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Show ThomasC. Foley Co."ims. mae | Ogden Steam Laundry Co. EE 2410 Washington Ave. Phone 303 EASTERN BEERS. ST —_-— R. L. POLK 218 & OGDEN CO.’S Orpheum Candy C2. also see Kalalas Kalan Kallas Kallas Kallas Kallos Kalney Kam Toye, S P Geo, drayage, John H, blksmth Co. 130 25th, r same. Wilson s Thos, Co, Chinese eds, 2460 Lincoln av. Kameyama T, mgr Japanese Daily News, rms 2422 Grant av. Kammeyer Ernest, plmbr, r 39th nr Adams av. Kammeyer Harry, hrnsmkr J G Read & Bros, r 3341 Woodlan Ogden’s av. Kammeyer Mary, b 3341 Woodland av. Leading Kammeyer Minnie, emp Everfresh Food Co, b 39th nr Adams @ Confectioners i\Kammeyer Paul J, gdnr, 2604 Jefferson av, r 2868 Monroe ay, Kamp John, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 160% 25th. Kandel Frank, mach, r 330 23d. Kane, see Cain. fee Made Fresh KANEKO BERT Y, Propr Tai Sho Co, r 262 23d, Tel 2844. Kanesville School, Kanesville. Every Day Kanno Henry, farmer, r City Limits rd. Kanno §, noodles, r City Limits rd. Kano R, clk Tamaki & Co, rms 2240 Quincy av. Kanzler Harriet, tchr Mound Fort Schl, rms 548 25th. | Wholesale KANZLER REINHOLD, Physician and Surgeon, Stomach and and Retail 1737 Tel av, Washington 2465 Specialty, a Intestines Delivery to All foul 141 to 12am,2to4and7to8pm,r 570 25th, Tel Parts of the City 063. Kap Geo, lab, r 3299 Stephens av. Kap Hano, farmer, r Riverdale rd nr 37th. Kap Harm, lab, b 3119 Union av. Kap Heino H, driver Parker Coal Co, b 3138 Euclid av. Kap Ino, car repr, b 3119 Union av. Kap Jacob, emp Amal Sugar Co, r 3119 Union av. Kap Jacob jr, emp Amal Sugar Co, r 255 35th. Kap Jacob H, driver Parker Coal Co, r 3138 Euclid av. Kap Richd, emp Amal Sugar Co, b 31419 Union av. Washington Kap Ulrich, emp Amal Sugar Co, b 3119 Union av. Kaper Damas,. farmer, r 212 N Wash av. Ave. Kaplan Solomon J, clk Buchmiller & F Co, b 2684 Wash av. Karakousis Geo, died Jan 29, °16, age 46. , Tel. 1941 CANDY ICE CREAM CHILI TAMALES == eS Be SS See SSS SS SSE 2522 Kelly & Herrick et 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE TELEPHONE 4 ct grocer, 208 Kariya UTARO, Railroad Contractor, 206 Pres Inter-Mtn Japanese Assn, r 383. same. Karogas Jas, rest, 455 25th, r Karr, see also Carr and Kerr. av. Karr John H, W 22d, Tel 1674, Marion Hotel, Tel Karr Mrs Maggie, r 4302 21st. av. Karras John, lab, r 444 Tracy Surety Bonds 76 Auto Go, b 214 21st. Clement Mrs Millie, r 214 mG: Andw, grocer, 743 23d, r same. Andw W, student, b743 23d. Cora, tchr N Ogden Schl, b 743 23d. Gysbertus, student, b 743 23d. fie i 23d. _ Kasius Peter, student, b 743 Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing, KATAYAMA F R, Tailoring, ‘I el 2266-J. Japanese Fancy Goods, 236 24th, r same, ‘ Besey Kasey Kasius Kasius Kasius Kasius Katsenis Kaufman Angelo, B lab, r 2413 Mary ane fee Notary Public REEVE Agency Co. 808 Eccles Bldg. av. ,r 918 24th. ai Hooper. r GENERAL INSURANCE Real Estate Rentals Loans Tyler lab, r 2076 st. aay ii 2istCheesman Kasey, Berrletta, J, flrmn . la, r same. Geo, lab 8 P Co. Gust, trucker O U R & D Co. Peter, emp Ogden P & P Co. Ello, died June 17, °16, age 30. John, tailor E C Christiansen, r 769 20th. Lee Yuen r 433 Ce Karavis Goo Keyser. lab DIRECTORY—1917. CITY (Orpheum Candy Co), rms 415 26th. & D Co. Karas Geo, trucker O UR Co), r 415 26th. KARAS JAMES (Orpheum Candy a KAISER CHARLES E, Live Stock and Investments, Pres Moni Valley Land & Cattle Co, V-Pres Utah National Bank Ogden, 807 Eccles Bldg, Tel 67, r The Virginia, Tel 232 & Balan (CE Kaiser, John Balan), wool growers, oe Eecles Bldg. Kaji K (Japanese Amer Ind Corp), r 8814 23d. Kakuta CLEANERS Phones 174-175 KARAS ANDREW Kaffas Peter, trucker O UR & D Co, r W Ogden. Kaffman Herman W, farmer, r 32d and Taylor av. Kagawa T, sec Inter-Mtn Japanese Assn, rms 267 24th, Kahn, see Cohen and Kohn. Kaiser, DRY LAUNDERERS AND 437 Twenty-Fifth Street farmer, Wm, Corp), rms 2424 Grant av. Bee a cuchi CH (Japanese Amer Ind 24th. | Kawai Jas, chef CS Potter, rms 259 rms Van Ness Hotel. Kawamura Geo, cook Angus Kennedy, Lincoln av. Kawamura §, jan T'H Carr, rms 2415 Kay Clifford, musn, b 2649 Adams av. Kay Harold, student, b 2649 Adams av. Kay Jas, farmer, r N Ogden. ‘i ot ou Jas, elk J . Young Co. r Randall, Us oung Co, ay Mrs Margt, mgr Estate and Loan Broker, Office r Rai Real KAY WILLARD, 2649 409, Tel 1-2-3, Washington av, 2d Floor, Rooms Kaufman 3649 08 | eatin av 4 Adams E, an S, tp illard © Willard 2124 Monroe Bene Mia Aeebs 7 ichr Cent Jr High, rms Madison av. Keane Mary A, tchr High Schl, b 2438 Kearney, see Carney. Kearns, see Kerns. Ka Keefer, see Kiefer. . nan Wm E, ue ea args av. | Lie ide ; : f , student, € Refrigeration, 424 KEENER HIRAM H, “The Ice Machine Man,” Tel 1236-W. 25th, Col Hudson Bldg, Tel 918-J, r 1329 25th. Keener Nora, clk Ogden Standard, b 1329 Patterson av. W Keeter Fred, pkr Geo A Lowe Co, b 227 ete av. Bt rd . eo Eecter Lois (wid <4. age July 7, °16, eeter Malcolm EK, died av. [J P. ONEILL gra Patterson Reeter Oscar W, emp G A Lowe Co, b 227 W CONTRACTORS, 423 TWENTY STREET FIFTH PAVING, STREET SEWERS _AND WALKS NE 621 FRANK A. HATFIELD PIANO TEACHER POPUL®R MUSIC and RAGTIME TAUGHT IN 12 LESSONS 401 Col. Hudson Building |