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Show MONORRAL on 12 STREET AND AVENUE STUART LANE—n from 440 22d. ‘ SULLIVAN—e from 3040 Jefferson av, thence s e beyond Harrison av. SUMMIT—on a line with W 32d, 2 blks w of Weber River. SWAN—e from 2240 Polk av. TANNER COURT—s from 847 22d. TAYLOR eee from 1501 Wall a TAYLOR. “WARD—a West Weber. 19th, farming 14th e district of in Paces AV—s from W 34th, 4 biks Ww of Weber River. TEN TH—e and w from 1000 Wash av. THIRD—e and w from 300 Wash ay. THIRD AV—e from 3140 Harrison av. THIRTEEN TH—e and w from 1300 Wash av THIRTIETH—e and w from 3000 Wash av. THIRTY-FIRST—e and w from 3100 Wash av. THIRTY-SECOND—e and w Wash av. THIRTY-THIRD—e and w from av. -FOURTH—e ee and w Peery: FIFTH—e and w from 3500 Wash rary. SIXTH—e and w from 3600 Wash from 3700 THIRTY-SEVENTH—e ash av. ae ae -EIGHTH—e een NINTH—e and : and w w from and w from 3200. 3300 Wash from 34v0 from 3900 n from TREMONT—bet 27th W 140 and W 2 W. ae ne THIRD—e TWENTYWash a FOURTH—e and and an d w from Ww from w from w and av. TWENTY -EIGHTH—e Wash av. TWENTY-NINTH—e Wash av. ‘ 2200 2300 2400 Wash from AV—Ss from w and and 2600 20th, from OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 2700 w from 2800 w. from 2900 12th e of Wall av VIEW—6 Utah miles Hot VOLKER w of city, bet N AV—n from f from 2159 ROW—w from WASATOHL -—- bet Weber River. 3d east Wall . at AV—n an and 7 biks Adams 2155 31stst of WEST w of WEST WEST 28th. 18th, 3d w of Wash: streets running east. from 249 Wash av. a line with W 42d, WARREN Panes —w of 740 101 bet and: west. WALNUT—w WALNUT—on WEBER INFORMATION MISCELLANEOUS (Copyright secured 1917). and Springs. WALL AV—s from av, dividing line WARREN Ogden CITY GOVERNMENT. CITY OFFICERS. w ay. ‘Ada av 32 teas from ea 2740 W 34th, as Wash 2 biks av, Harrison Juvenile av. wan WILSON LANE—from w end 24th, n w to. WYOMING YRUBDUS AV—s from 239 334d. AV—s from 639 32d. CT—867 23d. DON’T LEND YOUR DIRECTORY Judge—V Street Supervisor—C H Sanitary Inspector—Geo Coal ~ Oil or. COUNTY House—n and Commissioner—J C Gunnell. Martin. Shorten. Warren Clerk—C M_ Ramey. Recorder—Katherine Skeen, L Washington STATE Brown, Higginbotham. P Froerer, Clk, ~ PRECINCTS. Dobbs MUNICIPAL Roy, Warren, West U U two first GOVERNMENT. STATE OFFICERS. S Senators—Wm H King and Reed Smoot. S Congressmen—M H Welling and gas H’ Mays. Executive. Building, Governor—Simon Secretary Assessor—O M wo Treasurer—A V Hu Attorney 2d Judicial Dist Court—S Attorney—cC.L Farr Soups of bela we N Petterson. Lentz. H Taylor | P Pratt Bank Bldg. Emmett. Liberty, and Capitol M M E McCune. oe for County ‘ Officers—Every yea Election day—Second Tuesday after Monday in November. OFFICERS. Commissioners—Moroni Education—L Farr West, Lundy. s 24th bet Adams avs, Court—A Farm—Harry ELECTION GOVERNMENT. ~ COUNTY Court Road of Poor Ogden—1, 2, 3, 4, 5—-wards same as city election precincts, Huntsville, Eden, North Ogden, Pleasant View, Plain City, Harrisville, Slaterville, Marriott, Kanesville, West Weber, Wilson, Hooper 4 and 2, Randall, Riverdale, Uintah, Burch Creek, Sexton—A E Wilson Pound Master—Frank Naisbett. Board of City Commissioners—A R Heywood (Ex-officio) Supt Public Affairs and Finance, and Public Safety; Chris Flygare, Supt Streets and Public Improvements; M L_ Jones Supt Water Supply, Water Works, Parks and Public Property. Election Precincts—One precinct in each ward. City election, first Tuesday after first Monday = in February, every two years. ‘ County 306 First Nat Physician—W R Chief of Fire Dept—G A Graves. Physician—W E Whalen. 3739 Ji ackson k av. from 2439 Ouincy WHITE TERRACE—trear 143 23d. WILLIAMS AV—s from 839 27th. WILSON AV—s from 435 3d. Court Supt Board Chief of Police—T E Browning. Municipal Court Judge—G S Barker. fron from BOULEVARD—s of. W 40th, 12 biks Weber River. COURT—S from 521 23d. WEBER—a station on the S P a R, WHEBLER AY. oeTenerom WEEE WEEE, AV—w 25th. cor Recorder—wWalter Richey. Treasurer—Carl Allison. Attorney—E T Hulaniski. Auditor—A F Larson. Engineer—J M Tracy. dal n to s city limits, from Sheriff—H C Peterson. Surveyor—J M Lentz 2d Judicial Dist Judges and A W Agee. W S av City Hall—-Washington Mayor—A R_ Heywood. . a AVS Xx. 4917 voL. UNION AV—s from 227 W 31st. UTAH AV—from Country Rd to 40th, bet Wash and Grant avs. UTAH PLACE—e from 3040 Jackson av. VAN BUREN AV—s from tee 19th, 10 e of Wall av. ; WASHINGTON Loin tee at: NU RIGHTS biks 2500 w a Wash TYLER from and TWENTY. SEVENTH—e WASHINGTON TREVO CO nERR ACE—201 yo Aad Wash av. TRIBE COURT—S from 551 23d. TWELFTH—e and w from 1200 Wash av. TWENTIETH—e and w from 2000 Wash av. ae TY- FIRST—e and w from 2100 Wash TWENTY-s SECOND—e Wash and SIXTH Wash 22d. 28th, FIFTH—e TWENTY- WASHINGTON of R. L. POLK & CO’S GUIDE. TONE: 3800 THOMAS LANE—w from 2410 Grant av. THOMPSON AV—s from 939 28th. TOOELE—bet W 31st and 32d, 2 biks w TRACY AV —¥%Se bl bik MUNICIPAT: QOURT, of Salt Lake City. Bamberger State—Harden “Bennion. Auditor—Jos Ririe. Treasurer-—D O Lar Attorney Ganeeae ie Shields. Supt Public Instruction—E G Gowans. Librarian—H Griffith. Bank Commissioner—C A Glazier. Bank Examiner— Ball. Coal Mine ae rngineer—W ©) UL io ea D Beers. ) E Pettit. |