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Show Ogden-Utah Knitting Co. 2.8% a Ay Se = < i 4. a a Manufacturers and Jobbers 7 fa hy yi “UTA-MAID” Underwear. “L. D. S.” Brand of Garments, Ete. of CSR revish (Ogden Home Builders Company REAL Ev WHEN You USE Ge TOM ATO CATSUP Oe RENTALS LOANS INVESTMENTS 2904 HUDSON AVE. ee Ous Hudson FIRE INSURANCE) ene 00, oe Froerer Pres-Mgr, AE Y-Pres, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, 2409 av, Tel 917. | lines and adv). IRON WORKS Co, Joseph Scowcroft Pres, ! 3 CA rae, CAPACITY. 2257 , Aluminum a F sides — = Iron, OGDEN, UTAE right 647 i. Horse Sale & Commission Co H W Dunn pres Glenn on v-pres Otto Meek mer H G Gwilliam sec-treas 4 Willa. son OGDEN PHONE _ EXCHANGE PHONE 917 (See Ogden | OGDEN JAMESIRONW. SILVER,WORKS CO. Manager } tI 4 Undeveloped Lands, Farms and Homesteads |PEAL ESTATE | PIERCE’s SROFRER, a STi 10 LBS. TO LINCOLN AVE. and Bronze NGS 20000 Eee. Fay! R Por {st V-Pres, Ralph E Bristol 2d V-Pres, Marriner B Brown- ing Sec-Treas, James W Silver Mgr, 2257-2267 Lincoln av, ‘lel 647. (See adv oppisite). Ogden Jos H farmer r Roy. OGDEN JUNK HOUSE (Joseph Kraines, David <i ‘a Deal=— Kreines), MODERN EQUIPPED PATTERN SHOP ers in All Kinds of Junk, Hides, Pelts. Bones, Second Hand Automobiles also Second Hand Pipe, The Highest Prices © Paid, 2059-2061 Washington av, Tel 210. (See adv under Classified Junk {|Always Al | AiWays Good|| OGDEN MACARONI MFG P Mer, ure |‘Always Ready J T CANNING si Sec, tuadson Brick, av, Tel Manufacturers Stone, 111, Etc, 1950 of 45 Varieties Washington Yard Marble, 21st Tile and and Wall rr Nephi O OGDEN || CGDEN zinescoe Su 29 mgr I N O le Ogden Co e r 359 al el 27th. BOILER SHOP ARRANGED PLATE eee fe = TO STACKS, BONERS, PIPE - aw LINES TANKS AND ao w Ni ye 602 ECCLES BLDG. j} j Ag e _— Phone 855 ne LOANS Im n cy C O. ALL GLASSES WORK AND. HO PENSTOCKS a Confectioners, Engineers and ae Cc S TEEL ; ct(SeeBilliards, 288 25th, 2481 and 2436 Grant av, Tel #07 adv). J a HANDLE : SHEET AND : ae — gre CO, Harry L Bonnell Mar, Nowe Dee script Cigars, Tobaccos, ion s, 242 a? aeae ® WORK am i | MOTOR CAR CO, L L Hains Mgr, Agts for a Garage, 2345-2925 Hudeon es (rea ‘ Ogden Muriel clk b 644 22d. EQUIPPED FOR LIGHT AND HEAVY MILL, CAPACITY 102 INCH SWING : moe ay, Lime, av. O@DEN ierce MACHINE SHOP BORING CO, RE Miller Pres, Antonio Ferro Noodles, Ogden Melba L student b 359 27th. Ogden {Since 1888 Sec, 384. (See left bottom lines). OGDEN MASON BUILDERS, George M Foster Pres-Mgr, ee COMPANY Phinney ghetti, Vermicelli, Pe UTAH | Dealers). i OGDEN LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO, W Gottleib Mgr ang Salesman, W I Norton Buyer, Glenn Whitlock Salesman , — We Buy and Sell Cattle, Hogs and Sheep on Commission — i Only, Union Stock Yards, Tels Day 863, Night 739. ie Ogden Logan & Idaho Ry see Utah Idaho Central R R. one 4 OGDEN, UTAH} a | (Over) Contractors OF |