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Show OO ee . . Re pe Owens potcenses OCC A Ca IC PA ICN. ae nts Pe OF xO or +944 ox OO ‘ae \s " 4% an . M4 : -| e ~ - Shauna | . Harris the -ueieiage. engagement donAnnouncing tortheeming OF Miss Weber Harris is a senior _State College. 5 She |Miss Shauna Harris to Clark |C. Johnson are her parents, Mr. | affiliated with Otyokwa Sorority, land Mrs. Golden W. Harris of| . and Clarence H. ‘Johnson of |Sunnyvale, Calif. Reo, os ar etetete Wy ROO The bridegroom-elect received a bachelor of arts degree in 11659 28th. Mr. Johnson is a son of Mrs./ psychology from Weber State Ls "Earl Rumpel of Ontario, Ore.,| College. He was affiliated with 2 | Sigma Delta Phi. He is attending Officers’ Training School at Medina Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex., and plans to en- ua | ee = S SHAUN A HARRIS SGUES ... eee | ter Flight school. ‘The marriage ceremony will Pay of the pridé-clect S par- ents, and the couple will receive guests at a reception following. a ceneieeien. |