OCR Text |
Show Haun Gordon Haun Isaac Hauptfleisch Hawes HT LN 7 Pierce ford S$ TOMATO CATSUP j; GIVES Can Co, b 700 Wash r 700 Wash H, moved hlpr to Salt $8 P Lake JUST THE RIGHT RELISH City. Co. ML “hit a p.0o, fie oTile. Na l tel), Pres Commercia av, Tel 1565. ee T n Bey TA ug Co, r 2529 Jefferso i a PATRICK (Hotty HEALY h av. Ik & P Co, r 3322 Was Hote Ba eia & . O mn for : arn Oar on shop Dept, r ce ice rn Jas D, patrol Poli my k War 2478 rms ah eine Isaac J, ae a to Crown Heath Adlie J, moved 508 27th. wlaa HeGecate F) : r | Soe Meath cora e we Bog n erso Jeff % 2047 Spe ‘utorsbd EM. Both Henry, b e |i Always Right, Day or Night — Utah Canning Company av. Felix, ||Since 1888 204 Haynes Haynes Haynes C Frances, appr, b 3301 Earl, farmer, r Hooper. Edwd, rms 506 23d. . Wall also Abigail G, student, b 114 HEALY HOTEL, Patrick Healy 20th, 1él Exch 2420. r 2047% John rth Co, b 3020 — Adams Heiner, Ee iner Heiner Helena eure Helfer . Mgr, 100 i: see also Geo A, Heber Era The Jacob, = jjtah’s Greatest -PJERALD. REPUBLICAN Newspaper and Ad. mes | Medium--15¢a week { Union Pacific NORTH. and North West via Oregon Short Line Best Equipment | and Hiner. Helgesen Hans A, mach O Beach, Calif. Helgesen Helge, moved to ony b 491 Chester. nae aaatet ig Helgesen e (wid He ee eee Ingeborgh hla 41-43 HARPER via Dining Car Service | live stock, f 530 eer Hotel. J, moved to ae fat rms, 243 4 26th. coeur, ate. Wash av. rms 3005 (Mrs tmstr Cole & Bate, i “497 Chester. eal: THE SALT LAKE av. Your| Trip EAST W 33d. Ogden P & P Co, b 284 d. , ie, b 281 W 33d. Hei b 281 W. 33 Hein Jas, emp Oued P & P Go, av. C Lynch Jeff 2630 27th. Propr, jr s same. Heywood. Haywood Harold, painter, r 2884 Pingree av. Hazen Nellie, emp Model Lndry, b 2849 Child Headstrom John, moved to Portland, Or. Healy av. th Henry av. Haynes Fred G, mach S P Co, b 3301 Wall av. Haynes John, rms Grant Hotel. Haynes John, mach § P Co, r 3301 Wall av. Haynes John jr, emp Amer Can Co, r 2157 Reeve av. Haynes Roy H, stonedrsr, rms 2850 Hudson av. see elk, Take a Honey ‘clk F W Woolwo Go, r 2743 Wash John H en a sak al 587 r lab, Heath Josiah J, 2 Dt Heath Nathan, ae : A, Nathan r 508 27th Pen eh Pet Richd, chifr ; rms 2208 WW OEP av (Astill Apts), a awarne Av: See ee Arlington Ho Sadi. rms clk, A, F el | Heck ota Oe P 5S | Heckert Henry F, acct ; a ta Hecox Albt J, clk R : ‘ repr Calif. eee d to Los owe e en a Ae p 848 ath rms 885 12th. Hedlund John E, es ooln A e Heed Travis R, meser un) | Rivetdals. rms rdets. o, evo por sten Ada, amery (W H Heflen) ‘ Heflen Riverdale Cre ta Bie len Heflen Wm H (Hef Tf i 3372 tadiadtl By. Hefner Chas, firmn, Heath 25th. Hayes Bertha (wid Henry), r 174 24th. Hayes Mrs Eldorsie, r 134 W 27th. Hayes Ernest, hlpr 8 P Co, r 2624 Grant av. Hayes Ezra H, barber J W Griffin, rms 2474% Wash Hayes Robt C, blrmkr S P Co, r 2218 Read av. Hayes Walter C, farmer, r Taylor. Hayes Wm F, brkmn, rms New Brigham Hotel. Hayford Jas H, lab, b 159 28th. Hayford Rebecca (wid Jas H), r 159 28th. Haynes, see also Hains. Haywood, | Ogden, rms Wines, Fine HOTEL Tel 1304. Liquors and Cigars, 106 oie 'M Co, rms 432 22d. riadileas Ne Son (Nathan and H B), gen mdse, W Weber. Hawkins Benj F, tmstr, r 2751 Williams av. Hawkins Frances, r Warren. Hawkins Geo, repr S P Co, r 3551 Lincoln av. Hawkins Harry T, pkr G A Lowe Co, r 202 Harris av. Hawkins Jas H, tmstr, r 3247 Pingree av. Hawkins Margt, rms 2768 Wall av. Hawkins Ross C, mgr Kennedy’s Cafeteria, r 555 29th. Hawkins Thos, r 207 35th. Hawkins Wm N, pkr G A Lowe Co, r 3252 Pingree av. Hawley Harry W, clk, r 3772 Wash av. Haworth Jos W, bgemn Union Depot, r 2773 Park av. Haye 183= 17. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—19 Wigr, man mer Tim BAR, George HEALY av. av. Hawk Thos A, tmstr, r 508 12th. Hawkes Amanda, clk Wright’s, b 524 16th. Hawkes Clarence, eng Everfresh Food Co, r 514 17th. Hawkes Claude G, slsmn Lion Coal Co, r Pendleton, Or. Hawkes David T, b 521 16th. Hawkes Heber B (N Hawkes & Son), r W Weber. Hawkes Imogene (wid Nathan), r 521 16th. Hawkes Nathan (N Hawkes & Son), r W Weber. Hawkes Nathan A, mgr Inter-Mtn Whol Gro Co, r 2352 Kings- cy ilM De Amer cook, Aug, Thos Utah & CO.’S N, emp E, Ter ms Easy eee a eee R. L. POLK Lowest Prices Goods BROTHERS LEGAL PRINTERS Phone Wasatch 1840 ante te 182 apeh Ogden, Better cnet Eccles . a yom 213 WE BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE Bldg. Tel. 917 micnete? Stre Salt LakeCity_| a ie REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE AND LOANS TN =4 ey ae BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY | Ogden Home Builders Co., Inc.| |