5 37 BOX ELDER G. T. F. P. G. Valentine, rf 0 3 0 0 Earlo, If 1 7 4 6 Fishburn, c 4 1 1 9 Kupser rg 1 4 1 2 Stoffin, rg 1 0 0 2 Peterson. rf 1 1 0 2 Lee. If 2 1 0 4 L. Valentine, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals 10 17 6 26 Referee, Cullimore; umpire, Barney TRIBUNE MARCH 2, OGDEN GAINS MEET POST Tigers Defeat Bees to Re¬turn to 1926 Place; Davis Triumphs. REGION ONE. Weber Division. Standing of Teams. 6 2 .150 Ogden 3 -625 Bear River 3 625 Davis. 5 .375 Boxelder 7 12s Weber Friday's Results. Ogden 37, Boxelder 26. Davis 42, Bear River 21. Special to The Tribune. BRIGHAM CITY. — Coach Dixon Kapple's Ogden Tigers returned to the place they held In 1926 by defeating Boxelder here Friday night, 37 to 26, to annex the Weber division title and a place in the state tourna¬ment. Boxelder led at the end of the first half, 14 to 13, but a second pe¬riod rally of the Tigers, featuring the work of Hales, six-foot-three center, and Harberton, able forward, brought Ogden from the rear to a triumph. Fishburn, losers' center, was the outstanding performer for them. The score: OGDEN. BOXELDER. G.T.P.P.: G.T.F.P. Grieves, rf.. Ill 3; G.Vallntine,rf 0 3 0 0 Harbertson,If 5 2 0 10 Earle, If 17 4 6 Hales, c 6 6 4 16;Fishburn, c.. 4 119 Chambers, rg 4 1 0 8 Kupser, rg... 14 12 Francis, lg.. 0 0 0 0 Steffin. lg 10 0 2 Peterson, rf.. 1 10 2 Lee. If 2 10 4 L.Vallentine.lg 0 0 0 0 Totals .. 16 10 5 37 Totals ... 10 17 6 26 Referee, Cullimore; umpire, Barney. MARCH 3, 1929. KAPPLE NAMES EIGHT PLAYERS FOB BIG JOUST Stone Is Scheduled To Return To Lineup In Time For Series EIGHT Tigers will represent the Ogden High school in the an¬nual scholastic joust at Salt Lake, March 13, 14, 1'5 and 16, Dixon Kapple, director of athletics, an¬nounced last night. The squad was named as fol¬lows: Jack Harbertson, Rex Greaves, Frank Read, Wesley Hales, Les Mayer, Jim Francis, Doxey Stone and Don Chambers. In 1926 the Orange Streaks fin¬ished as runners-up in the state se¬ries, losing to Latter-day Saints, 17 to 16, in a sensational battle. The Tigers and Saints both in¬vaded Chicago at the close of the state schedule and competed in the national affair. Light workouts will be on the program this coming week for the Tigers. They completed their di¬vision schedule with a triumph over Box Elder last Friday despite the fact that Doxey Stone, colorful guard, was out of the lineup. Stone, who has been suffering with mumps, is slated to return to the lineup this week. He will be available by the time the state series is staged, it is announced. Tigers Capture Becker Cage Trophy AFTER a spirited basketball race Dixon Kapple's Ogden High school courtiers came through last Fri¬day with their third division title since the former Logan mentor assumed the role of coach. The victory gives Ogden the right to represent the Ogden division in the big state joust at Salt Lake March 13, 14, 15 and 16. Back row, left to right: Don Chambers, guard; Slim Hales, center, and Jack Harbert¬son, forward Front row, left to right: Doxey Stone, guard, and Rex Greaves, forward. MONDAY EVENING-, MARCH 4, 1929. Ogden . . High School News CHAMPIONS Ogden High school gained her first division basketball championship since 1924, Friday, when the fighting "Orange Streaks" trimmed the Box Elder Bees, 37 to 2 6. Four bus loads of Ogden peps were on hand to cheer the Tigers in their fight, and anyone that doubts the ' O. H. S. has spirit and plenty of it is either blind, deaf or "off." Friday's game ended the regu¬lar league scfhedule and the boys can rest up a bit now before they leave for the state tournament in Salt Lake March 13-16. Coach Kapple, however, is desir¬ous of another jame with Weber High to determiriejthe "jty championship. The Warriors may con¬sider this their challenge. If they accept, the game will probably be played this week in the Weber gym. ONE-ACT PLAYS The group of four one-act plays sponsored by the dramatic, art classes, under the direction of Miss Irvine, will be presented Friday in the Central Junior High auditori¬um. The last group of plays was the talk of the town, and these are even better so be sure and keep that night open. TREAT IN STORE The peppy Ham-and-club of high school introduced its big surprise very Informally last Friday at the noon hour. That long funnel- shaped contraption with the music issuing out of it that attracted so many ears and eyes is part of the big surprise the radio hounds are going to give the school. But you ain't heard nothin' yet. Wait and see! GAMMA KAPPA Gamma Kappa held its weekly meeting Thursday afternoon. We discussed pins again—and parties and other interesting things. And then—joy of joys! Mrs. Franke, one of our club advisers, gave us a description of her trip to Alas¬ka. Now we're trying to take up a collection, so that we can go, too!—Kathryn Cooley. CLASSICALIA NEWS The plans for the big Classicalia are fast maturing. The following committees have been chosen: Ad-vertising and publicity, booths and concessions, pageant and grand march, finance and tickets, pro-grams, floor committee, club com¬petition, queen contest and con- |