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Show L. H. Becraft. TELEPHONE 252-K. BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. COR. GRANT AVE. AND 24TH ST. 198 R. L. POLK & CO'S Kiesel Albert, res 520 25th. Kiesel Block, 2436-2442 Grant av. Kiesel Fred J, pres F J Kiesel & Co and Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, res 507 25th. KIESEL F J & CO (Inc), F J Kiesel Pres, Wm Schansenbach V Pres, Theodore Schansenbach Sec and Treas, Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Merchants, 335-337 24th, Bell Tel 31, Ind 31. Kiesel Hall, 2444 Grant av. Kiesel Henrietta T, bds 2534 Wall av. Kiesel Julius C, propr California Bakery, 2534 Wall av, res same. Kiesel Minnie iJ, bds 507 25th. Kihlstrom Gustav, lab, res 1749 Gibson av. Kihlstrom John G (Isakson & Kihlstrom), res 660 12th. Kihlstrom Wm G, appr Isakson & Kihlstrom, bds 660 12th. Kilts Wm, trucker Ogden P Brick & Tile Co, bds Harrisville. Kimball Frank, brkman D & R G R R, res 2371 Endion av. Kimball James N, lawyer, 403 Eccles Bldg, res 1026 24th. Kimball Josie G, bds 1026 24th. Kimmel Henry A, eng S P Co, res 2252 Washington av. Kimmie August J, bartndr J F Smith & Co,.res 170 Poplar av. KIND WM G, Curios, Cigars, Tobacco, Books, Stationery, Sheet Music, Notions, etc, 114 25th. King Charlotte (wid Henry), bds 848 22d. King Duke P, student, bds 2530 Jefferson av. King Elias S, solr, res 2157 Reeve av. King E Murray, reporter The Standard, rms 362 24th. King Frank H, cpr O S L R R, res 2530 Jefferson av. King Fred, eng D & R G R R, res 164 27th. King George, cond D & R G R R, res 214 23d. King George M, moved to Logan, U. King Jennie M (wid Fred), res 2635 Washington av. King John, lab, bds 2930 Lincoln av. King Katherine, tchr Utah State School for the D, D and B, res 2371 Endion av. King Nellie E, student High School, bds 2530 Jefferson av. King Solomon Mining & Milling Co, J D Murphy sec, 9 First Natl Bank Bldg. Kingsford Elizabeth (wid Wm R), res 2361 Madison av. Kingsland Fred, saloon, 201 25th, res 2756 Jefferson av. Kinnally Louise G, tchr, bds 265 33d. Kinney George H, baggageman Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, rms 255 27th. Kinsey Cora, bds 246 22d. Kinsey Edward R, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 246 22d. Kinsey Henry H, foreman Utah Collapsible Box Co, res 246 22d. Kinsey Stephen C, res 2613 Washington av. Kircher Charles H, mgr Ogden Water Wks Co, 2382 Washington av, rms 2331 Adams av. Kirk Edward B, loans, 2465 Washington av, res 3072 same. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad SEE PAGE 6. THAT DOLLAR TELEPHONE CALLS THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. A. E. Weatherby 2458 washington av. the leading BUTCHER of the city. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 199 Kirk Mrs Mary, res 256 1/2 25th. Kirkpatrick Laura M, prin Twenty-second Street School, bds 863 25th. Kirkpatrick Nannie E (wid Jacob A), res 2619 Grant av. Kirwan Edward, watchman S P Co, res 2671 Wall av. Kirwan Edward D, eng UPRR, bds 2671 Wall av. ivirwan John.P, clnr S P Co, bds 2671 Wall av. Kirwan Martin J, elk H A Code, rms 330 24th. Kirwan Mary C, bds 2671 Wall av. Kissel Henry, tailor, 2458 Grant av, res 419 30th. Kissel Henry, tailor Henry Kissel, bds 419 30th. Kittle Amelia, bds 2665 Washington av. Kittle Giliah A (wid Wm), bds 1712 Washington av. Kizer, see also Cazier and Keyser. Kizer Wm W, barber P A Gysin, rms 268 25th. Kjinstrand Mrs Anna C, bds 200 Harrisville av. Klenke Henry G, lab Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, bds 3256 Wall av. Klenke John M, watchman Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, res 3256 Wall av. Kline Elizabeth E, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 229 24th. Kline Samuel, furniture, 317 24th, res 354 25th. Kliphouse Helen, nurse, 619 25th, bds same. Klomp Girard G, clk, bds 2042 Ballantyne av. Knabe Mary (wid John E), res 916 28th. Knapp Mrs Annabelle C, res 918 21st. Knapp Carrie V, tchr Pingree Av School, bds 3163 Jefferson av. Knapp Clarence C, elk Annie Lewis, bds 3163 Jefferson av. Knapp Edwin B, painter, res 3163 Jefferson av. Knapp John, carp S P Co, bds 3163 Jefferson av. Knauss George D, teller Commercial National Bank, bds 750 25th. KNAUSS JAMES H (J H Knauss & Co; Peysert & Knauss), res 750 25th. Bell Tel 247-Y. KNAUSS J H & CO (James H Knauss), Insurance and Accounting, 206 Eccles Bldg. Knauss Mabel, tchr, bds 750 25th. KNEASS WM E, Mgr Salt Lake Tribune, 2486 Washington av, Bell Tel hi, Ind 111, res 2912 Grant av. Knight James, farmer, res Slaterville. Knight John, farmer, res Slaterville. Knight John Jr, farmer, res Slaterville. Knight Joseph H, carp, res 2602 Washington av. Knight Ralph, mach S P Co, res 214 W 22d. Knighton Eliza (wid George), res w s Farr's al nr 12th. Knighton Elizabeth M, student, bds w s Farr's al nr 12th. Knighton Airs Mary, res 1142 Farr's al. Knighton Samuel H, fireman S P Co, bds w s Farr's al nr 12th. K of P Hall, 409 24th. Knisely Philip W, clk George A Lowe Co, rms 583 25th. Knocke Louis, cigarmkr Wessler Cigar Co, bds 256 22d. H C Hansen & Sen. JSSS 2528 washington ave. bicycles rented and repaired. 15 DO NOT Fail WHEN hungry or thirsty TO CALL AT THE elite CAFE OR BAR. when in town. 2415 washington ave. |