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Show Falstaff Cafe, 2425 Washington Ave. SERVICE AND CUISINE U N E X C E L LED. 174 R. L. POLK & CO'S Hill Mary V, bds 252 30th. Hill Raymond C, lab, bds 2113 Wall av. Hill Sarah A, died Oct 17, '03, age 71. Hill Wm J, lab, bds N Ogden. Hill Wm J Jr, farmer, res N Ogden. Hill Wm M, tmstr, bds 241 23d. Hill Wm S, appr Herrick & Ruben, bds 226 24th. Hillan Clinton, bartndr Fred Kingsland, res 2175 Grant av. Hiller Charles F, mach D & R G R R, res 2614 Grant av. Hilliard Hudson B, res 266 23d. Hilliard Mrs Kate S, res 507 26th. Hilliard Margaret F, student High School, bds 266 23d. Hilliard Reuben T, cond U P R R, res 567 26th. Hilliard Ruth, student, bds 567 26th. Hilliker Hanson V, asst supt Utah Div O S L R R, res rear 2731 Jef¬ferson av. Hillman Fred, agt Ogden Hide, Pelt & Wool Co, 2424 Wall av, res Brigham City, U. Hillman Horace P, moved to Reno, Nev. Hillman John F, mgr Ogden Hide, Pelt & Wool Co, res Brigham City. Hilton Wm A, stenog U P Dining Car Service, bds 2507 Adams av. Hinchcliff Charles A, grocer, 2824 Adams av, res same. Hinchcliff Charles W, packer Boyle Furniture Co, res 548 28th. J Hinchcliff Edmond A, moved to Butte, Mont. Hinchcliff Ella, drcssmkr, 548 28th, bds same. Hinchcliff J Raymond, driver Pacific Exp Co, bds 548 28th. Hinchcliff W Frank, clk Boyle Furniture Co, bds 548 28th. Hinchcliffe Eliza, bds 165 W 27th. Hinchcliffe Hattie E, tchr Central School, bds 165 W 27th. Hinchcliffe Mathias, police Ogden Ry & Depot Co, res 165 W 27th. Hinckley Maude, student High School, bds 530 24th. Hinkle, see also Henkell. Hinkle John H, waiter Magny's Cafe, bds 270 25th. Hinkle Mrs Mary A, res 969 25th. Hinley, see also Hanley. Hinley Alfred S, eng S P Co, res 2210 Adams av. Hinley George A, appr S P Co, bds 2210 Adams av. Hinley Ruth A, student Inter Mtn Business Coll. Hinson Wm H, eng S P Co, res 2210 Adams av. Hinton Noble J, driver Fire Dept, res 330 28th. HINTON WM H, Physician and Surgeon, Hours 10 to 12 A M, 2 to 4 P M, 2469 Washington av, Bell Tel 245-Y, Ind 618, bds Reed Hotel. Hirst, see also Hurst. Hirst Albert H, mach S P Co, rms Opera House Blk. Hirst Florence J, student, bds 2670 Jefferson a v. Hirst Josephine E (wid Frederick W), tchr Dee School, res 2670 Jef¬ferson av. Hirt Arthur (col'd), cook, rms 2514 Lincoln av. Denver Rio Grande Railroad, BEST LINE EAST. SEE PAGE 6. "The NUMBER OF PEOPLE to whom You can Talk MUST regulate the PRICE YOU PAY." The Imperial Restaurant. CHIN & WONG, Proprs. 350 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. Best Service. Moderate Prices. Private Rooms for Ladies. OGDEN GITY DIRECTORY. 175 Hirt Frank J, mgr Utah Hot Springs and Hotel, 9 miles n of Ogden. Hisner Laura R (wid Wm), dressmkr, 2254 Adams av, res same. Hite Schuyler C, tmstr, res 506 13th. Hitt Joel I, farmer, res View. Hixon Eugene, car repr S P Co, bds 138 24th. Hjort Christian, farmer, res N Ogden. Hjort Dosena, bds N Ogden. Hjort Enoch, lab, bds N Ogden. Hoag Grace, emp Ogden Steam Laundry. Hoag Laura, clk Richardson & Grant, bds 352 21st. Hoag Marion, messr U D T Co. Hoag May, domestic, 541 23d. HOAG RALPH E, Cashr Utah National Bank, res The Virginia, Ind Tel 732. Hoag Mrs R E, china painting, 409 24th, res The Virginia. Hobbs Arthur E, clk U P R R, res 145 22d. Hobbs John F, brkman U P R R, res 725 23d. Hobbs Loray, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 157 23d. Hobden Fred G. died Nov 7, '03, age 38. Hobert Lee F, clk S P Co, res 260 24th. Hobson Eulalia, bds 826 23d. Hobson Samuel H, mining, res 826 23d. Hobson Samuel V, missionary, bds 826 23d. Hobson W Raymond, driver Z C M I, bds 826 23d. Hodge A Marvin, clk P O, bds 255 29th. Hodge George F, painter, res 255 29th. Hodges Orville W, res Adams av nw cor 38th. Hodgkins F E, moved to St Louis, Mo. Hodgkins Louisa, forewoman, bds 437 28th. Hodgson Charles C, moved to San Francisco, Cal. Hodgson Woodey H, died Nov 7, '03, age 57. Hodson, see also Hudson. Hodson Franklin, lab, bds Marriott. Hodson George, farmer, res Marriott. Hodson Leonard, farmer, bds Marriott. Hodson Luella, student High School, bds Marriott. Hodson Wm, farmer, res Marriott. Hoey Peter, groundman Stromberg-Carlson Tel Mfg Co. Hoff, see also Huff. Hoff Jacob S, carp Mathias Gilles, res 260 Washington av. Hoff John, lab, bds 200 W 28th. Hoffman Adam, res 2865 Adams av. Hoffman August W, messr Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, rms 2540 Lincoln. Hoffman Charles E, eng Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, sec Ogden Cracker & Biscuit Co, res 2865 Adams av. Hoffman Frank Jr, collr R M Bell Tel Co, rms 2518 Lincoln av. Hoffman H C, mach S P Co, bds 2465 Lincoln av. Hoffstetler. see Hufstetler. Hogarth Wm, rms St Paul House. OGDEN KNITTING COMPANY. 2369 WASHINGTON AVE. mfrs. of SWEATERS AND CARDIGAN JACKETS. B. G. Knoth, Druggist. EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. 2441 Washington Avenue. NEXT TO THE BIG CLOCK. |