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Show W.J. Dallimore, Licensed Plumber and gas fitter. 2352 Washington Ave. Tel. 518-X. AND GAS FITTER. 92 R. L. POLK & CO'S Burt Kate (wid Samuel H), res 2444 Adams av. Burt Phoebe (wid Prentiss), res 617 Sullivan av. BURT S J & BROS (Thomas G and Wm L), Dry Goods and Fur¬nishings, 2431-2435 Washington av, Bell Tel 17-Y, lnd 17. Burt Thomas G (S J Burt & Bros), res 2444 Adams av. Burt Walter N, mgr Charles W Cross Est, 2252 Washington av, res 1324 same. Burt Wm L (S J Burt & Bros), res 2348 Monroe av. Burton Catherine A, bds 1772 Pacific av. Burton Charles, janitor Court House, res same. Burton Charles B, helper S P Co, bds 1772 Pacific av. Burton Ella, student High School, bds 2703 Grant av. Burton Mrs Ellen F, res 2465 Monroe av. Burton Mrs Florence P, bds 2465 Monroe av. Burton George, res 3235 Wall av. Burton George B, helper S P Co, res 1772 Pacific av. Burton George E, nurse, 2820 Monroe av, res same. Burton Henry, foreman, res 2166 Adams av. Burton Isabella B, bds 21st. Burton James E, appr S P Co. Burton James F, asst cashr First National Bank, treas Board of Edu¬cation, bds 2480 Monroe av. Burton James M, lab, res e s Washington av nr n city limits. Burton James S, lab, res 891 12th. Burton James W, helper, res 2550 Quincy av. Burton Jesse, stacker U P R R, res 2071 Washington av. Burton John W, res 3223 Wall av. Burton John W Jr, car clnr S P Co, bds 3223 Wall av. Burton Joseph, lab, bds J M Burton. Burton Mrs Marian T, prin Quincy School, res 2620 Monroe av. Burton Michael, lab, bds J M Burton. Burton Michael, lab Ogden P Brick & Tile Co, bds Harrisville. Burton Michael V, eng S P Co, rms Cottage Hotel. Burton Nellie, domestic, 724 24th. Burton Nephi A, clk, bds 646 28th. Burton Rachel, domestic, 2348 Jefferson av. Burton Robert C, bds 3235 Wall av. Burton Robert I, bkpr Boyle Furniture Co, bds 536 24th. Burton Mrs Sarah, res 2658 Adams av. Burton Thomas S, clk Dee-Stanford Shoe Co, bds 921 21st. Burton Thomas W, lab, res 921 21st. Burton V Pearl, bds 2480 Monroe av. Burton Wm F, salesman C W & M Co, res 2620 Monroe av. Burton Wm W, pres, res 2480 Monroe a v. Busch Arthur, carp, bds 136 Shorten's av. Busch Arthur, harnessmkr G E Cross, bds 365 29th. Busch George, student Inter Mtn Bus Coll, bds 136 Shorten's av. Busch George F, bkpr F J Kiesel & Co, res 136 Shorten's av. Busch Gretchen M, student, bds 136 Shorten's av. Porter Florist. cut flowers and bedding plants. floral designs a specialty. 20th and jefferson ave. tel. 260-z. H. C. WARDLEIGH. Pianos, Organs, Violins, 2376 washington avenue. Guitars, Mandolins, Etc. LEADER MILLINERY 2351 WASHINGTON AVE. Cheapest. Best in the city. Styles the best. Mrs. S.E. Lyon, Propr. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 93 Busche Edith, stenog Eccles Lumber Co, bds 2158 Wall av. Bush John P, tchr Utah State School for the D, D and B, bds 1964 Jackson av. Bushell, see also Beuschel. Bushell Gilbert, bds 912 28th. Bushell Wm, bds 912 28th. Bushnell Charles F, expman, res 580 Cook. Bushnell Claude A, exp, bds 580 Cook. Bushnell George H, trav auditor U P Dining Car Service, res 931 21st. Buswell Weston L, jeweler, 370 24th, res 735 same. Butcher John W, lab Utah L & Ry Co, res 596 7th. Butler Alma, farmer, bds Broom's Bench. Butler Annie (wid John), res Broom's Bench. Butler Brigham H, dairy, Broom's Bench, res same. Butler George H, janitor Broom's Bench School, res Broom's Bench. Butler Henry H, farmer, res Broom's Bench. Butler Joseph A, farmer, bds Broom's Bench. Butler Lizzie E, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Broom's Bench. Butler Mary A (wid John J M), res 2108 Tefferson av. Butler O Herman, hostler Nelson & Fell, rms 336 24th. Butler Parley G, farmer, bds Broom's Bench. Butler Rhoda (wid Thomas V), bds 2409 D av. Butler Richard C, farmer, res Broom's Bench. Butler Thomas L, brkman S P Co, res 2409 D av. Butler Wilford, farmer, bds Broom's Bench. Butler Wm, farmer, res Broom's Bench. Butler Wm H, farmer, bds Broom's Bench. Butterfield Fenton S, res 139 W 21st. Butterfield Jetta R, bds 139 W 21st. Butterfield Mrs Mary, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, res w s 2d nr Madison av. Butterwood G E, moved to Salt Lake City. Butts Russell H, expman, res 268 30th. Bybee Aaron C, lab, res Riverdale. Bybee Arley S, student Inter Mtn Bus Coll, bds Riverdale. Bybee Charles A, lab, res Riverdale. Bybee Goldie M, bds Riverdale. Bybee John T, mgr Riverdale Canning Co, res Riverdale. Bybee Josie, bkpr Riverdale Canning Co, bds Riverdale. Bybee Lee J, student Inter Mtn Bus Coll, bds Riverdale. Bybee Mabel, bds Riverdale. Bybee Nannie, bds Riverdale. Byers Richard (col'd), waiter Reed Hotel, rms 121 W 26th. Byrnes, see also Burns. Byrnes Mrs Jelina M. housekpr, 2351 Grant av. Byrnes John P, helper S P Co, res 624 W 24th. Bywater Maude M. domestic, 2131 Reeve av. Bywater Wm G, carp S P Co, bds Windsor Hotel. L.J. Bucher. Mantels, Grates and Tiling. Cement walks and cellars. 26th and grant ave, Ogden Steel & Iron Works. Rear 2265 Lincoln Ave. We Manufacture hot water heaters. |