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Show John J.Schwartz. 2234 Jefferson ave. 266 R. L. POLK & CO'S POST OFFICE, Thomas H Davis Postmaster, 2440 Grant av. Post Office, Station A, 203 Washington av. POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE CO, Richard Cogan Mgr, 2482 Washington av. Postma Andreas, shoemkr, n s 27th nr Madison av, bds same. Postma Beense W, shoemkr, 2482 1/2 Washington av, bds n s 27th nr Madison av. Postma Bokke, carp, res n s 27th 2 e of Madison av. Postma Wm A, res n s 27th nr Madison av. Pot Dina, bds 2028 Madison av. Pot Harry, res 2028 Madison av. Pot Wm, janitor Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, res 2367 Harrison av. Potter Frank S, linotype opr The Standard, rms 2422 Adams av. Potter George F, carp, res 2613 Washington av. Potter Thomas F, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, res 663 27th. Potto Lewis, hostler Blackham & Wiant, rms 239 25th. Poulsen, see also Paulson. Poulsen Hyrum, bds Neils Poulsen. Poulsen Joseph, farmer, bds Neils Poulsen. Poulsen Neils, farmer, res 3 blocks e of State Industrial School. Poulsen Peter C, lab Utah Construction Co, res 2867 Pacific av. POULSEN PETER M, Saloon, 2404 Washington av, res 2258 Moffit av. Poulson Christian, res 271 N Washington av. Poulson Peter G, solr Singer Mfg Co, res 1016 Grant av. Poulter Mrs Alice S, res rear 824 22d. Poulter Bros (George A and Wm R), grocers, 2267 Washington av. Poulter Carl, carpet lyr, bds 2644 Lafayette av. Poulter Clara B, nurse, 2644 Lafayette av, bds same. Poulter Ella, clk Mary Warner, bds 2644 Lafayette av. Poulter Florence, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 2644 Lafayette. Poulter George, grocer, 2570 Gramercy av, res same. Poulter George A (Poulter Bros), res 2556 Gramercy av. Poulter Mary F, student, bds 2570 Gramercy av. Poulter Mattie C, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2570 Gramercy. Poulter Moroni S, baker Utah State School for the D, D and B, res 2644 Lafayette av. Poulter Thomas, res n s 27th bet Monroe and Quincy avs. Poulter Wm R (Poulter Bros), bds 2570 Gramercy av. Powderly Wm, hostler A B Corey, rms 330 24th. Powell Albert J, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Marriott. Powell Anna C, student, bds 2460 Madison av. Powell John D, farmer, res Marriott. Powell Nellie C, student High School, bds 2460 Madison av. Powell Robert B, mach S P Co, rms 214 W 22d. Powell Samuel J, foreman, res 2460 Madison av. Powell Sarah, bds Marriott. Powell Sarah C, tchr Washington School, bds 2460 Madison av. Powell Thomas, farmer, res Marriott. CONSOLIDATED WAGON & MACHINE CO. LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS UTAH AND IDAHO. 23rd and Washington. b p. critchlow, Mgr. HEALY CAFE FIRST CLASS SERVICE WITH THE BEST of everything in season. J. Jensen, Propr. 106 twenty-fifth street. B .H. Goddard, ACCIDENT AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. 412 ECCLES BLDG. TEL. 534-Z. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 267 Powell Thomas E, clk R M S, res 2622 Madison av. Powell Wm A, brkman S P Co, res 351 27th. Power Albert E, sanitary inspector, City Hall, res 537 Canyon rd. Power Homer S, pianist, res 2544 Lincoln av. Powers Frances M, bds 2337 Grant av. Powers Frank, bartndr Mark Murphy, res 2619 Grant av. Powers George, student High School, bds 600 24th. Powers Haymond J, phys, 425-426 Eccles Bldg, res 2337 Grant av. Powers John H, student H J Powers, bds 2337 Grant av. Powers Mary R (wid Austin), bds 2256 M off it av. Powers Patrick, lab, bds 3200 Pacific av. Powers Robert E, bartndr, bds 610 Canyon rd. Prather Winfield S, clk, bds 1229 25th. Pratt Arthur E, lawyer, 305 Eccles Bldg, res 877 24th. Pratt A Agatha (wid Parley P), res 3162 Adams av. Pratt Orson, died Dec 6, '03, age 66. Preeman Wm, tchr Ogden High School bds Reed Hotel. Presbury Sidney H, cook Healy Cafe, rms 2562 Monroe av. Prestavitz Juanita, student Inter Mtn Bus Coll, bds 2474 1/2 Washing¬ton av. Preston Fay M, bds 3278 Ogden av. Preston Roy W, bds 3278 Ogden av. Preston Thomas, lab, bds 524 1st. Price Charles G, plasterer, res 196 2d. Price Frank S, clk R M S, res 1470 Cahoon av. Price John W, carp Isakson & Kihlstrom, bds 196 2d. Price J George, tmstr, res 1785 Center av. Price Nettie, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co. Price Rhode A, bds 2540 Lincoln av. Price Wm, boilermkr, res 1773 Center av. Price Wm E, watchman, res 275 30th. Pringle Robert L M, musician, res 1843 Washington av. Prochet John, lab, res 678 Sullivan. Prochet John Jr. bds 678 Sullivan. Prochet Josephine, student, bds 678 Sullivan. Prochet Margaret, emp Palace Bakery, bds 678 Sullivan. Proctor Hazel G, emn Shune-Williams Candy Co, bds 887 20th. Proctor John C, res 887 20th. Proctor Nelle M, bds 887 20th. Promontory Mining & Milling Co, T D Johnson sec, 8 First Natl Bank Bldg. Prost L Edward, moved to Los Angeles, Cal. Proud fit Andrew, pres and sec Proudfit Sporting Goods Co, res 1939 Washington av. Proudfit Robert L, treas Proudfit Sporting Goods Co, res 2620 Jef¬ferson av. Proudfit Sporting Goods Co, A J Proudfit pres and sec. R L Proudfit treas, 351 24th. Prout Harriet A, nurse, 2455 Van Buren av. bds same. Prout L Jennie, private school, 2455 Van Buren ar, bds same. J P O'NEILL dealer in STONE, CEMENT, ASPHALTUM, PITCH AND TAR. 423 twenty-fifth st. OGDEN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 2450 WASHINGTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE 266-Z. ALEX LEATHAM, Propr. |