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Show OFF TO WEST POINT ~BenLomond Students _ Get Scholarship Bids By Judy Hodson Proud we are of our senior students. This tall, brown-haired boy will look smart in his West Point Cadet uniform. Yes, Chris Wangsgard, received his appointment to that great military academy, West Point. Congratulations to you, Chris! We're glad you’re a Scot, and we know you'll do a great job in your schooling at West Point. Chris will arrive at the academy (on July 7,-1959. He now holds the | position of Cadet Colonel in the | Ben Lomond ROTC unit. | Chris has also been offered schol- { arships at Columbia, Harvard, University of Utah, Brigham Young| University, and Utah State Univer|! sity. He is also an NROTC scholar- |: ship winner. | Chris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. d Scott Wangsgard. Right up there to take high honors also is Frank Wohl, another senior at Ben Lomond. Frank will go to Dartmouth on a four year scholarship. But he | had his choice of three scholarships to our own Weber College, another | to Columbia and was named alter| nate for still another to Yale: . Frank is a son of Mrs. Helen §. Wohl, 340 20th; and Bernard R. Wohl, Quincy, Mass. | Students of the Ben Lomond Sem- inary received diplomas from their| | ward bishop Friday night at gradu- | | ation services held in the Pioneer Tabernacle. Special guests were Dr. Ellis McAllister, stake presidents and bishops. A girl’s chorus of graduates sang. The beaming students took their places on the stand as proud parents smiled. Receptionists, identified by white and gold bands, were Judy Hodson, Carolyn Read, Sherry Wasuita, Julie Bateman, Janice Thomas, Joyce Peterson, Rowene Armstrong and Judy Rauzi. After graduation eeremonies, the graduates traveled to the Twenty-| first Ward for a dance. The Albanettes nual Candlelight week new where officers Janice Warner, dene Green, turned their held their anCeremony last the names of the were announced, Judy Burks, Cly- and Carolyn Perry offices over to Kar- en Carlsen, president; Pat Sad-~ owy, vice president; Ruby Suekewa, secretary, and Elaine Elmer, historian. Good luck in your new office, girls. y 17, 1959 Sophomores and juniors also placed an X in the square block indicating their choice of candidates last -week. Chosen as new junior class officers were: Larry Thomas, president: “Pat Morrison, vice president, and Diane, Dornbo,| secretary. Juniors selected as their| officers for 1959-60, Cliff Cahoon,| president; Tom Greenwell, vice! president, and Linda Bailey, secretary. | Tip O° the Tam to you new lead‘ers of the juniors and seniors of | 1959-60. cm — SS ta/} ° 2 | Tuesday marked the day for the jannual trip of Paul Nichelson’s and psychology classes. ig | health | They journed to Provo to visit the State Mental Hospital and to Amer|ican Fork to the sehool for men‘tally retarded. Junior and senior students observed and _ learned during the day. This excursion will help them to understand the material being covered in class more fully. The Medical Career Clan also took the trip. Observance ef National Hospital Week, May 10-16, was carried on by the Medical Career Clan sponsoring a display in the library. This display also represented observance of Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12. Officers of the Medical Career Clan are Marjorie Lepley, president; Darlene president and Armstrong, Carolyn vice Cravens, secretary. Here it is, the beginning of the last nine days of drudgery. Scots will take tests, work and_ relax. Baccalaureate exercises will be held Sunday, May 24, and seniors will receive their diplomas Thursday, May 28. All wait eagerly for May 29, when school will be no more until August. TIDBIT NEWS: Juanita. Cottle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cottle, has been awarded a fouryear full tuition scholarship in the field of education to any university or college in Utah. Congratulations, Jaunita. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: |The high school age is when boys notice that girls notice boys who ptice girls. ; . | |. : |. |