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Show (Buro Huhn), Boys' Glee club; violin solo, Orientale (Casear Cul), Harold Felt; solo, Service (Cadman), Helen Miller; sermon, The Personality of the Educational Program, the Rev. J. E. Carver; selection, Sylvia (Oley Speaks), Boys' Glee club; benediction, the Rev. J. E. Carver; postlude, O. H. S. orchestra. FRIDAY'S EXERCISES Numbers on the commencement program in the Orpheum theatre on Friday morning ,May 24, at ten o'clock are: Overture, La Dame Blanche (Boieldieu), O. H. S. or¬chestra; invocation, The Rev. Les¬ter P. Fagen; piano solo, The Lark (Glinka), Ruth Falck; salutatory, Apprenticeship, Afton Terry; se¬lection, Morning (Speaks), Girls' Chorus; violin solo, Siene De Ballet (De Benish), Junior Lundquist; reading, Rebecca Ririe; cornet solo, Lilacs (H. A. Vandercook), Wil¬liam Schmalz; solo, Villanelle (Dell Aqua), Blanche Heed; oration, Worlds to Conquer, Earl Leatham; clarinet solo, Nadine (H. Benne Nenton), Clyde Buehler; valedic¬tory, The Symbol, Kathryn Cooley; presentation of graduates, Prin. A. M. Merrill; conferring of cer¬tificates, Supt. W. Karl Hopkins; class song, class; benediction, the Rev. Lester P. Fagen. APRIL 21, 1929. OGDEN.—One of the large func¬tions of the year in school circles was the annual junior prom of the Ogden high school given at the Berthana Friday evening. A tropical idea was carried out in the decorations, with potted palms and other tropical sug¬gestions. About 500 were in atten¬dance. Ben Cartwright was chairman of a general arrangements commit¬tee. Other committees were as fol¬lows: Tickets, Horace Nebeker, chair¬man; Doxey Stone, Lester Douglas, Miss Ethel Thomas, Willard Heed, Rader Deegan, Robert McCralley, Miss Athleen Budge and Howard Tribe. Refreshments, Dale Reed, chairman; Miss Mona Forsha, Harold Ipson, Miss Marion Clark, Herbert Isaacson. Invitations, Herbert Stew¬art, chairman; Miss Beth Peck, Rob¬ert Barker, Miss Charlene Scowcroft and Charles Hetzel. Dance programs, Bertram Wattler, chairman; Miss Eleanor Stevens, Charles Ward, Miss Nettie Newman, Robert Russell, Miss Rachel Meadoway and Miss Lucille Van Dyke. Date, Miss Guinevere Hess, chairman; Carlyle Farr, Miss Ada Sailor, Enoch Thorne and Henry Aiken. Publicity, David Mattson, chairman; Miss Jessie McKinley, Richard McKee, Miss Jeanette Morrell and Beecher McConnell. Spon-sors were Miss Emma McChesney and Miss Dorothy Irvie. Preceding the junior prom Friday evening a group of high school girls entertained their young men friends at dinner at the Hotel Bigelow. Cov¬ers were laid for Miss Marjorie An¬derson, Miss Bernice Larsen, Miss Maxine Fox, Miss Yvonne Badcon, Miss Beth Peck, Miss Eleanor Stev¬ens, Clyde Buehler, Lawrence Burbidge, Dan Chambers, Rex Greaves, Kent Bramwell, John Edward Carv¬er, Jr., and David Mattson. ANNUAL PROM IS SUCCESSFUL EVENT OF WEEK Hawaiian Motif Featured At Affair of Younger Set The annual promenade of the Ogden High school given by the junior class in honor of the seniors was the most successful affair of the week for the younger set. The party took place on Friday evening in the Berthana hall, where the j Hawaiian motif was featured. The musicians wore royal leis of yellow flowers and palms and ferns were used in the reception rooms. The programs were of blue with a royal palm and thatched hut outlined in gold. Patrons and pat¬ronesses were: Mayor and Mrs. Frank Francis, Supt. and Mrs. Karl Hopkins, Principal and Mrs. A. M. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Irwin, Mrs. Horace G. Nebeker, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. David Mattson. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Read, Mrs. M. A. Stewart, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Wappler, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stevens. The committees in charge includ¬ed: Advertising — David Mattson. chairman; Jessie McKinley, Rich¬ard McKey, Jeanet Manning, Beecher McConnell, Dee Bram¬well. Tickets—Horace Nebeker, chair¬man; Doxey Stone, Lester Douglas, Ethel Thomas, Willard Heed, Mar-jorie Anderson, Rader Deegan, Robert McCralley, Athleen Budge. Refreshments—Dale Reed, chair¬man; Mona Forsha, Harold Ipson, Marion Clark. Invitations — Herbert Stewart, chairman; Beth Peck, Robert Barker, Charlene Scowcroft, Charles Hetzel. Program (dance) committee— Bertram Wappler, chairman; Elea¬nor Stevents, Nettie Newman, Rob¬ert Russell, Rachel Medoway, Lu¬cille Van Dyke. Dates—Guinivere Hess, chair¬man; Carlyle