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Show Allen Transfer co. office 412 25th st. tel. 22. albern allen. propr 256 R. L. POLK & CO'S Parry Albert A, car clnr S P Co, res 310 18th. Parry Amos, student High School, bds 1769 Washington av. Parry Block, Washington av n w cor 23d. Parry Caleb, farmer, res Marriott. Parry Charles O, clnr Pullman Co, res 310 18th. Parry Chauncey, ins, res 1763 Washington av. Parry Frank V, opr O S L R R, res 261 23d. Parry Grover H, bds 310 18th. Parry John, lab D & R G R R, res 160 W 20th. Parry Joseph, res 1769 Washington av. Parry Joseph T, mach S P Co. Parry Lizzie, bds 1769 Washington av. Parry Llewlyn W, res 261 23d. Parry Lucille, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Marriott. Parry Parley M, clk Utah L & Ry Co, bds 2246 Madison av. Parry Ray, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Marriott. Parry Susan A W, died Dec 31, '03, age 60. Parry Walter, missionary, bds 1769 Washington av. Parry Wm H, club rooms, res 2243 Adams av. Parson Freda J, clk I L Clark & Sons Co, bds 2545 Quincy av. Partenheimer John H, brick mfr, e s Jefferson av bet 29th and 30th, res Monroe av cor 34th. Partridge Karl C, clk R M S, Healy House. Past Arthur C, teller Ogden State Bank, res 2807 Washington av. Pastime Theater, Walter De Walker mgr, 2406 Washington av. patch George C, ydmaster D & R G R R, res 352 21st. Patrick May, student, bds 706 29th. Patrick Samuel, printer The Standard, bds 371 22d. Patrick Thomas A, lab, bds 706 29th. Patrick Wm H, lab, res 706 29th. Patterson Adam, real est, res 2547 Jefferson av. Patterson Alexander C, prin Riverdale School, res Roy. Patterson Alexander S, student High School, bds 2547 Jefferson av. Patterson Andrew, blksmith S P Co, res 535 22d. Patterson Block, 2422-2430 Washington av. Patterson David, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2547 Jefferson av. Patterson James, farmer, res Wilson's la. Patterson Joseph, farmer, res Riverdale. Patterson J Ray, farmer, bds Wilson's la. Patterson Louisa M, died Feb, 19, '04, age 61. Patterson Mary A, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Riverdale. Patterson Maude, student, bds 2547 Jefferson av. Patterson Wm. clk S J Burt & Bros, res 2053 Adams a v. PATTISON HARRY (Leedom & Pattison), res 130 W 22d. Patton Ambler B. student High School, bds 1506 24th. Patton Augustus B, lawyer, res 1506 24th. Paulson, see also Poulsen. Paulson Peter C, appr J M Larsen, bds 1016 Grant av. Paulson Peter G, agt, res 1016 Grant av. FRED M. NYE, Hatter. RELIABLE CLOTHIER. FURNISHER. 2413 washington ave. BLACKHAM & WIANT. 239 Twenty-Fifth St. WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE IN THE CITY. Ogden Steam Laundry Co. O.A. Parmley. S.H. Hendershot. 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. TELEPHONE 174. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 257 Paxton Mrs Alice A, bds 339 30th. Payne, see also Paine. Payne Bertha M, bds 2350 Wall av. Payne Charles W, motorman Ogden R T Co, res 249 Washington av. Payne Edwin (Clarke & Payne), res rear 2766 Jefferson av. Payne Georgia A, died July 8, '04, age 55. Payne John, eng S P Co, res 2350 Wall av. Payne John, mach, rms 2515 Lincoln av. Payne John F, appr S P Co, bds 2350 Wall av. Payne Joseph H, saloon, 2263 Washington av, res 163 30th. Payne Joseph P, student Weber Stake Academy, res Syracuse, U. I'ayne Lyman, fireman U P R R, res Evanston, Wyo. Payne Mary E (wid Rufus), res 2335 Lincoln av. Payne Orren D, boilermkr S P Co, res 566 Canyon rd. Payne Philip A. packer H L Griffin Co, bds 2350 Wall av. Payne Willis O, brkman S P Co, res 2959 Wall av. Pearce, see also Peirce and Pierce. Pearce Alice, bds 2456 Madison av. Pearce Edward, res 2456 Madison av. Pearce Edward W, mach Wm Pearce, res 426 27th. Pearce Elizabeth J, bds 2647 Washington av. Pearce Fay, student High School, bds 825 22d. Pearce Frank J, mach Wm Pearce, bds 2647 Washington av. Pearce George C, salesman, res 2674 Monroe av. Pearce Norma L, music tchr, 2674 Monroe av, bds same. Pearce Ruby F, student, bds 2674 Monroe av. Pearce Wm, foundry, 2651 Washington av, res 2647 same. Peard James, shcemkr, 2964 Pingree av, res same. Pearl Saloon, T H Linehan propr, 122-124 25th. Pearsoll Wm (col'd), porter, rms 2612 Wall av. Pearson, see also Pierson, Pearson Charles H, cond U P R R, res 2712 Lincoln av. Pearson Edna B, clk W H Pearson, bds 305 24th. Pearson Louis, lab, res 2701 Pacific av. Pearson Wm H, confectr, 305 24th, res same. peck Clarence E, mach S P Co, bds 437 24th. Peck Edwin A, eng S P Co, res 437 24th. Peck Floyd F, fireman S P Co, bds 437 24th. Peckennaugh J H, tel opr. res 2758 Lincoln av. Peden J. mach S P Co. Pederson, see Peiterson and Peterson. Pedler Albert E, rainter S P Co, res 149 26th. Pedler Richard, died June 27, '04, age 74. Peerman Edward C, brkman S P Co, res 1966 Washington av. Peerman Harry L, lab, res 1955 Grant av. Peery Block, 427 24th. Peery Brothers (H E and H J), insurance, 24th n w cor Lincoln av. PEERY BROS MILLING CO (H E and H J Peery), 24th n w cor Lincoln av, Bell Tel 60, Ind 60. BEST EQUIPMENT. supurb scenery. pullman sleepers. Rio Grande Lines. SEE PAGE 6. DINING CARS. O.M. Runyan. 2269 wall ave. wool and furs. |