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Show F. C. WOODS & CO. architects. ROOMS 56 AND 57 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. 130 R. L. POLK & CO'S Earley John S, switchman, rms 210 23d. Earnshaw Wm H, mach S P Co, rms 2635 Grant av. Eastman Edward A, lab, res 539 26th. Eastman Eohraim, lab, res 2227 Moffit av. Eastman Heber, lab, res 1977 Washington av. Eastman John W, stove repr, res rear 2236 Washington av. Eastman Leonora, clk, bds rear 2236 Washington av. Eastman Vivian, butcher, res 129 26th. Eastman Wm E, bds 1977 Washington av. Easton Frederick W, rd master S P Co, res 873 24th. Easton Mary (wid Wm), bds 873 24th. Eaton Mrs Minnie, bds 500 W 24th. Eayrs Cora, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 2260 Lincoln av. Eayrs George T, moved to Seattle, Wash. Eayrs John, pumper, res 2260 Lincoln av. Ebbesen Samuel, car repr S P Co, res 181 33d. Eberhardt Charles, setter Ogden P Brick & Tile Co, res 12 Wilson's la. Eccles Adam, lab, res Wilson's la. Eccles Anna N, student Weber Stake Academy, res Eden, U. Eccles Mrs Annie, domestic, 2475 Jefferson av. Eccles Bertha O, student High School, bds 2580 Jefferson av. ECCLES BUILDING, Washington av s w cor 24th. Eccles Charles S, student, bds 2610 Monroe av. Eccles David, pres First National Bank, Eccles Lumber Co, Amalga¬mated Sugar Co, res 2580 Jefferson av. ECCLES DAVID C, Mgr Eccles Lumber Co, 154 24th, Bell Tel 128, Ind 128, Sec and Treas Utah & Oregon Lumber Co, bds 2580 Jef¬ferson av, Bell Tel 204-X. Eccles Jeanette (wid Samuel H), res 2610 Monroe av. Eccles Joseph M, student, bds 2580 Jefferson av. ECCLES LUMBER CO, David Eccles Pres, H H Soencer V-Pres, T D Dee Sec and Treas, D C Eccles Mgr. 154 24th, Bell Tel 128, Ind 128. Eccles Pearl M, student, bds 2555 Jefferson av. Eccles Royal, student High School, bds 2580 Jefferson av. Eccles Sarah (wid Wm), res 2542 Monroe av. Eccles Stewart W, missionary, res 543 27th. F.ccles Vida, student, bds 2580 Jefferson av. Eccles Wm, student, bds 2.r55 Jefferron av. Eccles Wm E, student High School, bds 26to Monroe av. Eccles Wm H, lumber, res 2555 Jefferson av. Eckardt Fritz, bds 262.1 Van Buren av. Eckardt Martha, student, bds 2624 Van Burcn av. Eckardt Otto, lab, res 2624 Van Buren av. Eckardt Wm, bds 2624 Van Buren av. Ecklund, see also Eklund. Ecklund J Edward, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds rear 2130 Washington av. Ecklund Sophie (wid John), res rear 2130 Washington av. Travel via" Rio Grande Lines." see page 6. VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER CO. Wholesale and retail dealers 237-245 twenty-fourth st. retail dealers. B .H. Goddard, accident and plate glass insurance. 412 ECCLES BLDG. TEL. 534-Z. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 131 Eckstrom, see Extrom. Eddy Charles R, hackman, bds 127 31st. Eddy Frances N, tchr Utah State School for the D, D and B, bds Virginia Hotel. Eddy George E, baker, res 246 W 20th. . Eddy Wm H, baker, res 241 Patterson av. Eddy Wm H, tmstr, res 127 31st. Edgley Stanley L, carp, res 158 22d. Edlind Carl J, plumber A W Meek, res 2041 Jackson av. Edlilig Karl G, carp, res n s 7th nr Madison av. Edlund David, student, bds 1919 Steele. Edluod John, carp, res 1919 Steele. Edsenga Ebel, trucker U P R R, bds 420 24th. Edsenga Mrs Eberta, res 420 24th. Edson Arthur E, clk, res 355 28th. Edson Charles H, lab, res 227 23d. Edson Charlotte (wid Charles G), res Wilson's la. Edson Ella A, bds Wilson's la. Edson Frederick G, trucker U P R R, bds Wilson's la. Edson Wm S, car sealer, bds Wilson's la. Edwalson Eric W, died Oct 6, '03, age 34. Edwards George M, farmer, res 836 Washington av. Edwards Henry W, lab, bds 2856 Wall av. Edwards John, lab, rms 225 25th. Edwards Maude A, matron Ogden General Hospital, bds 2856 Wall av. Edwards Robert L, bds 854 Washington av. Edwards Walter, lab, res 2856 Wall av. Egan, see also Eagon. Egan Agnes, bds 436 31st. Egan Agnes A, bds 3584 Utah av. Egan John H, farmer, res 3584 Utah av. Egge Adoloh. brkman U P R R. rms 2525 Lincoln av. Egginton Benjamin, bds St Paul House. EGGINTON MRS FANNY, Propr St Paul House, 429-431 25th, Ind Tel 881. Egginton Irene, bds St Paul House. Egginton Lizzie, bds St Paul House. Eggleston Disey C, bds 2660 Monroe av. Eggleston Emeline (wid Reuben B), res 2660 Monroe av. Eggleston Frank S, clk Watkins & Nicholas, bds 2660 Monroe av. Eggleston Harry E, plumber W J Dallimore, bds 2660 Monroe a v. Eggleston John S, moved to Laramie, Wyo. Eggleston Joseph M, mgr United Labor Mercantile Co, 289 24th, bds 2660 Monroe av.. Eggleston Mrs Lora E, pds 571 Cross. Eggleston Reuben B, guard, bds 2660 Monroe av. Eisenberg Charles B, clk S P Eisenberg, bds 558 W 24th. Eisenberg George W, driver S P Eisenberg, bds 558 W 24th. Eisenberg Lizzie K, bds 558 W 24th the toggery. men's fine furnishings, shoes, hats and clothing. 302 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. OGDEN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 2450 WASHINGTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE 266-Z. ALEX LEATHAM, Propr. electric light wiring, annunciators, fixtures and general repairing. |