Farr, Ada Sailor, Enoch Thorne, Henry Aiken. Decorations — Claude Stevens, chairman; Russell Hansen, Gwen Van Orden, John Purdy, Monteith Woolley. General Student Chairman, Ben Cartwright. Faculty Advisors, Miss Irvine, Miss Chesney. At Commencement Among those on the final program of Ogden High school are (above, left.to right) Miss Rebecca Ririe, class reader, and Earl Leatham, class orator; (below) Afton Terry, salutatorian, and Katheryn Cooley, valedictorian. Link Tiffany PHOTOS Following the dance John Car¬ver entertained at the home of his parents, the Rev. John Edward Carver and Mrs. Carver, on Twen¬ty-fifth street, at a buffet supper. The guests included the Misses Maxine Fox, Olive Reynolds, Bernice Larsen, Marjorie Anderson, Eleanor Stevens, Yvonne Pierce, Louisine Peery, Mary Britton, Hel¬en Tanner, Jean Kimball, Doro¬thy Sampson, Ann Proudfit, Beth Peck, Mildred Purdy, Ada Sailor, Marion Pingree, Lorna Crockett, Charlene Scowcroft, Ruth Roberts, Rex Greaves, Charles Dunn, Don Chambers, Lawrence Burbridge, Clyde Beuhler, Kent Bramwell, Keith Corry, Charles Michaels, John Noblitt, Warren Wattis, Eliot Sampson, Hugh Ford, David Matt¬son, Cassin Clark, Horace Nebeker, Glen Wilkinson, William Reeder and Bill Smiley. Preceding the prom Miss Mary Kern was hostess at dinner at Kern's cafe where covers were laid for the Misses Margaret Ellingson, Lyzena Payne, Norine Campbell, Jeanette Treseder, Virginia Rose, Ruth Roberts, Louis Emmett, Rus¬sell Hansen, George. Bell, Dick White, Henry Bell, Clarence Packer, Jay Larsen, Bill Smiley, Oswell Jackson. Pink and white sweet peas and pink tapers decorated the table. APBIL 22. 1929 A WORD TO ALL Students and faculty of the Og¬den high school: Too much cannot be said about the quality of the opera this year. It is a well known fact that Victor Herbert is the best light opera produJ&ir of all times. We are familiar with many of his melodies from "Rose Marie," "The Red Mill," "No, No, Nannette," and "Sweethearts." These operas represent his best work but many critics, including the editor of "The Etude," America's best musical magazine, upheld "Sweethearts" as the most outstanding hit of this great master. Those of you who freard our last radio broadcast know the kind of music in the op¬era You know that it is some of the catchiest music that has ever been written. Now, students, the management has gone to great ex¬pense in getting this opera and in producing it. It is a very elabo¬rate opera, in fact, nothing in the way of a stage production that the high school has formerly present¬ed can equal the standard of this work; therefore, the cost is very excessive. Nevertheless, the man-agement is presenting the opera at very popular prices ,so we hope you will realize this opportunity. Sup¬port this project with the best of your ability, as it will prove to be, with your cooperation, one of the greatest successes yet to be made by the high school. Respectively, HUBER EARL, General Manager. OVER It's over—all over—and now another class has written in its diary book, "Tonight, April 19, 1929, we presented a junior prom that was as successful and more so than that of any other year." It was a wonderful party, juniors, and compliments and congratula¬tions are all yours. If we could think of any nice way to do it we'd like to whisper that we're real proud of the boys and girls who are going to take over the school's des¬tiny next year. SEVEN LEFT Seven netmen remain in the run¬ning for the George Eccles medal and the school singles champion-ships. Don Chambers and Gordon Bluth play each other in the semi¬finals to determine the winner of the lower bracket and one of the finalists. The winner of Rex Greaves and Bill Townsend meets Warren Wattis, and the winner of this match faces the victor of the Jim Chadwick-Jim Noblitt to deter-mine the other finalists. The dou¬bles will start as soon as the sin¬gles are completed, probably Tuesday. WHO WILL THEY BE? Yes, who, that's the question. In whose hands are we going to leave the affairs of O. H. S. student ac-tivities next year? Who are we going to let fill the shoes of Keith, Louise and Jeanette. It's a touchy problem. Watch your step and use your head when you cast your ballot for president of O H. S. Who do we want? How about Les Mayer; do you want Les? How about Herb Stewart; is Herb O.K.? How about Ben Cartwright, Enoch Thorne or Grant Morse. Look 'em over. Don't be misled. Now vice president. Do yqu want a boy or a girl?. Well, you'll have to have a