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Show Novembe r 3 aylos “by Janet Consihane ~ Bubbling WSC junior Leslie Taylor, 20, is the 1967 Homeconey: ae in her homecoming Follies, and pictures Feline que “fOr =advertisements and -news- ; ahead are the alumni lunchecn just before the game, the homecc ming: parade, presenting a e e the ie has been! in Otyokwa three erving as president this year While and vice-president last year. Orchard year, at Weber Ball she has been queen attendant last has served on the leadership ommittee, ig easurer ) and is German Club now. Through OT she has been Sweetheart Ball chairman and hea fund _ drive chairman. _ History — is ae major because _ *sT love America “I think both sides, student and and American History. “T can’t wait to Tote for the United States president next year. I’m goinz to campaign and everything!’’ she exclaimed. She is also studying German and Spanish. ‘‘T came to Weber to gain a well rounded education. It’s close and I can commute and it’s convenient. I’m all involved in the ee ie stated Leslie. Her goal is toachievea Bachelar of Arts degree and then be a stewardess for a while. “T’?q like to see Europe and Mexico; just everywhere I haven’t seen,’’ she said. Miss Taylor added, ‘Before Weber canbe nationally recognized it must have and ideals.’’ According national standards to Leslie, national sororities and fraternities are big step towards this goal. a administration, are lacking on this. If the students would submit a written contract to them, it may work. All agreement so far has just been verbal. The administra- tion works very well with Lae students,’’ she said. _ She feels that there is aneed for more sororities on campus. ‘‘Thank heaven for Tau Theta Nu!”’ Studying foreign countries and reading when she has the time are among her interests. People and their philosophies on life fascinate her and she enjoys Sewite and sports also. Five foot five inch 115 pound Leslie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ogden. J. Taylor i of North ‘“‘T am thrilled and honored that _the students have selected me as ‘queen. I think I can speak for all three of us whén I say we are grateful for your votes and have really enjoyed this week,’’ shesaid. i Leslie was nominated for queen by Delta Phi Kappa. Janet Jensen, 20, first attendant, is a member of La Dianeada and was nominated by that sorority. She has selected a biology compositeas her major and isa junior at WSC. She enjoys sewing and sports, especially tennis. oe Kathy McBride, 20, second attendant is treasurer of ‘Otyokwa. She plans to major in elementary education and enjoys art, painting and sports, especially skiing. - Miss Taylor will join the alumni of WSC Homecoming Queens Satur-_ day when the 1967 ‘*Weberific’”’ - celebration comes to an end. WSC coeds who have reigned over the celebration in past years include Cherie Burns, 1966 Homecoming Queen, who is still a student at Weber State. A spokesman for the union com_mittee said the Homecoming Queen title is considered one of the most _ important during the year. - Miss Leslté Ann Taylor, 20, Keceived the Bisiiecominaescrown Pridy asat the Coronation Ball from Kathy Burke, a member of LaDianaeda. It is second only to the ‘Miss — Sieber State’’ title, which is awarded. each March to a WSC coed, he said. The Miss WSC title lasts for the full school year. Linda Ann Hill, reigning Miss Weber State, performed in the annual ‘‘Feline Follies’’ alumnistudent talent show held Wednesday in the Fine Arts Center auditorium. Miss Taylor did not participate ‘in the program, but attended as a guest of the Alumni Association. — WSC studentbody officers Perry — Perea, Brent Wilson and ae Heiner escorted Miss Taylor, Miss 1] sense and Miss McBride to the Byers: = ee |