OCR Text |
Show P : Se . ames . Sats — aces Sn Adnan pe = SE Sra a . Ae- 2 .a = Cima eT ==a aa ea na 0 ea serie ee” Ps= BRIT - aoe , J.M.FORRISTALL 75st] i ot seit" INSURANCE, Wright's =", STORE TO TRADE A GOOD\PLAG == : Ogden ea 188 R. L. POLK & CO.’S OGDEN Heywood Heywood Heywood Heywood Heywood Chas, driver Steele-Carlsen Gro Co, b 3220 Ogden Harry T, lab, b 3220 Ogden av. Jas L, clk Scowcroft’s, r 3066 Adams av. Josephine E, clk Ind Meat Co, b 3220 Ogden av. Mrs Lillie A, r 3220 Ogden av. Heywood Mary ay. == ; a ar — Se - = = FSET > ea ae iors e ek} rere —_ — eo ye TES ? a a ' ae ee ss —_—__ ie sana es Storage Co. cape. is” -- ee = ° e , cs none/ Pi = i. Two ENDS : — haat oe a gene ES ' sensepakae des eda Sa aia aac ee resco = oe RI iszameroutie a Sener ae cmos z “ a c woo ele esp Pine panna ger net hanrare cacti WE MOVE ANYTHING WITH aS “ Fl SS ee pa ae 2340 csere = - = Grant Ave. fie : eemes tare ~~ : ieeneneeeeeeeetemmennmenenmen Merde aga eh, Set ae ete ilieeneiheeeinadatenenae ieee ot Sae o eeeOT Pana moly ge- Be Remah oSi as > | alle Feo idiot 3 bs ee hater Eee MineraSa RS Riel cl rg” eer waar : eaten 95177 pepe : y : ee eS = tehcek ceeded teen Krserssthipasaaee~-nnunlsen eumeeretnereenltnetetecinne-a a sae Lo - aed nna : a : . = ae~ , & Tel. 910 E, student, b 3220 Ogden i a R ae ae qNyl av. a Heywood Richd, clk Scowcroft’s, b 3220 Ogden av. ay Heywood Robt L, mach § P Co, r Riverdale. ie Hiatt Clarence, moved to Tremonton, U. a Hibbs Ambrose P, osteopath, 10 Coml Nat Bank Bldg, r 2223) Adams av. | ae Hibbs Wm, student, b 2223 Adams av. 4 Hickenlooper Carl T, student, b. View. 7 Hickenlooper Carolina H, rms 2229 Hudson av. 4 Hickenlooper Frank, farmer, b View.’ k Hickenlooper Orson H, florist Utah Industrial Schl, r View. Hickenlooper Ray C, moved to Salt Lake City. Hickey David, mstr mech § P Co, r 2169 Lincoln av. Hickman Mary, r 105 27th. Hickman Minerva W (wid Wm A), r N Ogden. Hickok Rufus M, trucker O UR & D Co. Hicks Rollo E, moved to Huntsville, U. Hieloo Gertrude (wid Jacob; Star Curio Store), rms 2748 i Jefferson av. Higa K, lab S P Co. q Higginbotham David R, sec Model Lndry, r 430 13th. a Higginbotham Elmer L, marker Model Lndry, r 778 21st. 4 (Higginbotham Eugene H, r 962 Wash av. . Higgin botham Florence E, b 430 13th. : a Higginbotham Frank E,; pres Model Lndry, r 2455 Monroe av. Higginbotham John L, v-pres Model Lndry, r 430 13th. 3 Higginbotham Jos §, director Model Lndry, r 230 23d. 4 HIGGINBOTHAM KATHERINE L, County Recorder, Court” House, Tel 648, rms 540 21st. Higginbotham Leslie, marker Model Lndry, r 230 23d. Higginbotham Lester J, slsmn, r 778 21st Higginbotham Letitia P, bkpr Model Lndry, rms 540 2ist. Higginbotham Margt (wid Simon 8S), b 430 13th 4 Higginbotham Simon §S, director Model Lndry, r 1014 Wash av. 4 Higgingotham Thelma E, b 1014 Wash av. a Higginbotham Thos C, treas Model Lndry, r 430 13th. a Higgins Cecile, b 371 22d. 4 Higgins Chas B, brkmn U P, r 2815 Grant av. a Higgins C Edwd, plmbr, b 371 22d. a Higgins Geo, clk Reese Howell & Sons, b 371 22d. a va i wm Higgins Harry, blrmkr, b 371 22d. Higgins John, barber Higgins Leonard Higgins K, Myron jan, rms Fuller, rms 2818 Michl 8, agt, r 374 22d. Adams 148% ia 25th. av. a q Higgins Mrs Rose (Utah Hotel), r 369 22d. Higgins Sarsfield, blrmkr, b 371 22d. Higgins Walter C, formn MS T & T Co, r 511 26th. Higginson Edith, drsmkr, rms 2642 Monroe av. Higgs Thos W, clk G A. Lowe Co, r 2985 Van Buren av. Mathews-McCulloch Company, Inc.| REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE 747 29th. Hiliman Nora (wid Nelson R), rms Wilson la. Hill Albt, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Hill Ambrose, sausagemkr J H Belnap, r 2225 Jackson Hill Ambrose B, emp Shupe-W Candy Co, b 252 30th. clk R, Hill Charlotte, Hill Edmund, U opr P & L Co, r 2247 b 2724 Scowcroft’s, farmer, av. Lincoln Pacific r N Ogden. _ Hill Ellen E, emp Amer Can Co, b W J Hill ill Mrs Estella, clk California Mkt, rms 151 30th. Hill E Bernice, emp Shupe-W Candy Co, b 252 30th. Hill Fern L, emp Shupe-W Candy Co, b 262 30th. en. Floyd J, b N A), r 2031 Jefferson av. aad B (wid Sen Fred, appr S P Co, r 445 W 21st. : Geo, slsmn Ogden Furn & C Co, r 2564 Fowler av. Geo C, cptmn Ogden Furn & C Co, r 1060 25th. Harold C, student, b 2564 Fowler ay. Harriet A (wid Raymond C), rms 2113 Wall av. Harry, wchmn Ogden Iron Wks Co, r 128 W 29th. Heiie A, emp Utah Cereal F Co, r 127 Doxey av. Henry H, pass dir Union Depot, r 252 30th. Henry §, lab, rms 2724 Pacific av. Hyrum, farmer, r N Ogden. Jas T, slsmn Lion Coal Co, r Salt Lake City. Mrs Jennie, r 215 W 30th. Hill Jesse R, butcher, b 2031 Jefferson av. Hill Hill Hill oi i Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill John A, farmer, r 20th nr city limits. Jos, farmer, r N Ogden. _ Jos H, mach S P, rms 162 23d. Jos J, died Sept very ae po : il , farmer, jr. | B, tinr Newman & Stuart Co, b 2031 Jefferson av. ioe Lester J, chfr Fire Dept, b 2564 Fowler av. Lue, sec patrol MS T & T Co, r Granger, Wyo. Lynne A, clk O U R & D Co, r 2877 Pingree ay. Marion, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Merkley, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. YOUR MINED ONLY BY UTAH FUEL@ A, AH eae TILDE e TAHS T W O | av. Hill Eleise C, cashr F W Woolworth Co, rms jr. 5414 22d. ill ll Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill ’ Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Ve av. Hill Byron C, stovemn Ogden Furn & C Co, b 2564 Fowler av. Hill Byron DEALER | 489 DIRECTORY—1917. 5 ASK & LOANS Office Under First National Bank _‘ Tels. Office 301, Res. 1497-M CITY see Ogden High School. : tr chio E, aad S P Co, r 269 31st. av. ee nland Martin, cook L H Leavitt, rms 2317 Wash Higley Abiah L (Ogden Feed Yard), r 2933 Child av. 40. Higley Franklin S, died May 7, ‘16, age Higley Geo E, farmer, r Hooper. Higley Irving, farmer, b Farr West. Higley Jos, farmer, r Hooper. Higley Myron L, slsmn Scowcroft’s, r 5 Lueaton Apts. Higley Nancy E (wid Geo W), r 153 Poplar av. » i Wm, farmer, r Farr West. Berean Mary E (wid Danl), r 2535 Orchard av. . Higman Wm E, correspondent Amer Exp Co, b 2539 Orchard ay. << , a Transfer a = . 3 — , - ee > Se es : wrwerre recon i FAMOUS } COALS Seaesnaeme SEAR : |