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Show MONIOIPAy, CO URT. MUNICIPAL COUR'E, A : 2 ; CITY OGDEN qi OneThousand of Thirty-five a population HOWING and comfortable Hundred and Thirty-five—35,135—a progressive increase of 1,719 over the compilation of 1916, the information in this, the 1917 issue of the Ogden of Ogden City directory, indicates the continued development and suburbs at a rapid and substantial pace. Never business in any and twelve-month commercial of its history development of has Ogden the really -and preserving has never exhibited tory, bottling works, honey, overalls, work clothes,—all the great marathon Ogden’s such strides; Colleges of Ogden industrial pace, but have continually greater industrial activity. houses fac- spurred factory and furnace their genuine to progressiveness. The number of names shown in this directory is 16,534, which, multiplied by 2% as the average family attached to each name, indicates the total population of 35,135. Respectfully R. submitted, L. POLK | CO. 6s es te ee ee |... Service Co....right Federal Land Co......... right Page 30 side side First Nat Bank..back cover and opp Foley Thos € Co....left top lines and POTTIStOM (29) Sin We eee oo ak leew bot edge Peeusho of leaves, left top lines and INFORMATION. Page WEELTTOURe bi A ised ee imae pesgoe ks buels 16 Musical Organizations .......... Parks and Public Grounds ...... Post CMCC BAe oh eb ee a eae Public Buildings, Blocks, Halls. GACTOU / SOCLOLION ois a ivee nce ey Gece fa State (GOVELADIMGIIL. 25 Gus Siig shee e ete Trades and Labor Organizations.. 0S: OMCOTS IN OROCD aos eee 16 47 14 Ts 17-18 13-14 18 14 mae lines 140 143 ane FOATISED Fe Creal BO es eae hin oe ae 176 1arper Bros.right bot lines and back fly leaf Hatfield Frank A..right side lines and 181 Herrick CJ & Co 186 Herrick BOSisn 00} Niele ea a eae 186 Hoge FAR GOs tees hice wate front cover Hop Yi GOs eo oo ee ee 195 Hussey Charles H.... Jadian \A@OnCY ‘66 cb eR CE es Inter-Mountain Vulcanizing Works... 465 Jackson 'W OS WEL) GO 5.0 th sie cia 206 FOBOR Hy Gl Eke ee hoe 6 ee 209 Penson (Davide iwc ore Sates Oe we 210 Jogalone’ : Transfer C0 .5.5. 2. oo isan tin saya 07.6 4 6) Os O58) pea witha bb etek alae eta he left Johnson & ola 6 OO OP GO, bot La aS gibt O! OOF lines Ca a [PCO Le and ea Kelly & Herrick. MONNCGYB GAEC oe is eee eerd mele Kirkendall Undertaking Co.......... 211 4 395 Koldewyn:: Herman: Do. vee ei Sn ee 2 LaGrang®: GOMarey 6 Pie eke ee 230 Lambert Paper Go........ right bot lines DAIMMOkS ATU hile SS ee sp oe 234 Leishman Arcascope & Supply Co. 237 Lewis J OO oo Ok wide Bie 23 LOWS: GeO AGO SU ee ae front cover IE CURE IIE dha. cca cid ecaralere we teh ot ene 250 Mack-Robinson Auto ee SR ee pal eek ve ok 257 261 Mansfield-Burrows & CO........... Manufacturers Assn of Utah. right side lines Marinello Beauty SHOP . 2.6. eee ee 6 Mathews-McCulloch MALEROWS Merchants Co..... left bot (FPO: WW yes edie eis oy terete Credit Bureau...:....5.. Merchants Protective ASSn.......... Modern Market Moore Frank: Coal Geis. vii. se ae jie 463 276 GO. oe. on oe ete ojos ee ele 150 155 Murphy cote otek chaceW Vike Pie GO eee: 157 158 see te akin Aligsg-a aera left top lines and 284 NOD Motor. Car Cosas eis ooh Games wok ene eR Raa Tg right side lines and 291 Nye Fred M Co..... left top lines and 293 NYO. CCAR CRET Ls cies right side lines B OAK 8 9-12 Gream’ I1c@ eh 13-18 SaLO COME Glen Bros- Roberts Geeding SUI Page 6 FRAP GOUCTIOR. ign le hxc elas SKee ...... Information Miscellaneous removals, Alterations and Omissions ..