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Show rip . — esate lain a gaint cares . ee 57 | READY. to beat. the drum. for. Weber 1 Leslie Ar State Homecoming Sande Saturday are and attendants Janet deeper ————. he eS Saturday; AD Knits Jensen and ‘Utah high school bands are Forty-five floats, bands, tendants, Janet Manti, Murray, -Clearfield, Ben marching and other units will Kathee McBride. In the section of cars bear- Lomond, Ogden, Weber, Bonnegive Weber State College its bigville and Roy. ae Gov. and Mrs. Rampton will gest, noisiest, and most colorFloat sponsors include Sigma jful. homecoming parade ever ibe other officials, including Ira | when the procession rolls Satur- A. Huggins, chairman of the Delta Pi, Excelsior, Phoenix, Weber State trustees; other and Alpha Rho Omega, men’s jday at 10:30 a.m. LaDianaeda, Gov. Calvin L. Rampton will members of the trustees, Col- clubs; Otyokwa, \head the list of officials as the lege President William P. Mil- and Tau Theta ‘Nu, women’s » elubs. 0-3 and Alumni Association of-| parade moves south along WashOther sponsors are the col| ficer ington, from 21st to 28th. ‘Added fe the blare of the 14 lege marching band, college ski ‘The parade, football — game, and homecoming dance will con- bands will be shrill whistles club, the four residence halls, clude the week-long celebration from a steam-powered calliope. the combined four classes of Saturday. The grid battle, be-| The alumni will have a section the college, the student. bot oy Witz” be- — baie LS aa te a ide Big Sky rivals Jniversity of 10 vintage cars following™b be in Wildcat stadt 5 | following | ‘the 1920 era. the parade, at 1:30 p.m. | SEVERAL TROPHIES — Lambda Delta Sigma,— Pre-game activities start at 1) _ At stake is a sweepstake tro- ma Gamma Chi. ce S = PRECISION TEAM : phy, and trophies for the best | The precision marching soul : 1,100. ‘MUSICIANS © float entries in the men’s, womThe parade will display 14 en’s, and special division, said of the Weber Basin Job rt ibands from three states, with a) oger Wise, student chairman drill team will be among t marching units. Pruainnone combined © personnel — of More of homecoming. ‘than 1,100 musicians — per-) Entries will be judged before floats will be on display near haps one of the greatest concen- the parade hour and winning the stadium following the pa_ trations of bands brought to Og- floats will be identified as they rade. . aera the crowds, ‘Mr. Wise) Open house in the three colden in a number of years. p.m. with band demonstrations. |said ae iagnes hel, will be obowitwe dacttalt will be the Thal bands a8 come con tae eae Falls; | homecoming dance in the Union Fa Biding up front of the colt n|Idaho—Bonneville, Idaho Building Saturday at 9 p.m. will be homecoming royaalty Pocatello and Highland, TO atop an- crag float of Pocatello; and Blackfoot High, Alumni and the general public pink and lavender flowers — Blackfoot. Wyoming will be rep- are invited to et students ‘this social. queen Leslie Ann Taylor, at- resented by Cokeville. |