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Show Peyrreert pee By es eer: YOUR PRINTING | Is largely oe yas the first definite act toward the development of the Inter-mountain West was consummated with the arrival of the Pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley. The Use wt . ee <6) ea PROGRESS of it | P | N R T E R ] N : S K D O e S | } | ; i: 4 ith Bae S iid Melt 1 qi Bie} ese * Harper Brothers PUBLISHERS and 1 e OPS S44 oc. t St. Roe ee Td Richards Salt Lake City {ERTS eeae Fi os eT a wm Pot alga the : It is no less so today, but added to its military value to the nation is its commercia ft yalue to every citizen and community—these conditions time and progress have brovght about. A big ‘celebration will be held in Ogden in 1919 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the com- is: letion of the Union Pacific Railroad, and to this movement the management of the Union Pacific System resident of the. ending its whole-hearted support, feeling that equally hearty support will be given by every PRED My Inter-mountain West. the® One of our modern philosophers has said, “co-operation, .not competition is life.of trade,” and so it is, and believing this, it is the aim of the Union Pacific System management at all times to co-operate with all interests for the turther advancement | gS agmp, meere eeED a y Mcgee i See “Se saeSS ks 41-43 military dependency. . . =~ ee Phone 1840 and wr ee The moving spirits back of these great events were wonderful dreamers who had visions beyond their day and age. Other dreamers have followed them so States 3 Today, the Union Pacific System is “The Main Highway,” through the heart of westernof United steel,” and is Sz It “spans the east and west with a boulevard from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast. whose pros+o this territory what the keystone is to the arch. It is a vast, dependable commercial is enterprise, adand interest the to advancement perity spells prosperity to every section it feeds, whose interest and vancement of every section that helps to feed it. The Union Pacific Railroad as originally built was backed by the United States Government as a * I) ites=eSiew Distance Wasatch oe ae se pie PRINTERS Long San penis = a ; ey j OW U Forty-eight Years Ago, the Union Pacific Railroad— Us 2 yore, mutua 2 5 A Rs 5 |