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Show Ben Lomond Future Teachers Receive Honors for Projects Ben Lomond’s Future Teach- ter Buss, head of the geology;in the reception room. Miss ers of America chapter has the|department at Weber State Col-|Kitty Milligan . has . recruited |four student nurses from BYU | honor of being the first group lege, will lead the expedition. Student nursing will be the|to attend and answer the ques; | Be in the state to be recognized|tonic of a panel discussion to|tions of any girls interested in for outstanding achievement In|he held Thursday after school\nursing as a career. projects related to teaching careers. The chapter received . the traveling award at the state meeting in Salt Lake City and received a handsome plaque which has been placed in the school trophy case. , This is the first time such an honor has been given to a FTA chapter. PROJECTS LISTED Projects which brought Ben Lomond .members the honor were: a combination of more than 100 hours spent. aiding |, teachers such as correcting papers, preparation of pictures and counting aids for the Weber Training School, assisting the PTA at back-to-school program, conducting an education week program and one member working as a cadet teacher one period a day throughout the year. If a FTA chapter wins. the award for three consecutive years, it may keep the plaque. If not, the plaque is replaced by a certificate. _ ee Officers of the club are’Cindie Ercanbrack, Diana Jones, Diane Vere Glenda 5 Collins, Jeanne Russell with Mrs, t Phyllis Gillins ‘as the advisor... CLIMAXED ELECTIONS The annual Junior ‘Prom ‘climaxed at- Ben election Lomond week 'gefivities High School with the announcement of the new student officers. ay, Finalists for the four student | | 33a sear 3 body offices were Randy Drake | "aegis Setcmuesiaey and Larry MacDonald, presi-| dent, Dave Sneddon and Connie} Wimmer, vice’ president, Ann| cn gh hggpati pee nash Kathy Alford, historian. Candidates for the Boys’ Association offices were Scot Mick-| elson and Doug Cottle, president, J. R. Pattee and Greg Blair, vice president, and Dave Emmert and Morgan Parry, secretary. get a: Finalists*for positions in the Girls’ AsS0ciation were Kathy Wall, president, Josie Peterson and Lynne Ellis, vice president, and Renae Myers and Jenine Jones, secretary. Vocal talent from Weber State College is the basis for the annual traveling assembly to be presented. | SCENIC TRIP Students from two science seminar classes advised by Grant Hawkes and Lee Shirley will roam the hills surrounding Ogden Canyon and east Ogden bench areas Wednesday on a special geology field trip. Wal- 23 2 oe Sa ee Cin Sea Soh Pees tad “HANDSOME PLAQUE won by Ben Lomond’s Future ‘Teachers of America chapter is presented by Glenda Collins, chapter historian, to Jim Stith, student body president, for display in the school trophy case. |