OCR Text |
Show BROWNING JBUCHMILLER-KAPLAN CO. __ AUTOMOBILE Co. £2 GARAGE, ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 2450 Grant Ave. TRUCKS Ogden, 4Ute im P= DoAN=ST 290 R. L. POLK Martinet Della pkr b Burch Creek. ee Vincent prsr Scowcroft’s ouse. rms New UR & Drms Martinez OU R&D. Ramon lab 413 W Martinsen Caroline (wid Bernt) r 265 Martinsen Oscar E lab b 265 9th. Martinsen Rose C steno b 265 9th. Martinson, see also Mortenson. BATESTAS BROS., Proprs. Ro Anna (wid Martin) r 716 Archie clk b rear Fredk trucker OU 271 24th. R & Db rear Masoero Linda b Ida (wid Vergilla) C r rear student rear ' Matson av. 271 2741 271 24th. Eliz E student b 968 Wash uda av. & INS CO Van . Matthias The Famous Masters SEGO LILY CHOCOLATES clk rms 1972 Wash av. Wall ttson “a av. oe 4a lab r 2329 Jackson av. Matheny Walter I opr U P Tel Office rms Van Ness Mather Earl D mining rms 2583 Grant av. Matheson Wm Mathews Mathews Light Lunches | see D clk R M Sr also a Hotel. __ i 953 25th. Maathuis and Eliza M (wid Jas A) Mrs rms xa Matthews. Patterson atadeen and B student rg a | ie jam Mathews Rebecca Mathews Thos S P Co 30 °18 age r 527 22d. 208 Henr W ESTATE, TEL. 301 Oince Under INSURANCE 273 24th, Tel 30514 r same. 22d Mathews. A 2915-R. Tel ay, Buren Geo R U O trucker & Db 2228 Read av. Sam] supplymn S P Cor 2228 Read av. Frank lab rms 225% 25th. see also Madsen and Matson. Axel V whsmn Scowcroft’s r 2929 Grant av. Mrs Blanche v-pres Marion Hotel Co r 524 23d. David pres Marion Hotel Co r 521 23d. Mattson Geo B seocAnéain ee Marion Hotel Co r 274 28th. Mattson John F slsmn Ogden Whol Groce Co r 634 21st. Mattson Leonard W (P A Mattson & Sons) r 2453 Harrison av. Mattson Marcus clk Marion Hotel b 521 23d. attson Mary (wid Peter) rms 2132 Stuart la. | Mattson Peter A (P A Mattson & Sons) r 1257 24th. _ Mattson P A & Sons (P A and L W) grocers 2453 Harrison av. aughan Jennie F drsmkr 266 29th rms same. Maule Cath M (wid Geo E) rms Reed Hotel. aule David Maus Amelia rms 213% clk Golden 25th. Rule Mere Co b 1084 Oak. _ Maus Edwd V (S & M Chili Parlor) r 313 Plaza Apts. Maus Mrs Ethel aw Dorothy 20. W opr MS T & T Co rms Plaza Apts. student r 1084 Oak. Co Treas r 1445 b 1445 Swan av. Swan & LOANS First Natiddal Banke “7 Be Petia. mort | | Ww a ae a av. 2422-2428 Washington Ave. Phone Everything In ae Out of High Rent District We Save You $100 to $200 on Each Instrument 2874. Hudson Ave. cor 29th ° Store of Satisfaction” Ogden, ee J. A. McCulloch Agency} REAL orn Co, r 600 Maus Lillian clk Golden Rule Mere Co b 1081 Oak, 24th. Y died Nov E brkmn av. All Hours. Prices Reasonable, aus Peter J blksmth = Aaron G chf dep 2148 av. K Tanji), Noodles and Chop Suey, Meals Mathews Henry A cond S P Co r 2203 Adams av. Ida Roads r 2414 Madison A (wid Geo H), Treas Utah Canning Mathews Jas A pass dir OU R & D b 527 22d. Mathews Reamy A swchmn OUR & Dr 2715 Grant av. t'S27 220, 291 av. py eyeye 0 24th. Maus EV cond UICRR. Maus F H swchmn O U R & D. Mathews | 2437 Wash. Ave. Phone 728 —— |meer om M ave Masuda I (Wasatch Hand Lndry & Dry Clng Co Royal Ging & Hand Lndry) rms 1884 Wash av. 7 Mathenos Peter Delicious ice Cream and Ices oe Wm Mastores Peter herder rms 2522 Mastos Pedro lab r 254 25th. Matthias Mattich Mattson Mattson _ Mattson Reeve Ag Adams 145 Matthews Rev Godfrey pastor First Cong Ch r 811 25th. Matthews Grace tchr Quincy Schl b 844 25th. Matthews Nephi P farmer r View. “Matthews Ruth P (wid Jos D) r N Ogden. Matthews ‘Thos Fr N Ogden. ~ a. (Boston), Co Agts, 2708 Jefferson av. Massengale John R cond UICR Rr rear 2135 Master Plumbers Assn Union Labor Hall. Masters Peter hlpr Amer Linen Co. Masters Wm porter r 2011 Adams av. Ave. : W hipr S P Co. ting, Deenews ‘FRANK W, Commercial Artist, Illustra signing and Show Cards, 804 Eccles Bldg, Tel 573, r 2648 Mason Louisa F (wid Thos H) rms 2550 Orchard av. Masonic Club T S Shaughnessy sec 2550 Wash av. Masonic Temple 2550 Wash MASSACHUSETTS BONDING r | Taneaichi hipr 8 P Co. : Beni Matsui Ypshiaki lab S P Co. Matsuoka E ydmn Reed Hotel. Matthews see also Maathuis and 24th. av. Co S P Co. " Matsuda G hipr y y G¢ contr 24th. Mason Ellen clk rms 2474% Wash av. Mason Eloise clk Last & Thomas r Willard U. Mason Jos A grocer 968 Wash av r same. a a ‘cus as iS (aco a Forristall Ay % ; a see eee i ~* P H b 145 Patter lia J rms 2117 Adams SON MARY Ma Mason see also Maison. Mason Annie student b 968 Wash av. Mason Eliz A smstrs Smith Bedding Co b 968 Washav. Mason Mathis Arte " a Masoero Masoero Wm Seinias i : Ith}ae 9th. Ogden S Mathias He Bureau of Pub ee tas J : av. Mathias «idred b 145 Patterson son av. a 21st. Maruri Sam] (Royal Hotel) r 2522 Wall av. MARYLAND CASUALTY CO (Baltimore), J M 504 Eccles Bldg. Masoero Dale “of | ay : Martinez Jose labO Martinson : ie Washington OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1919. . & CO’S Martinet Louis gdnr r Burch Creek. Martinet Timothy gdnr r Burch Creek. FUSNISHINGS 2425 FINE Furnishers id \clothiers and Tel 1209 Utah 2261 |