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Show LEEDOM & PATTISON, 2425 washington av. { Proprietors of the leading bar and cafe of the city. 350 R. L. POLK & CO'S WRIGHT W H & SONS CO, Parley T Wright Pres, Charles H Wright V-Pres, Frank L Wright Treas, Wm C Wright See, Angus T Wright Mgr, Joseph E Wright Asst Mgr, Dry Goods, 2327 to 2333 Washington av, Bell Tel 230-Y, Cloaks and Suits 2337 Washington av, Ind Tel 230, Shoes 2341 Washington av, Bell Tel 230-Y, Clothing and Furnishings 2355 Washington av, Bell Tel 230-Z. Wright W Nelson, driver Ogden Paint, Oil & Glass Co, bds 2977 Grant av. Wright's Block, 2329 Washington av. Wyant, see also Wiant. Wyant M Elizabeth, moved to Logan, U. Wyatt Benjamin S, trav agt C A Smurthwaite Produce Co, res 3025 'i Adams av. Wyatt Cora E, student High School, bds 3025 Adams av. Wykes Albert T, brkman, bds 1068 23d. Wykes John L, salesman Boyle Furniture Co, bds 1068 23d. Wykes Leonard J, res 1068 23d. Wykes Mary I, clk, bds 1068 23d. Wykes Maude M, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 1068 23d. Wyoming Petroleum Corporation, E A Stratford sec and treas, 44 First Natl Bank Bldg. Wyoming-Utah Oil Co, S S Sherman sec, 4 First Natl Bank Bldg. Wysong Clarence L, student, bds 2163 Grant av. Wysong Samuel L, insp S P Co, res 2163 Grant av. Y Yale Albert, bds 2639 Jefferson av. Yancey Wm E, cond D & R G R R. bds 2465 Lincoln av. Yates E, car repr S P Co. Yates Florence, tchr High School, bds Reed Hotel. Yeager Carl C, lab, res Harrisville. Yearsley Ezra, driver Farley & McGregor, res Harrisville. Yearsley George, farmer, res Harrisville. Yearsley John H, lab, res Harrisville. Yearsley J Franklin, eng, res 442 13th. Yearsley Lawrence, lab, bds Harrisville. Yearsley Lurinda, bds Harrisville. Yearsley Wm R, tmstr, res Harrisville. Yearsley Xenophon, lab, bds Harrisville. Yeoman Samuel M, messr Pac Exo Co, res 233 Healey av. Yerger George W, student, bds 365 Walnut. Yerger Wm G, carp, res 365 Walnut. Yost, see Jost. GOING EAST OR SOUTH ? SEE PAGE 6. "The NUMBER OF PEOPLE to whom You can Talk MUST regulate the PRICE YOU PAY." The Imperial Restaurant. CHIN & WONG, Proprs. 350 twenty-fifth street. best service. moderate prices. private rooms for ladies. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 351 Youmans George S, clk J G Read & Bros, res 465 22d. Young, see also De Yong. Young Arta D, mining, res 2465 Jefferson av. Young Arta D Jr, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2465 Jefferson av. Young A Maude, student High School, bds 1030 25th. Young A Thomas, messr Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, rms 2540 Lincoln av. Young Ethel, bds 2465 Jefferson av. Young Fera S, bds 2465 Jefferson av. Young Frank, eng S P Co, res 221 26th. Young Frederick H, student High School, bds 1030 25th. Young Harry J, brkman S P Co, rms 2518 Lincoln av. Young Herbert A, lab, bds 153 W 31st. Young Isaac F, eng Ogden R T Co, res rear 2152 Washington av. Young John, lab S P Co, res 2160 Sherburne av. Young Joseph, repr S P Co, res 2451 Jefferson av. Young Julian H, mgr Lyceum Theater, 271 25th, res 2933 Grant av. Young Mae A, bds 2933 Grant av. Young Mary C, student, bds 1030 25th. Young Mary T (wid James H), res 1030 25th. Young Nellie, elk, bds 2465 Jefferson a'v. Young Richard, res 631 W 24th. Young Rose, cashr Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, bds 2465 Jefferson av. Young Willard H, moved to San Francisco, Cal. Young Wm, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 865 20th. Youngstrom Ellen, student, bds 1745 Riverside av. Youngstrom Hans L, blksmith Sidney Stevens Impt Co, res 1745 Riverside av. Yount Elam, stock buyer, res 467 30th. z Zahm George M, repr S P Co, rms 214 W 22d. Zalinger Sadie, agt, bds 2638 Adams av. Zeller Wm D W, clk J S Lewis & Co, res 2976 Washington av. Zetterlund John E, lab, res s s 7th nr Monroe av. ZIEGENHIRT PAUL, Propr Ogden Junk House, Dealer in All Kinds of New and Second Hand Goods, 1900-1904 Washington av, res same, Bell Tel 325-K, Ind 725. Ziemer Anna (wid Fred J), res 209 22d. Ziemer Charles A, fruitgrower, res n s W 12th 3 w of S P tracks. Ziemer Frederick A. student High School, bds n s W 12th 3 w of S P tracks. OGDEN KNITTING COMPANY. 2369 WASHINGTON AVE. mfrs. of sweaters and cardigan jackets. 25 B .G. Knoth Imported cigars. Druggist 2441 WASHINGTON AVENUE. next to the big clock. |