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Show going to build? is so, consult f.c. woods & co. FOR ESTIMATES AND PLANS. Rooms 56 and 57 First National Bank Building. 210 R. L. POLK & CO'S Lindstrom Gustaf, saloon, 139 25th, res 3031 Grant av. Lindstrom John W, carrier, P O, res 326 18th. Lindstrom Katherine, died Febr 23, '04, age 78. Line Charles D, mach S.P Co, res 230 W 22d. Linehan Edward, bartndr, rms 129 Poplar. Linehan John H, propr Pearl Saloon, 122-124 25th, res 2525 Lincoln av. Linford Bros (James H, Wm A, John W, George A, and Orson P), dairy, N Ogden. Linford Eliza (wid George J), res N Ogden. Linford George A (Linford Bros), bds N Ogden. Linford James H (Linford Bros), bds N Ogden. Linford John W (Linford Bros), bds N Ogden. Linford Orson P (Linford Bros), bds N Ogden. Linford Sarah E, bds N Ogden. Linford Wm A (Linford Bros), bds N Ogden. Link Mrs Nancy D, bds 2838 Washington av. Linsley Edward A, eng U P R R, res 2683 Wall aV. Linsley Fred, elk Paine & Hurst, bds 2683 Wall av. Linsley Howard M, chf elk RMS, res 2785 Grand av. Linsley Wm E, clk RMS, Healy House. Linton Cora, student Inter Mtn Bus Coll. Linton Roy, brkman S P Co, rms 2457 Lincoln av. Linvall Selma R, bds 2022 Ballantyne av. Lippincott Charles F, bartndr, Reed Hotel. Lisco Myrtle, died May 28, '04, age 23. Lister W P, mgr Boston Dental Parlors, 2461 Washington av, res 427 28th. Litheredge George W, moved to Denver, Colo. Litt Benjamin M, clk The Hub, bds The Virginia. Little, see also Lytle. Little Charles E, carp, res 3057 Adams av. Little Eliza (wid Thomas K), res 464 22d. Little Ethel, bds 464 22d. Little Malachi, carp, res 243 Healy av. Little Thomas, fireman, bds 464 22d. Little Wm H, propr Hotel Lincoln, 330 23d. Littlefield Charles E, chf clk U P Dining Car Service, res 2233 Mon¬roe av. LITTLEFIELD EDWIN A, Sec and Treas Utah State Journal Co, res 2528 Madison av. Littlefield Mrs Sarah, moved to Morgan, U. Littlefield Wm D, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, res 458 27th. Littlefield Wm D Jr, wireman Commercial Electric Co, res 2337 Ad¬ams av. Littleton Robert R, waiter, res 2468 Washington av. Littlewood Charles, farmer, res Farr West. Litzenberg Herbert H, carrier, P O, rms 2422 Adams av. Lively Frank E, eng, rms 2333 Jefferson av. Livermore Le Roy K, moved to Menan, Ida. Travel via "Rio Grande Lines." see page 6. VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER CO. wholesale and retail dealers 237-245 twenty-fourth st. retail dealers. B.H. Goddard, 412 Eccles BUILDING. life insurance. telephone 534-z OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 211 Livermore Stephen J, bottler Becker B & M Co, bds 158 Washington. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE CO (of Eng¬land), B H Goddard Agt, 412 Eccles Bldg. LIVINGSTON BENJAMIN F, Propr The Walnut, 342 25th, Bell Tel 233-K, Ind 704, res 2521 Gramercy av, Bell Tel 704-Z. Livingston Edwin R, bartndr The Walnut, bds 2521 Gramercy av. Livingston Julius, student High School, rms Grand Opera House Blk. Livingston Mrs Mary A, res 2744 Grant av. Livingston Ralph, student, rms Grand Opera House .Blk. Livingston Robert, brkman UPRR, res 2744 Grant av. Livingstone Arthur E, bds 2530 Gramercy av. Livingstone Hannah M, died Mch 2, '04, age 26. Llewellyn George W, bartndr J E Davenport, rms 2424 Grant av. Lloyd Charles E, mgr Utah Knitting Wks, 2354 Washington av, res 2155 Jefferson av. Lloyd Frank E, brkman UPRR, res 2822 Pacific av. Lloyd Frank R, baggageman, bds 2822 Pacific av. Lloyd James, lab, res 341 27th. Lloyd Jessie, bds 342 Bernard. Lloyd Wm A, helper S P Co, Lloyd Wm E, clk London Meat Market, res 3215 Ogden av. Lloyd Wm M, fireman S P Co, res 2147 Lincoln av. Lochhead Angus T, cashr, bds 721 26th. Lochhead Elizabeth I, cashr, bds 721 26th. Lochhead George, clk UPRR, res 721 26th. Lochhead George Jr,foreman D & R G Gas Wks, res 2738 Jefferson. Lochhead Jessie, student High School, bds 721 26th. Lochhead Lillian, cashr, bds 721 26th. Lochhead Margaret R, ck I L Clark & Sons Co, bds 721 26th. Lochhead Wm S, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, bds 721 26th. Locker J S, lab, bds s s 29th 1 w of Pacific av. Loder Erastus P, res rear 526 22d. Loder Mrs Hattie E, bds 458 25th. Loewenstein Elizabeth (wid Daniel), res 2105 Madison av. Loewenstein Lizzie, dressmkr, 2105 Madison av, bds same. Lofgreen, see also Lefgren. Lofgreen Hattie, rms Grand Opera House Blk. Lofgreen Louis, insp Ogden Water Wks Co, res Glenwood Park. Logan Mary, died June 26, '03, age 43. Logan Wm H, wiper D & R G R R, LONDON MEAT MARKET, Mrs Alice Wright Propr, Fred Wright Mgr, First Class Meats, Fish and Game in Season, 616 24th, Bell Tel 138, Ind 138. Long Carrie M, bds 566 23d. Long Elijah H, mach S P Co, res 365 22d. Long John, lab, rear 2163 Grant av. Long Levi, fireman S P Co, res 2327 Grant av. Long Matie B, emp Mansfield, Burrows & Co, bds 566 23d. Long Robert, mach, rms 2179 Grant av. the toggery. 302 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. men's fine furnishings, shoes, hats AND clothing. OGDEN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 2450 WASHINGTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE 266-Z. ALEX LEATHAM, Propr. |