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Show MURPHY {227% 0 Comany] { QCDEN PORTLAND CEMENT WHOLESALE ONLY Groceries, Drugs, Cigars, Importers & Roasters of Fine Coffees | 2435-41 HUDSON AV. OGDEN UTAH|— Auto R. L. POLK & CO’S Top/The Utah National Bank aie a a a UNITED (ona al STATES This : Rees sen W “ Utah Shoe | aa Side Curtains A?7 . “| ty wi 1 it oP Hl it t - Thi Bis ti pert?! I | | ap| } iwi AGE \ 9 i : ce Lis 4 | i Ny B eeesenssenesscineseses Hi ty ‘ i i i be bape mh Hi! Tei » 0. e Ripe an Legit Hittin| | | Hospi e 0 Ss Asst Thos rare L), r 424 Farr C ew ‘West. AGENCY |p E t SHOPS TO | YOU 221 826 25th Valsam ; Street We Call and Deliver (H G and T W House (A Marie, Geo (Kiros Van Alen Wm, Phone 586 : a ae GAZETTEER & Van Batenburg Johanna Trunk Utah Tungsten Factory (Abraham Co, Geo Halverson Siner), DIRECTORY, 241 sec, mines, 25th. RL Von 143-149 24th, Tel : | 605 Eccles Bldg. 561. . (See adv). | ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ie Lath. Shinet umber, La in : : gles, Sash and Doors. Oscar . . Plaster, Cement, Roofing, and Beaver Board Bank AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS 143-149 24th Street . rms (wid Quincy av. 130 25th. Co, rms Oscar S, carp, r 3204 Face anaen: Pe Simeon, Herman, died Apr r 1040 real BONDS 2482 469. E), r 665 24th. Ave. av. ee 14, °16, age re eee C. 30th. Armstrong av. Van Buskirk Carrie J, asst R E Worrell, b 9 Avon Apts. Ve skirk Vi France ANNek Vance Bert He dakner, & G, swchmn 2 331 OU 35th. R & D Co, rms Vance H Glen, mach, r 331 35th. 543 25th. Cornelius, lab, r 3275 Pingree P : av. Van de Graaff Jan, student, b 929 32d. Van de Graaff John, jan O U R & D Co, r 2017 Polk av. Van Polk av. de Graaff John J, elk Van de Graaff Marinus, O U r 3223 R & D Co, Pingree b 2017 an den Akker Johan, r 2955 av. Jogalong Transfer Co.) 9 |=" 9_M. RUNYAN’: = sil an Telephone 781-W Always in the Market Or Dealer in Hides, Pelts ‘2263-2269 Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Wall Avenue Supplies 306 av. 25th penne eal KODAKS Supplies and Finishing and Van den Berg Adriana (wid Andw), b 809 27th. a| EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE—MOVING VANS } 328 Twenty-Fifth Street Telephone 283 | Goods | Playerphones Bicycles Sugar Co, r 143 31st. Jefferson r Sporting Van Daalen John, emp Ogden Whol Drug Co, r Burch Crk. Van Dam Anthony, jan Roy Schl, r Roy. Van de Graaff Arie, bkpr J S Campbell Co, r 929 32d. ss de Graaff rier nine: ? anne Polk a Van de Graaff Peter, lab, Amal y Co M, smstrs Wright's, r 9 Avon Apts. Van de Graaff Riehd, musn, b 2017 Polk ay. Phone eae E 26. Van de Graaff Marinus jr, moved to Salt Lake City. _ ! Washington Sullivan. Wyoming est, r 3519 Adams Van Buskirk Mrs Frances jan de Graaff Basement 2857 Van Cleave Perry L, ydmaster O U R & D Co, r 163 Poplar av. . , Utah National av. rms Canning E Johannes, Boerum Van Braak | av. UTAH & OREGON LUMBER CO, R S McConnell Pres-Mgr, W H Ite Sec-Treas, Hudson Van Batenburg Louise J, b 665 Sullivan. Van Batenburg o Publishers, 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake Gity, Utah Valsam), Banner 2329 av. Free BUSINESS Lndry, Van Allen Fredk J, r 2368 Grant av. Van Boerum . Model & pres Peterson), Huntsville. | SURETY Van Alfen John, appr G B Denkers & Son, rms 2250 Van Buren UTAH : Bray), emp pon TUNA GARE STAT H GENERAL INSURANCE av. Jackson 2229 r G, Frank Valley Dairy Valley Vallinga SERVE : waiter, r 131 Shorten av. Edwd, iton De laanber tobe, emp Ogden P & P Co. Valentin Jos, sheepmn, rms 204 25th. ee a CO. | Mrs Maude. L, r 1186 24th. Vail Stephen L, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 2940 Child av. Vallereux NYE a 3d. Vail Cashier Cashier , = Fire Insurance and Loans Business Opportunities Tel. 913 (wid White Others Are Claiming Quality We Are Guaranteeing It een ; Ida V WHITE OAK LEATHER EXCLUSIVELY Prices Are the Lowest in the City Give Us a Trial and We will Convince You ai Thies F Hil i Li r ih | ws, j lh © Lee, ealty and anne asatch 39. a eatre, A J Fyhn mgr, 2510 Wash av. Brokerage |j Utah Tire Repair Co, K E Smith mer, 2582 Wash 8 Wash ten Utsman Our Tel a hit i Phone Real c Be : H Kaiser, Vice: President P M ington Ave. r ne Ogden J Ogden — {\°:.°%%" sycp.c’ans kane) P80 io. dell) H. STINE, Manager Washi T sia 2352 3 d sll I wernt! 2 IL. et Hat i : OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1917. DEPOSITORY ; President , Saas nt etre Vice-Preside H Wattis, Tops i Etc. Cushions, a Bank Offers to Depositors Every Facilit y Which Their Balances, Business and Responsibility Warrant Davi ° Automobile Covers | CONCRETE 2400 Washington Avenue Tr immin Co : GOOD ; eee of 0 FOR UTAH || ’ St ie at |