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Show Z oa Maid Dates for N ly, arla Kimber and Mrs. Lowell C.C Burns, 162 , W. 4300 S. The couple has ‘set Nov. 20 jas the date of their marriage with the ceremony to be solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. _ A reception will be held the same evening at the White Hoe Reception Center. Miss Burns is a graduate of Bonneville High School and LDS Seminary. She received a four-year scholarship to Weber State College where she has served.as Homecoming Queen and is affiliated with Otyokwa. She plans to graduate in the spring with a ‘degree in secondary education. Mr. Garr was graduated from — Ben Lomond High and Seminary. He served as student body president and was active in sports. The ceremony will take place ee 1b ™ me, Logan LDS ; Kina ier was graduated High School she was a member of ockette Drill team, She also. 3 | fate Cr ge, graduating i in cosmetology. While at Weber State she was. | officer of Otyokwa Sorority, erleader and a member of the Sophomore Council. Beecher also graduated ox Elder High where he active in various singing groups. ie He served an LDS mission to Brazil and is a Weber | State College. RED In June Rites Irene Robins To Say Vows engagement of Miss son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Eari Garr of 1118 Libety, is an-| nounced by her parents, Mr. ham City. a.here Circles Date Sherie Burns to Arnold K. Garr, ham Cit y, announce the enwement of their daughter arla, to Reed J. Beecher, son ‘of Merl Beecher, also of Brig- from Box Elder Couple Notes Engagement, The _ BRIGHAM CITY — Mr. and Mrs. Oren L. Kimber of Brig- IRENE ROBINS RE _ CHERIE BURNS : KIMBER. ROY — The engagement and The aie an | proaching marraig | Sharron Malone to ford D. Horning is. approaching marriage of Miss Irene Robins is announced today by her parents, Mr. and rs. Lynn G. Robins of Roy. - She will say vows with Robert D. Lusby on June 17 in ceremonies to be solemnized at the Edgewood Reception Center. Parents of the bridegroom-to- ed by her parents, Mrs. Glen A. wee Jackson. Parents of ld. Mr. and Mrs. Cli ing of Utica, N.Y. Miss Malone was ated from Ogden be are Dr. and Mrs. Don W. Lusby of Glendale, Calif. ; ATTENDED Wsc School, and attended Webe: State ‘College. She > member of Otyokwa Soro: ity and the Colleens Dr - Miss Robins has attended We- a State College where she was affiliated with Otyokwa_ social club and Brigham Young University. Her fiance is a graduate of Brigham Young University and -is now attending the University of Southern California School of Dentistry. While at BYU he was team, .. A graduate of Ss Lares 3 in New : affiliated with Tau Sigma. Miss Robins is a fhe “Miss. Ogden” and “Miss Roy’ and represented Utah at ay 1963 “Junior ‘Miss’ contest. Jeri Macfarlane s [_ Plans for a March 15 wedding in the Salt Lake LDS Temple Macfarlane Rothe i ends Mrs. and Louis are being made by Miss Jeri Karl O. L. Mac- farlane of 958 Canyon Road are} ie the bride-elect’s parents. Parents of Mr. JoAnn Hone | The Salt Lake LDS Temple. will provide the setting on Dec. 7 for the ceremony uniting in| marriage Miss JoAnn Hone and a member of Chatonelles Michael C. Erickson. ‘marching drill team, and is afParents of the bride-elect are, filiated with Otyokwa Sorority. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Hone of The prospective bridegroom 3875 ‘Raymond. was graduated from Bonneville Mr. Erickson is a son of Mr. High School, served an East iand Mrs. Edward C. Erickson French mission for the LDS of 511 Leona Drive. © Church, and is attending WeA graduate of Bonneville ber State, majoring in electronHigh. School, Miss Hone is at- ics. |tending - Weber State College! Following their marriage the Where she will graduate next couple will receive guests at a | fall, ‘in physical education. jreception at theney E Re. _ She has been a song leader, ception Center. Mr. and: Mrs. Rothey are Lon G. Rothey Jr. of 2579 Eccles. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Ben Lomond High School and LDS seminary, where she was a cheerleader, and member of the National Honors Cotillion. She is a junior at Weber State | College, majoring in art, and - is affiliated with Otyokwa So-| : rority. Mr. Rothey is a graduate of Ogden “High School and semi- nary. He served as vice presi- | dent of the school. He complet- ed a two-year LDS Central Brit-|¥ ish mission, ae. attended Brig: |