girl. Will it be Eleanor Stevens, Charlene Scow¬croft, Ada Sailor or one of the Beths—Peck or Storey? Now there is a problem. Would Rader Deegan or Jack Reeve make a good secretary? If not, try Dee Bramwell or Shipley Halvorsen or Clarissa Gould. There they are, students, you're the doctors. INTER NOS A very interesting program was given. It concerned Roman chil¬dren. It was as follows: Roman children, Ben Cartwright; his pets and games, Katherine Bradley; playthings, Virginia Clay; Cicero's son, William Daniger; a Roman boy's birthday, Vera Drabble; and the story of a Roman boy, Grant Morse. We have progressed in our ob¬ject to buy decorations, pictures, and gifts for the Latin room. We have ample funds in the treasury so if you see the Latin room all fixed up some day don't be surprised. SCRIBA. ALL SENIORS ARE INVITED University of Utah Calls Students To Annual Celebration All high school seniors In the state are invited to visit the UflM versity of Utah on the twenty-flat! annual high school day, Friday May 10. Contest work in art, chemistry, debating, dramatics, extem-poraneous speaking, home econo¬mics, music and oral reading, tennis matches, and the state Mm school track met will be special! features of the day. High school day is held each spring under the auspices of the extension division to acquaint high school seniors with the University of Utah. A program of entertainment and instruction is planned t fill an entire day and evening. Iii the morning there will be an aasembly, after which the visitor!may attend the contest work, go on a tour of inspection of the univer¬sity campus, or visit with the deana of the various schools of the uni¬versity or heads of departmentsfl Lunch will be served free In tlm cafeteria, and in the afternoon thai finals in a number of contests an« state high school track meet and tennis matches will be held. Ail award assembly for the winners ol the contests and of the track ancO field events will be held in the evening. This will be followed byl a dance. Twenty-four contests will be carried on during the day besides the state high school track meet! and the tennis matches. The finald in high school debating and the state finals in the national band and orchestra contests will be held. Scholarships to the University be awarded to seniors winning! first place in the various conteM and to all members of the winnl3 debate team. Other awards Includting ten silver loving cups and merchandise prizes have been donated by Salt Lake bankers and mer¬chants. Last year 2818 high school seniors attended the university on high school day. The attendance this year is . expected to surpass thjf number, according to J. M. Adamson of the extension division, who is in charge of arrangements. APRIL 23, 1929 To be great is to be misunderstood.—Emerson. SENIOR RECEPTION In bygone days when the graduating classes of Ogden Hlg'a school numbered no more than score or two, the "senior recepfl tion" was held on the stare of thai theatre where the parents and friends would congratulate tM diploma-receivers with a few hulH handshakes and what-had-thafiM But the class soon outgrew qfl stage and then the women maQH bers of the faculty took it upoir themselves to present the girls, with a tea. This was the tradition for a while until someone noticed that the boys were being slighted and neglected. The male membail then came into the picture and tdl gether with the women, mada possible for the boys to be "re¬ceived." This is the case today. The se¬nior reception is tho faculty's "par¬ty" to the graduation class. It is the last time the class will be to¬gether and it is a farewell partfj between the faculty, seniors, nd parents. In view of the fajct that there are about two hundred se¬niors who do not attend the other dances, and these together with the rest of the class will make a fair-sized crowd, the juniors are cor¬dially invited to wait for another year until they can say the same to the next junior class. The recep¬tion is strictly a "no-datc ' party. The faculty invites all the seniors and it is an insult to them to data someone for their party. We hope it is clear, now, students. This if official information. No junior of any size, shape or description Mill be admitted to the seniors' recep¬tion. If such were your plans you have plenty of time now to nuke other arrangements. Next year yol will be the ones who are so cruel. FINALS By the time you are reading til the singles tennis champion O. H. S. will probably have be |