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Show LEEBOM & PATTISON, 2425 WASHINGTON AV. proprietors of the leading bar and cafe of the city. 158 R. L. POLK & CO'S Griffin Michael, died June 30, '03, age 35. Griffin Orson J, grocer, 2107 Madison av, bds 2003 same. Griffin Parley N, guard State Industrial School, res 2042 Quincy av. Griffin Pauline M (wid Herbert J), res 2940 Childs av. Griffin Robert J, died May 2, '03, age 60. Griffin Rolla M, packer H L Griffin Co, res 2829 Grant av. Griffin Seth J (Blackman & Grifffn), res 462 23d. Griffith Albert D, clk, res e s Harrison av nr 20th. Griffith Arthur, fireman S P Co, rms 2573 Grant av. Griffith George G, pres and mgr Mountain Springs Ice & Cold Stor¬age Co, 1210 21st, res same. Griffith Mrs Henrietta R, sec and treas Mountain Springs Ice & Cold Storage Co, res 1210 21st. Griffith Henry C, bds 2824 Madison av. Griffith Mildred (wid Andrew L), bds Riverdale. Griffith Nono, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. Griffith Ora E, clk Geo A Lowe Co, bds 1210 21st. Griffith Orla E, clk, bds 1064 22d. Griffith O C, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. Griffiths Calvin, bds 270 N Washington av. Griffiths Cora, bds 270 N Washington av. Griffiths Frank, farmer, res 270 N Washington av. Griffiths Samuel H, messr Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, rms 2540 Lincoln. Grigsby James M, fireman S P Co, rms Healy House. Grill Agnes L, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 168 23d. Grill George FV butcher, bds 168 23d. Grill Marguerite, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 168 23d. Grill Philip, butcher, res 168 23d. Grill Philip A, bds 168 23d. Grils T H, groundman Stromberg-Carlson Tel Mfg Co. Grils W A, groundman Stromberg-Carlson Tel Mfg Co. Gflitnm Mrs Agrves, bds 2778 Jefferson av. Grimm Joseph J, mach S P Co, res 217 22d. Grix Florence, bds 2459 Jefferson av. Grix John I, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, bds 2459 Jefferson av. Grix Jonathan, bds 2459 Jefferson av. Grix Lamoni, gen mdse, 358 25th, res 2459 Jefferson av. Grix Msry B, tchr Mound Fort School, bds 2459 Jefferson av. Grix Samuel J, carrier P O, bds 2459 Jefferson av. Groberg Charles, farmer, bds Farr West. Groberg Ellen, bds Farr West. Groberg Jennie L, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Farr West. Groberg John, farmer, res Farr West. Groberg John E, clk Utah L & Ry Co, res 548 1st. Groot Melissa, res 2613 Washington av. Grose Thomas H, bartndr Utah Liquor House, res 2247 Adams av. Grose Wm J, res 566 21st. GROUT CHARLES F, Wholesale Grain, 311 24th, Bell Tel 344-K, Sec and Treas H L Griffin Co, res 2303 Adams av, Bell Tel 728-X. Groves Fred G, clk Western Steam Laundry, bds 359 30th. for all eastern points, travel via "RIO GRANDE LINES." SEE PAGE 6. That Dollar Telephone is There when the Emergency comes, as it does to everyone, sometime. The Imperial Restaurant, jsjtzl CHIN & WONG, Proprs. Pr,iva'f HRooms 350 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. '0r Ladies- OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 159 Grow Mary, domestic Utah State School for the D, D and B. Grubnau Harry J, eng S P Co, res 2130 Adams av. Grue G, repr S P Co, bds 461 26th. Grue Sarine, died March 6, '04, age 70. Grundell Christine, bds 2720 Madison av. Grundy Ella E, stripper Max Davidson, bds 1123 Oak. Grundy Frank E, helper Mathias Gilles, bds 1123 Oak. Grundy Reuben B, plumber, bds 1123 Oak. Grundy Thomas B, plumber, res 1123 Oak. Gudman Malinda R, bds 3042 Adams av. Gudman Oliver, shoemkr, res 3042 Adams av. Gudmundson Nephi, eng S P Co, bds 2627 Washington av. Gudmundson O F, fireman S P Co, res 2627 Washington av. Guernsey Willard C, switchman, res 478 28th. Guiver Edna P, bkpr H L Griffin Co, bds 300 Patterson av. Guiver Fred, driver George Parker & Co, res 300 Patterson av. Guiver Jane M (wid Elijah J), res 300 Patterson av. Guiver Kate G, stenog, bds 300 Patterson av. Guiver Wm F, lab, bds 300 Patterson av. Gullickson Gullick, tailor, res Grant av n w cor 9th. Gullihur, see also Gallacher. Gullihur James K, res 451 31st. Gun Lee, gardener, res 155 W 12th. Gunderson Peter, carp, res 218 Washington av. Gundry Lizzie, res 126 Electric av. Gunnarson David, carp Isakson & Kihlstrom, bds 319 28th. Gunnarson Frederick, carp Isakson & Kihlstrom, res 319 28th. Gunnarson Gustave W, framemkr Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, res 2734 Grant av. Gunnell Allie M, student, bds 2536 Fowler av. Gunnell Clarence S, clk Armour Car Lines, bds 2122 Washington av. I Gunnell Frank, eng O S L Rf R. rms 2657 Lincoln av. Gunnell Ivy, student, bds 2536 Fowler av. Gunnell Minnie M, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. GUNNELL VOLNEY C, Attorney at Law, 2408 Washington av, Ind Tel 550, res 2536 Fowler av. Gunnell Volney T, bds 2536 Fowler av. Gunnip George T, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. Gunnip Robert W, cond D & R G. R R, res 2624 Lincoln av. Gunter Wm H, emp S P Co. Gurry Charles J, clk R M S, Healy House. Gustafson Anna C (wid Samuel), bds 777 2nd. Gustaveson Sanford, stockman, res 590 1st. Guthrie Flavel J, lab, res 525 2nd. GUTHRIE JOHN W, Pres Commercial National Bank, bds Healy House. Guthrie Samuel T, eng, res 214 W 2nd. Guthrie Wm B, died Aug 1, '03, age 26. Gutke Oscar J, brkman S P Co, res 439 30th. OGDEN KNITTING COMPANY. 2369 WASHINGTON AVE. MFRS. OF SWEATERS AND CARDIGAN JACKETS. B P Knoth. Druggist. Imported Cigars. 2441 washinton avenue. NEXT TO THE BIG CLOCK. |