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Show 50 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, BLOCKS, ETC. I O O F Hall—427 24th. Jackson Block—Washington av and 28th. Kay Block—2484-2486 Washington av. Kiesel Block—2436-2442 Grant av. Kiesel Hall—2444 Grant av. K of P Hall—409 24th. Lashus Block—2525 Lincoln av. Lester Park Pavilion—Lester Park. Marriott Meeting House—Marriott. Masonic Hall—2416 Washington av. Montana Block—156 25th. Morton Terrace—Adams av s e cor 26th. Mound Fort Amusement Hall—590 12th. North Ogden Amusement Hall—North Ogden. North Ogden Meeting House—North Ogden. Odd Fellow's Hall—427 24th. Parry Block—Washington av n w cor 23d. Patterson Block—2422-2430 Washington av. Peery Block—427 24th. Peery Building—2437-2445 Washington av. Post Office—2438-2444 Grant av. Raine Terrace—2610-2620 Monroe av. Reed Hotel Block—Washington av s e cor 25th. Riverdale Meeting House—Riverdale. Salvation Army Barracks—2512 Washington av. Second Ward Meeting House—271 26th. Sidney Stevens' Building—2408 Washington av. Southwell Block—200 Washington av. Spanish War Veterans' Hall—11 City Hall. Standard Building—360 24th. Stayner Block—2449 Washington av. Stephens Block—28th n w cor Grant av. Stevens Hall—North Ogden. Tabernacle The (L D S)—Washington av n w cor 22d. Tanner Block—Lincoln av s w cor 24th. Third Ward Educational Institute Hall—e s Grant av, 1 n of 22d. Third Ward Meeting House—22d n e cor Grant av. Third Ward Relief Society Hall—e s Grant av 1 s of 21st. Thomas Block—277-281 24th. Turn Verein Hall—232 21st. Union Block—362 24th. Union Depot—Wall av, foot of 25th. Union Hall—321 24th. Union Labor Hall—362 24th. Utah National Bank Building—2400 Washington av. Veteran Firemen's Hall—City Hall. View Meeting House—View. Weber County Court House—n s 24th, bet Washington and Adams avs. White B Block—334 24th. Wilson Ward Meeting House—Wilson's Lane. Woodmansee Block—368 24th. Wright's Block—2329 Washington av. RAILROADS—SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. 51 RAILROADS. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad—City Passenger Office, Union Depot; Freight Office, w s Washington av bet 20th and 21st. O B Gilson, Gen Agt, Office 8 Union Depot. Ogden Union Railway and Depot Co—16 Union Depot. C A Henry, Cashier and Ticket Agent; W R Scott, Supt; Wm Sullivan, Depot Master; James Keating, Gen Baggage Agt. Ogden & Northwestern Railroad Co—Office 2382 Washington av. Thomas D Dee, Pres; C H Kircher, Sec; N C Flygare, Supt. Oregon Short Line R R—City Ticket Office, Union Depot. W H Chevers, Agt; C A Henry Ticket Agent, General Offices, Salt Lake City. Southern Pacific Co—City Passenger and Ticket Office, Union Depot. c A Henry, Ticket Agt; Freight Department, n s 24th w of Depot tracks. W R Scott, Supt; Thomas F Rowlands, Trainmaster; A W Wright, Chief Dispatcher; Frederick Easton, Roadmaster. Union Pacific R R—City Passenger and Ticket Office Union Depot. C A Henry, Ticket Agt; Agt's Office and Freight Office, n s 24th w of S P tracks. W H Chevers, Agt; W C Camp, Mgr Tel Office, Union Depot. SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. ancient free and accepted masons. Masonic Hall, 2410 Washington Avenue. Weber Lodge No 6, F & A M—Charter dated November 12, 1874. Regular communications first and third Thursdays in each month. Officers: A V Mcintosh, W M; H R MacMillan, S W; C D Ives, J W; Geo F Mcintosh, Treas; F E Nichols, Sec; Rev E J Ridings, Chaplain; C A Beghtol, S D; A F Parker, J D; W G Dalrymple, S S; Valentine Gideon, J S; Geo H Bartlett, Tyler; W J Shealy, A R Heywood, S W Badcon, Trustees. Ogden Chapter No 2, R A M—Charter dated August 15, 1883. Regular convocations first Tuesday in each month. Officers: F W Voll, M E H P; A V McTntosh, E K; M Malone, E S; Jas Cassin, Treas; F E Nichols, Sec; B G Blackman, C of H; A F Parker, P S; I H Epperson, R A C; F W Easton, G M 3d V; H L Herrington, G M 2d V; A E Weatherby, G M 1st V; Geo H Bartlett, Sentinel. El Monte Commandery No 2, K T—Charter dated September 23, 1887. Stated conclaves second Wednesday in each month. Officers: J H Epperson, E C; Geo H Corse, Gen'ls'mo; H R MacMillan, Capt Gen; S W Badcon, Prelate; R T Hume, Treas; F E Nichols, Recorder; F W Voll, S W; T M Forristall, J W; T S Gordon, St'd B'r; J S Lewis, Sw'd B'r; M Malone, Warder; A W Brown, A A Wenger, J W Conlisk, Guards; Geo H Bartlett. Sentinel. Queen Esther Chapter No 4 (Eastern Star)—Charter dated Jan 22, 1900. Regular meetings first and third Fridays of each month. Officers: Mrs Minnie Haslett, W M; Mrs Eunice Gordon, A M; Mrs L Halsted. Sec; Mrs E Stowe, Treas; Mrs E Badcon, C; Mrs A Lewis, A C; Mrs Anna Enperson, Chaplain; Mrs Mary Yancey, M; Mrs Emma Carr, W; Mr. Gerding, Sentinel. |