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Show W. J. Dallimore, Licensed Plumber and Gas Fitter. 2352 Washington Ave. Tel. 518-X. 76 R. L. POLK & CO'S Bingham Cynthia A (wid Willard), res 2054 Farr's av. Bingham Dottie E, bds 3256 Adams av. Bingham Edward, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 328 33d. Bingham Elisha, missionary, bds Wilson Ward. Bingham Elisha G, farmer, res Wilson Ward. Bingham Elizabeth (wid Willard), res 1921 Grant av. Bingham Enoch, farmer, res Riverdale. Bingham Genet, tchr Washington School, bds 249 33d. Bingham Heber R, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Wilson Ward. Bingham Henry D, bds 304 33. Bingham James M, carrier P O, res rear 341 18th. Bingham Joseph, clk Ezra Richardson, res 2859 Grant av. Bingham Joseph, lab, bds n s W 12th i e of O S L Track. Bingham Joseph S, dairy, Riverdale, res same. Bingham Laura A, bds 2053 Farr's av. Bingham Leonard O, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Wilson Ward. Bingham Loren B, stockman, res Riverdale. Bingham Margaret P (wid Jedediah G), res 249 33d. Bingham M Eleanor, student High School, bds 249 33d. Bingham Norman F, farmer, bds Riverdale. Bingham Pearl M, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 2053 Farr's av. Bingham Phebe J (wid Edwin), res 304 33d. Bingham Robert, farmer, res Wilson Ward. Bingham Sanford, res Riverdale. Bingham Sanford L, driver J S Bingham, bds Riverdale. Bingham S James, lab, res Riverdale. Bingham Walter, farmer, res 328 33d. Bingham Walter E, bds 328 33d. Bingham Willard, farmer, res Wilson Ward, Bingham Willard E, stocker U P R R, res Wilson Ward. 1 Bingham Willard S, clk Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, bds 2054 Farr's av. Bingham Wm J, tmstr Shttrtliff & Co, bds 3130 Euclid av, Birch Mrs Lena, demonstrator Peery Bros Milling Co, 24th n w cor ! Lincoln av. Bird Heber C, car repr S P Co, res 2150 Reeve av. ,Bird John, lab, bds 3104 Pacific av. Bird Wm, lab, its 3104 Pacific av. Birmingham Thomas J, moved to Reno, Nev. Bischoff Clara, student Weber Stake Academy, res 2935 Pingree av. Bischoff Elizabeth, died June 26, '04, age 40. Bischoff James, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, bds 2935 Pingree av, Bischoff Matilda, bds 2935 Pingree av. Bishop Florence, died March 7, '04, age 26. Bishop John M, prin Washington School, res Grant av nr 37th. Bishop Margaret A, student High School, bds Grant av nr 37th. Bishop Paul G, bds Grant av nr 37th. BISMARCK THE, J J Greiner Propr, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 128 25th. Bell Tel 515-X, Ind 828. Bitterman Irvin E. car repr S P Co, rms 370 23d. Porter Florist. Cut flowers and bedding plants. Floral Designs a specialty. 20th and Jefferson Ave. Tel. 260-Z. H.C. Wardleigh. 2376 Washington Avenue Everything known in the Musical Line. Leaders 2351 Washington Ave. in up-to-date millinery. prices the lowest, goods the best. "Leader Millinery," Mrs. S.E. Lyon, Propr. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 77 Bitton Harriet, bds 473 31st. Bitton Harry, student Weber Stake Academy, res Riverside, Ida. Bitton John, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, res 2580 1/2 Washington av. Bitton John E, ies 473 31st. Bitton Mina A, bds 473 31st. Bitton Wm B, bds 473 31st. Bjorklund Anna, housekpr Reed Hotel. Bjorklund John P, carp, res 350 18th. Bjorklund Joseph, carp Isakson & Kihlstrom, res 2122 Adams av. Bjurman Peter E, lab, res 160 2nd. Black Daniel, died June 7, '03, age 40. Black Mrs Emily C, furn rooms, 2182 Washington av. Black Hubbard, bartndr Leedom & Pattison, bds 2425 Washington av. Black Lena, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, rms 444 27th. Black Mary (wid George), bds 501 13th. Black Thomas E, res 427 24th. Blackburn Ralph, carp, res 257 22d. Blackburn Wyatt, cond, res 137 26th. BLACKHAM BENJAMIN L, (Blackham & Wiant), res 269 27th, Bell Tel 314-Z. Blackham Lydia C, student High School, bds 2901 Grant av. Blackham Samuel, livery, res 2901 Grant av. BLACKHAM & WIANT (Benjamin L Blackham, Frank R Wiant), Proprs Ogden Livery, Transfer and Boarding Stables, 239 25th, Bell Tel 611-K. (See left side unes.) Blackinton Foster E, driver Ogden Steam Laundry, res 2011 Wash¬ington av. Blackinton Wallace F, fireman, bds 2011 Washington av. Blackman Birt G (Blackman & Griffin), res 2006 Washington av. Blackmail Robert, cam S P Co, bds European Hotel. BLACKMAN & GRIFFIN (Birt G Blackman, Seth J Griffin), Whole¬sale Produce, 2546 Washington av, Bell Tel 74, Ind 74. Blackwell Charles, carp, res 846 W 24th. Blackwell David H, driver Jonas Johnson, bds 2414 A av. Blackwell Tames H. carp, res 2414 A av. Blackwood A Myrtle, tcbr, bds 2137 Madison av. Blair Alma W, student High School, bds 2341 Madison av. Blair Mrs Catherine, bds 441 Canyon rd. Blair Charles H, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll, bds 269 27th. Blair Mrs Charlotte, dressmkr, 2900 Pingree av, res same. Blair Edna R, student High School, bds 2341 Adams av. Blair Eva, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2900 Pingree av. Blair Francis W, bottler, bds 2900 Pingree av. Blair Hazel C, student, bds 2341 Madison av. Blair Henry, piano tuner, res 2900 Pingree av. Blair Isaac, bds Burch Creek. Blair Lena, stenog. bds 2000 Pingree av. BLAIR REV SAMUEL, Pastor First M E Church, res 454 24th, Bell Tel 234-Y. Blair Samuel A,. live stock, res 2341 Madison av. L.J. Bucher. Mantels, Grates and Tiling. Cement Walks and Cellars. 26th and grant ave. Ogden Stell & Iron Works. All kinds of general iron work. Rear 2265 Lincoln Ave. |