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Show RULES 1. Hach AND REGULATIONS group will sing GOVERNING two songs order: (a) a standard musical effort, not and not a humorous song, organizations, manner if may be borrowed These on other or individuals at with showmanship and song, song, in words, with social clubs,, Weber State from a published songs are to be sung FEST following popular originality no derogatory reflections 2. in the (b) an original stressing SONG number worthy of some necessarily a so-called oredominately (Music THE College. song.) in an entertaining skill, using pantomime necessary. 3. The dress worn at the presentation must be a part of the group's present wardrobe, not purchased especially for this event. Additional costuming for one song is permitted at a maximum cost of $1 for each individual, this includes scrounged about for, etc. all materials borrowed, 4, Eight minutes group to perform. will be allowed each participating Timing beginning when the curtains open they to the time close. There will be a penalty for overtime, or too far undertime. It is expected that each group will make no unnecessary delay in getting on or off the stage. 5. Hach group must be led by a student director during the actual verformance. However, each group is free to receive whatever help it needs from any individual prior to the performance in the Song Fest If there be selected this soon is not an accompanist from outside must be made as selected. to the the in Dean of Men the instruments may be different for of and Women as (See All perticivants must be active members during the Winter quarter. No pledges or rushees of Winter Quarter will be eligible to participate. 8. A list of all active list of those who are members going Winter quarter to narticinate, and a must be handed into the office of the Dean of Men and Women by Friday, January 12, by 5:00 p.m. for clearance of hours registered for and the grade point average, and eligibility. Participation in only one group will be permitted. 9. All of accompanists, song president's Deans! titles, names offices in order the names of of each by Friday, to have the name of the directors, group composers, must January program the and names the be handed into at v.m. 12, 5:00 the completed. 10. One criteria of the judging vrocedure will be the percentage of the membershin of group participating. A small group of 15 members, for example that has all 15 members in the performance will rate higher than a group of sixty which may have twenty-five participating. 6. accompany and each song. may eligibility rules on pages 62-63.) to sit in the auditorium ir order ready to perform. All groups will will be allowed for groun, as an accumulative average of at least 2.00. WSC catalog 1]. No more than two accompanists they Notification 7All singers and leaders mst be carrying at least 12 hours of WSC credit Winter Quarter and have completed at least 12 hours during their previous quarter of attendance with a grade point average of 2.00 as well competition. each song. The accompanists may be different for each song. No more than two instruments may be used to the group. Each varticivating group will be assigned a place of their participation, return to their assigned seats following their performance, making certain nothing will be done to detract from the quality of the occasion. (I.E. club songs and cheer, noise, etc.) |