-. 5% Guide. Avenue and Street ADVERTISEMENTS. TO Ue ERPS. OO a ise a se se ee wee! ole 105 Deseres Evening Ne@WS............... Ce ek ag 8 io oe left bot lines and 4 TVS C ee i lela tet be en ies eis front cover Eccles Lumber Co..left top lines and 123 BIGGIE UAE hie ee sw oe ewe 126 ElOGtING SOR cw eis ee ee ve ws 126 EPIC SOT ere Pata a 6 oie hiv ee Sees 130 ORS URI Meee ws oie See seis eels ee 134 PAGT JOU Sea Oe ihe eile tc 136 Goddard & 16 13 a CG E & Co...... right side lines Armstrong Nee Rr Lumber & Coal Badger 33 and cover aa A front RT RUM CAE RAE SY 36 .......++++Room Billiard Baker’s 489 A CON CML eR 06 Lumber Hyrum Belnap 49 Co.......... Binford-Kimball. Motor Co........+-2eee22: Boyle Furniture and 479 top lines Cia udpnts fete khiate ie. se right 59 CO.......+.-+e+-e2-> Hardware Boyle 64 CO.......--. Brown-Carlson-Treseder 483 ees oes We oes ies CQ -Cream IGE . Brown Buchmiller & Flowers..........+--69 and War ci ia Guna ve Me te hbase right top lines Bushnell Realty & Brokerage Co dl woe Se Wb bu fC awa left side lines BA OS) WM Gadillac -Co Of: O@Gen «63. 6: BO Ee a ne 76 Cennady.. ETNest Wo iii. ess oe oe ieee me 78 Commercial National Bank.......... Pea ee ei areca elles front cover and 95 Commercial the Civic development has not lagged. ‘Public institutions, schools and churches have made an enviable record, and withal Ogden and her enterprising citizens are to be congratulated upon — development. have not only kept Hotel Arlington: macaroni, cereals, salt, garments, have gone at a gratifying gait in great wholesale Page 14 114 14-15 13 15-16 .......-+:: Schools and INDEX. MISCELLANEOUS TO INDEX similar pickling tin can eS 1i ...--..-seeeereseee AbbreviationS 20-462 ....-.Alphabetical List of Names 463-502 .....--+-++-+:> Directory Business 7-8 to Advertisements......--Index .......--++++:> Government County 2 + etcC......% Asylums) Hospitals, wie eee bee, mye a ci Ra Libraries: The meat-packing industry of Ogden has set a breathtaking pace the past year. So rapid has its development been that one unit of new plant upon another has been added almost as by magic, and so well advertised and thoroughly popular have Ogden’s meat products become that the promoters of the industry are taxed to the utmost of their ingenuity to cope with the situation. Already branch distributing stations have been established as far west as the Pacific coast, as a necessity in caring for this meat-products business. shows great; he so. Fists and Houses Apartment cer eercerrce .....CemeterieS soe oie emi miei be eels OL TN ......--+-+-+-Government City Clubs, Associations and Societies. greater. The progress of its great canning industries has continued unabated, and the position of ‘‘Made in Ogden”’ foodproducts as standards to which others must build for excellence of quality is more firmly established than ever before. Every other line of Ogden -manufacture progress—the sugar industry was never so ve) 7a). INDEX general been GENERAL ‘ and ce RoUeMR: PC gg sg tates ytd: eet) 1 NG COR is bts the See eek Gwilliam Lumber & Coal Co........ H.:... right top lines 160 161 170 Ogden Grocery Art Glass MINTIOIPAL COURT. & & Drug Mirror Co........ Co....... 295 |