Title |
constitution - BLHS_1966-1967 008 |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students--1960-1970; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1966; 1967 |
Date |
1966; 1967 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 2.75 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Madison Rayner with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Alexandra Park using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
OCR Text |
Show CONSTITUTION OF THE LO..OND HIGH SCHOCL TH. BEN > Repaid: PREaMBLE in order to provide for \fE, the students of Ben Lomond High School, establish better underent, governm school in student participation provide closer reletions between standing between faculty and students, a sincere respect for law the stucents and the community, and insure student establish and ordain this Constitution for and order, do hereb government High in Ben Lomond School. ARTICLE Section Section Section Hl Section School shall All students attending the Ben Lomond High of the studentbody be members of this association by payment fee as prescribed yearly. tration shall II. all faculty members and members of the adminis tion. associa this of be honorary members tion shall be III.All girls who are members of this associa _ members of the Girls' Association. I. IV, | |i All boys who are members members of the “Sagan ri a 4 i a a y wag k 4 ; tee Section i. Section II. of this association shall be association. Boys! ¢RTICLE a I — MSMBEROHIP II ~ OFFICERS be president, The Studentbody Officers of the association shall n. historia and y, secretar t, vice presiden Other major officers: shall be Other major officers within this association A, of the presicents, vice presidents, and secretaries and Boys Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes; Girls' Club Associations; Interclan Federation; all rep Officers; Varsity Cheerleaders. B. No officer shall hold more than one major office. Section III.Mligibility A. A candidate runiing for a gajor office must be a member of the Associated Students of Ben Lowond High School. B. The candidate the three maintain year he maintain shall have an overall semesters at least holds the preceding a 3.0 average office. a 3.0 averaze, ‘vhen he aver ge elections during an and one ter.a in order to raise his average however, an officer fails to raise his or if an officers! average drops below term, he must resign from that office. shall eacn term of the officer shall be put of 3.0 for ceases to on probation for if, to a 3.0; average to a 3.0 2.5 in any one |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
15952 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6bbhcvx/15952 |