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Show ereletereetetatet teeth ec ttn e tt Bete et te Be ne a tangs MRS. ARN OLD K. GARR Marriage Vows Traded In Solemn Temple Rites The White House Reeeption lusion was caught to a rose of | Center provided the setting on nylon and silk, accented with| Monday for the reception honor- seed pearls. She held a bouquet of white roses surrounded by -ing Mr. and Mrs. Arnold K. yellow crysanthemums, Garr who traded marriage vows Wearing empire waisted earlier in the day in the Salt gowns of yellow crystal charm, Lake LDS Temple. The bride is the former Miss with olive green velvet bows in their hair, were the attendCherie Lee Burns, daughter of ants, Mrs. Peter R. ChristenMr. and Mrs. Lowell C. Burns sen, matron of honor, and Miss of 162 W. 4300 S. Pat Peterson, Mrs. Dennis Wood Parents of the bridegroom are and Miss Susan Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Garr of Complementing their ensem1118 one MarionD. Hanks performed bles were nosegays of yellow chrysanthemums and roses. the temple ceremony. W. Earl Garr Jr. was best BRIDAL BOUQUET man, with Brent A. Allen, Parry The bride was attractive in Willard, Russell Nebeker, Dave an empire waisted gown, fash- Dixon - Dave Hansen as ushjoned of crystal charm and ers. Chantilly lace, with slight bell After a trip to Las Vegas, sleeves and an A-line skirt, Nev., the couple will reside in Her shoulder length veil of il- Ogden. : |